Articles by Sabin Adrian Luca
Arheologia Moldovei, 2023
This article is a synthesis of the archaeological excavations from Turdaș-„Luncă” site, Hunedoara... more This article is a synthesis of the archaeological excavations from Turdaș-„Luncă” site, Hunedoara
County, with a special focus on the burial rite and ritual of the Turdaș and Petrești cultures, carried
out between 1992 and 2019. This lines will include the synthesis of some discoveries that have been
made in the last 30 years at Turdaș-“Luncă”, Hunedoara County. These finds are a series of round,
oval, trapezoidal, triangular, or rectangular pits, sometimes with rounded corners, very well burned
on the inside and filled with ash and charcoal resulted from combustion. The incineration and the
inhumation necropolis show, by the way that the deceased were deposited by the clear location in
relation to the discovered fences/palisades for bringing a surplus of strength to them, a cultic
contribution necessary for anyone who wants to enter to the settlement through the defense system
and individualization to think twice if they also face the spiritual defense of the group. The way in
which both incineration and inhumation graves are organized could also show a “ritual defense” if
we think about the fact that the incinerated and the inhumated people represent those outside the
fortification, the incineration and burial procedures being, in fact, a direct warning to them. Perhaps
that is why incineration is so strong and the inhumation of all discovered graves shows an obvious
lack of rules for both orientation and deposition of the deceased in the pit (various positions, limbs
that do not necessarily respect the anatomical arrangement or unnatural positions of the head).
Buletinul Muzeului Județean Teleorman, 2023
Săpăturile sistematice şi preventive (de salvare) efectuate sub egida Universităţii ”Lucian Blaga... more Săpăturile sistematice şi preventive (de salvare) efectuate sub egida Universităţii ”Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu şi a Muzeului Naţional Brukenthal din aceeaşi localitate stau la baza acestei remodelări a stratigrafiei cunoscutului sit transilvănean de la Turdaş-Luncă, judeţul Hunedoara.
Brukenthal Acta Musei, 2023
In this note, the stylistic connection between the shape and the ornamentation style of two type... more In this note, the stylistic connection between the shape and the ornamentation style of two types of
vessels from the Petrești (Uioara de Jos) and Bodrogkeresztúr (from Pecica-Forgaci) archaeological
discoveries is studied.
Miscellanea in honorem annos LXV peragentis Professoris Ion Mareș oblata , 2022
Groapă rituală.
Fontes Perennitatis. Studia in honorem magistri Nicolae Ursulescu octogesimum annum peragentis, 2023
În campania 2021 s-a studiat suprafața I, carourile 22-24, 25A, 33, 33A . Depunerile stratigrafic... more În campania 2021 s-a studiat suprafața I, carourile 22-24, 25A, 33, 33A . Depunerile stratigrafice sunt identice cu cele cercetate în anul 2019, carourile 25–32. În prezentul studiu s-au comparat toate datele radiocarbon cunoscute și s-au raportat la fazele culturilor existente în stratigrafie.
Considering the frequent references to the Mintia-Gerhat Neolitic settlement (Hunedoara County), ... more Considering the frequent references to the Mintia-Gerhat Neolitic settlement (Hunedoara County), we take advantage of the results from the new preventive research (2020) to clarify the cultural composition of the Neolithic site from this point (the Stračevo-Criș, Vinča, Petrești cultures, roman, modern and contemporary period).
Apulum, 2022
The samples taken from the tombs discovered during the preventive campaigns integrate this type o... more The samples taken from the tombs discovered during the preventive campaigns integrate this type of archaeological discoveries in the chronological phases defined so far (Turdaș I-III and Petrești)
Ab Lapide ad Metallum. Studia in honorem Professoris Marin Cârciumaru, 2022
Analele Banatului (Seria nouă), 2021
Brukenthal National Museum
Brukenthal Acta Musei, 2022
Radiocarbon data
Sibiu 830, 2021
Aniversările din anii 2017, 2018 și 2021 au
generat multe evenimente culturale. Noi
vom face o ... more Aniversările din anii 2017, 2018 și 2021 au
generat multe evenimente culturale. Noi
vom face o selecție a acestora și ne vom referi în special la monumentele tridimensionale-sculpturale care s-au născut cu aceste
Acta TS, 2021
In this article we will partially analyze the place of worship consisting of 7
structures discov... more In this article we will partially analyze the place of worship consisting of 7
structures discovered following preventive research on the A1 highway, Sibiu – Pitești sector, Part 5, Curtea de Argeș-Pitești. The discoveries are part from site 2, surface 13
Forschungen, 2021
Noile săpături preventive de la Tărtăria-Gura Luncii (2014) au dus la descoperirea unui complex a... more Noile săpături preventive de la Tărtăria-Gura Luncii (2014) au dus la descoperirea unui complex arheologic Turdaș III în afara perimetrului sitului preistoric, la sud de acesta. Turdaș Culture at Tărtăria-Gura Luncii. Archaeological Discoveries from 2014 The new preventive excavations in Tărtăria-Gura Luncii (2014) led to the discovery of a Turdaș III archaeological feature outside the prehistoric site, south of it.
The Neolithic and the Aeneolithic in Central Europe, 2021
the Petrești archaeological site from Moșna-Râpă/Tablă has already been
publshed in the speciali... more the Petrești archaeological site from Moșna-Râpă/Tablă has already been
publshed in the specialized literature. Now we make a more detailed analysis of the pottery
and deposits with ritual content.
Artă - Istorie - Memorie - patrimoniul cultural național, 2021
The Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu is one of the oldest museums
in the world, being established in 1... more The Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu is one of the oldest museums
in the world, being established in 1817, according to the testamentary wish of
Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, from whose birth we celebrate 300 years. In his
palace, decorated in Baroque style, the baron had gathered extraordinary
collections of various books, works of art, archaeological pieces, numismatics,
rocks, specimens of plants and animals. His work was continued by Sibiu
community, and not only, which contributed, through his donations, to the
enrichment of the heritage of this museum. Over two centuries of existence, this
museum institution has become one of the most significant in Romania,
appreciated at European level.
In the context in which in 2007 the city of Sibiu became the European
Capital of Culture, the Brukenthal Museum underwent an extensive process of
reorganization and modernization of buildings, permanent exhibitions, restoration
laboratories. At the same time, a prolific activity of exhibition and scientific
capitalization of the history and the rich patrimony of this museum took place,
which continues today.
Tibiscum, 2021
This study is dedicated to a second phase feature of the Turdaș culture (1021/1021A)
discovered... more This study is dedicated to a second phase feature of the Turdaș culture (1021/1021A)
discovered in 2011, in A1
sector of this year. The discovery is more important due to the fact that we also
have a radiocarbon data that shows a posteoriority to phase I/II of the Turdaș culture (with two features
dated absolutely so far: 23 and 32–33). Thus, phases I/II and II show and age of approximately 100 BP
Brukenthal Acta Musei, 2021
Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire, 2020
Archaeological material of the very Early Neolithic (and „Mesolithic traditions”) discovered in t... more Archaeological material of the very Early Neolithic (and „Mesolithic traditions”) discovered in the archaeological
site of Cristian I still presents surprising evidence of the behaviour of communities at that time. In this study, we have new
data about painting ornamentation of the Early Neolithic pottery from here.
Articles by Sabin Adrian Luca
County, with a special focus on the burial rite and ritual of the Turdaș and Petrești cultures, carried
out between 1992 and 2019. This lines will include the synthesis of some discoveries that have been
made in the last 30 years at Turdaș-“Luncă”, Hunedoara County. These finds are a series of round,
oval, trapezoidal, triangular, or rectangular pits, sometimes with rounded corners, very well burned
on the inside and filled with ash and charcoal resulted from combustion. The incineration and the
inhumation necropolis show, by the way that the deceased were deposited by the clear location in
relation to the discovered fences/palisades for bringing a surplus of strength to them, a cultic
contribution necessary for anyone who wants to enter to the settlement through the defense system
and individualization to think twice if they also face the spiritual defense of the group. The way in
which both incineration and inhumation graves are organized could also show a “ritual defense” if
we think about the fact that the incinerated and the inhumated people represent those outside the
fortification, the incineration and burial procedures being, in fact, a direct warning to them. Perhaps
that is why incineration is so strong and the inhumation of all discovered graves shows an obvious
lack of rules for both orientation and deposition of the deceased in the pit (various positions, limbs
that do not necessarily respect the anatomical arrangement or unnatural positions of the head).
vessels from the Petrești (Uioara de Jos) and Bodrogkeresztúr (from Pecica-Forgaci) archaeological
discoveries is studied.
generat multe evenimente culturale. Noi
vom face o selecție a acestora și ne vom referi în special la monumentele tridimensionale-sculpturale care s-au născut cu aceste
structures discovered following preventive research on the A1 highway, Sibiu – Pitești sector, Part 5, Curtea de Argeș-Pitești. The discoveries are part from site 2, surface 13
publshed in the specialized literature. Now we make a more detailed analysis of the pottery
and deposits with ritual content.
in the world, being established in 1817, according to the testamentary wish of
Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, from whose birth we celebrate 300 years. In his
palace, decorated in Baroque style, the baron had gathered extraordinary
collections of various books, works of art, archaeological pieces, numismatics,
rocks, specimens of plants and animals. His work was continued by Sibiu
community, and not only, which contributed, through his donations, to the
enrichment of the heritage of this museum. Over two centuries of existence, this
museum institution has become one of the most significant in Romania,
appreciated at European level.
In the context in which in 2007 the city of Sibiu became the European
Capital of Culture, the Brukenthal Museum underwent an extensive process of
reorganization and modernization of buildings, permanent exhibitions, restoration
laboratories. At the same time, a prolific activity of exhibition and scientific
capitalization of the history and the rich patrimony of this museum took place,
which continues today.
discovered in 2011, in A1
sector of this year. The discovery is more important due to the fact that we also
have a radiocarbon data that shows a posteoriority to phase I/II of the Turdaș culture (with two features
dated absolutely so far: 23 and 32–33). Thus, phases I/II and II show and age of approximately 100 BP
site of Cristian I still presents surprising evidence of the behaviour of communities at that time. In this study, we have new
data about painting ornamentation of the Early Neolithic pottery from here.
County, with a special focus on the burial rite and ritual of the Turdaș and Petrești cultures, carried
out between 1992 and 2019. This lines will include the synthesis of some discoveries that have been
made in the last 30 years at Turdaș-“Luncă”, Hunedoara County. These finds are a series of round,
oval, trapezoidal, triangular, or rectangular pits, sometimes with rounded corners, very well burned
on the inside and filled with ash and charcoal resulted from combustion. The incineration and the
inhumation necropolis show, by the way that the deceased were deposited by the clear location in
relation to the discovered fences/palisades for bringing a surplus of strength to them, a cultic
contribution necessary for anyone who wants to enter to the settlement through the defense system
and individualization to think twice if they also face the spiritual defense of the group. The way in
which both incineration and inhumation graves are organized could also show a “ritual defense” if
we think about the fact that the incinerated and the inhumated people represent those outside the
fortification, the incineration and burial procedures being, in fact, a direct warning to them. Perhaps
that is why incineration is so strong and the inhumation of all discovered graves shows an obvious
lack of rules for both orientation and deposition of the deceased in the pit (various positions, limbs
that do not necessarily respect the anatomical arrangement or unnatural positions of the head).
vessels from the Petrești (Uioara de Jos) and Bodrogkeresztúr (from Pecica-Forgaci) archaeological
discoveries is studied.
generat multe evenimente culturale. Noi
vom face o selecție a acestora și ne vom referi în special la monumentele tridimensionale-sculpturale care s-au născut cu aceste
structures discovered following preventive research on the A1 highway, Sibiu – Pitești sector, Part 5, Curtea de Argeș-Pitești. The discoveries are part from site 2, surface 13
publshed in the specialized literature. Now we make a more detailed analysis of the pottery
and deposits with ritual content.
in the world, being established in 1817, according to the testamentary wish of
Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, from whose birth we celebrate 300 years. In his
palace, decorated in Baroque style, the baron had gathered extraordinary
collections of various books, works of art, archaeological pieces, numismatics,
rocks, specimens of plants and animals. His work was continued by Sibiu
community, and not only, which contributed, through his donations, to the
enrichment of the heritage of this museum. Over two centuries of existence, this
museum institution has become one of the most significant in Romania,
appreciated at European level.
In the context in which in 2007 the city of Sibiu became the European
Capital of Culture, the Brukenthal Museum underwent an extensive process of
reorganization and modernization of buildings, permanent exhibitions, restoration
laboratories. At the same time, a prolific activity of exhibition and scientific
capitalization of the history and the rich patrimony of this museum took place,
which continues today.
discovered in 2011, in A1
sector of this year. The discovery is more important due to the fact that we also
have a radiocarbon data that shows a posteoriority to phase I/II of the Turdaș culture (with two features
dated absolutely so far: 23 and 32–33). Thus, phases I/II and II show and age of approximately 100 BP
site of Cristian I still presents surprising evidence of the behaviour of communities at that time. In this study, we have new
data about painting ornamentation of the Early Neolithic pottery from here.