Demographic and Social Statistics
United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 25 - 28 June 2018
The workshop is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) country offices and the regional office for Asia and the Pacific
The main objective of the workshop is to introduce three recently revised/prepared international guidelines for population and housing censuses—the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses (Revision 3), the Handbook on the Management of Population and Housing Censuses (Revision 2) and the Guidelines on the Use of Electronic Data Collection Technologies in Population and Housing Censuses—and the standards, concepts and methods contained therein in order to facilitate national planning and preparations for 2020 round censuses. The workshop will also provide a forum for reviewing national experience in, and document good practices on, the use of contemporary technologies including those for census mapping and data collection.
Main documents
- Organization of work
- Information note for participants
- List of participants
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Session 2 ‐ Global and regional programmes in support of the 2020 round of population and housing censuses
- UNSD ‐ United Nations Statistics Division Programme in Support of the 2020 Round of Population and Housing Censuses
- UNFPA Malaysia ‐ Strategic Plan 2018-2021
- UNFPA Indonesia ‐ UNFPA Indonesia in support of e-Census System of the 2020 Population and Housing Census
- Session 3 ‐ Essential features, definitions and methodologies of population and housing censuses
- UNSD ‐ Principles and Recommendations: Essential Features and Census Methodologies
- China ‐ Methodologies of population and housing censuses: with the use of administrative records to support field enumeration
- Malaysia ‐ Essential features, definition and methodologies of population and housing censuses: Malaysia
- Philippines ‐ Methodologies of population and hosing censuses: Philippines
- Session 4 ‐ Census planning and management
- UNSD ‐ Census Planning and Management
- Cambodia ‐ Census Planning and Management
- Indonesia ‐ Census Planning and Management
- Lao ‐ Population and Housing Census 2015: Chalenges
- Myanmar ‐ Census Planning and Management
- Timor-Leste ‐ Census Planning and Management
- Session 6 ‐ Quality assurance in population and housing censuses
- UNSD ‐ Quality assurance in population and housing censuses
- Lao ‐ Lao in Census Quality Assurance
- Myanmar ‐ Quality assurance in population and housing censuses
- Malaysia ‐ Quality assurance in population and housing censuses
- Philippines ‐ Quality assurance in population and housing censuses
- Thailand ‐ Quality Control and Evaluation in Population and Housing Census of Thailand
- Session 7 ‐ Recommended population and housing census topics
- UNSD ‐ Recommended Population and Housing Census Topics
- China ‐ Population Census Topics
- Lao ‐ Census Topics Selection
- Thailand ‐ Recommended Population and Housing Census Topics
- Timor-Leste ‐ Recommended Population and Housing Census Topics
- Session 9 ‐ Planning and implementing a census geospatial programme
- UNSD ‐ Use of Geospatial Information in Support of Census Operations
- Malaysia ‐ GIS in the 2010 Malaysia Census of Population and Housing and Preparation for 2020
- Thailand ‐ GIS in TNSO
- Session 10 ‐ Use of handheld electronic devices for census data collection
- UNSD ‐ Data collection with handheld electronic devices
- Cambodia ‐ Use of Handheld Electronic Devices for Census Data Collection
- Indonesia ‐ Data Collection Processing Strategy using CAPI
- Macao SAR ‐ Use of Handheld Electronic Devices for Census Data Collection
- Malaysia ‐ Use of Handheld Electronic Devices for Census Data Collection: Malaysia
- Philippines ‐ Use of Handheld Electronic Devices for Census Data Collection: Philippines
- Thailand ‐ Use of Handheld Electronic Devices for Census Data Collection
- Timor-Leste ‐ Use of Handheld Electronic Devices for Census Data Collection
- Session 11 ‐ Data collection with Internet
- UNSD ‐ Data Collection with Internet
- Macao SAR ‐ Data Collection with Internet
- Malaysia ‐ Data Collection with Internet: Malaysia
- Session 13 ‐ Considerations for planning census operations with multi-mode data collection methods
- UNSD ‐ Multi-Mode Data Collection Approach
- China ‐ Application of multi-mode data collection in micro-census in 2015 and 2020 census
- Malaysia ‐ Considerations for planning census operations with multi-mode data collection methods: Malaysia
- Philippines ‐ Considerations for planning census operations with multi-mode data collection methods: Philippines
Background documents
- Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Rev.3
- Handbook on the Management of Population and Housing Censuses, Rev.2
- United States Census Bureau ‐ CSPro: Census and Survey Processing System
- World Bank ‐ Survey Solutions: Computer-Assisted Personal and Web Interviewing