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High Keep
High Keep is the seat of a former empire that used to spread its power over central Antonica in years past. Now, their reign has diminished to Highpass Hold due to constant attacks by the orcs and gnolls. However, the inhabitants of High Keep thrive on trade (both legal and illegal) passing through the center of the continent with Highpass Hold being one of the few "safe" regions to pass through. |
Main Level
(Lettered Stairs lead to each other) |
Upper Levels
There are three specific dangers in High Keep. The first are the pickclaw goblins, who exist in the basement of the Keep, apparently unbeknownst to the guards walking above their heads. These spawn in a series of rooms, and become more dangerous the lower down in the basement one goes. They are uniformly very heavily camped.
The other two are in the basement as well. There are prisoners that appear to be safely tucked away inside of their prison cells. These prisoners are highly aggressive and will come out of their cell in order to attack you, regardless of how beneath you they are in level. If you get more than one or two on you, they can be more than a nuisance, and the guards will not attack them. Also, nearby is a Princess Lenia, not to be confused with the Princess Lenya that is part of a quest. This particular princess is a necromancer and around 20th level, so be careful around her (although she is not aggressive).
This is a small, tight zone to hunt in. You can make your wealth downstairs with the goblins and walk a very short distance and sell or put it into the bank, you can be bound right here, etc. It's a one-stop hunting place. Probably for this reason, the poor Pickclaw Goblins have an estimated lifespan far less than a mayfly, and the area has actually developed lists for getting to attack specific pickclaws. Hmm, now I'm not so sure this is a benefit...
The area also provides a good place for adventurers in the center of the continent in general. You can be bound either in High Keep or in Highpass Hold, and with the nearby merchants and bank, this area acts as much as a town as either Qeynos or Freeport do, although I believe it is underutilized.
Guard Placement and Leveling Guide
The guards patrolling the Keep are a popular leveling option for evil-aligned races, but several good-aligned races are willing to take the faction hit in exchange for respectable money and great experience. Each guard drops a sword which sells for 5pp on top of the standard loot table for mobs this level range. Any race/class can sell to the vendor marked #13 on the map. Listed below are suggestions on which guards to kill when soloing.
Coming to High Keep at 24 is only suggested if you're well-geared and comfortable playing your class. There are only two guards which con blue at this level which are surrounded by higher level guards. On the main floor, Guard Blayle, a level 20 guard on a 3 minute respawn timer, is just inside the main entrance next to Guard Lancel who is level 27ish. Guard Folton is level 24 who is at the base of the stairs to the second floor. While not within the immediate vicinity of higher level guards, you will need invisibly to reach him.
If you are well-geared, Guard Chopin, a level 24 guard on a 3 minute respawn timer, is in the middle of the second floor. He does not patrol, and does not aggro anything else ONLY IF you are NOT inherently kill on sight to the Knights of Truth. Isabelle Cellus is a level 40 warrior who patrols through this room who does not aggro you if you are fighting a guard as long as you are positioned behind the end of the table.. Several players will park right at his spawn point, fight him, heal up, and repeat.
Once you start feeling more comfortable with the zone and creep closer to level 30, you can try your luck at other white and yellow cons until you hit 30.
At #11 on the map there's a bard named Lislia Goldtune that spawns which hits slightly harder than the guards in this level range. She is on a 24 minute respawn timer (edit June 2021: 18 minute respawn). She can work well into this rotation.
You should be able to add Guard Lancel into your guard rotation.
Outside the door to #13 spawns Guard Dister who's difficulty is in between Guard Blayle and Guard Lancel.
On top of the stairs, there's a pair of guards facing each other named Guard Heltch and Guard Golgon with the same difficulty as Guard Lancel. I would always split these two at the bottom of the steps and around the corner a bit.
After you hit 33 or 34, a couple guards will start to green out, but still give a mild amount of exp. I would generally stay away from them unless they happened to aggro me or be on the way to something. You can stick with the rotation I described above and add the following to it. Once you're on the second floor you need to start being mindful of the high level bards, nobles, and Isabella. They will steamroll you.
In between #15 and #16 on the map on the first floor spawns Guard Lorton who will not aggro any of the merchants around him. (edit June 2021: Merchants DO social aggro with guards in here nowadays)
Opposite the room in the corner of #16 spawns Guard Drugan who is lower level than the one you probably just killed to get to this one.
On top of the stairs from level one, your first doorway on your right will have Guard Bach posting up in the corner. You can pull him with a ranged weapon and he will not aggro the two bards in the room.
Opposite that doorway, there's a short hallway with a guard hanging out in the middle there. He will not aggro anything else nearby except for the guard I just mentioned above. Pull him and the other guard to the bottom of the stairs or to the landing above it.
In the middle room on this level spawns a guard who started to green out at about 35 and respawns every 3 minutes. Some people just camp him and nothing else. Isabella patrols through here so if you're an Iksar she will ruin your day, if you're human you'll be good though. Not on the same faction table as the guards.
At the bottom of the stairs leading up to level three, there's four guards. Depending on your level, you'll either aggro all four or just three with a ranged attack. It's very possible to split pull here, either to the stairs to the first floor or towards the bottom left room of level two.
There's a guard that spawns right outside the bottom left room of level two. Isabella patrols close enough to aggro here so I usually pull him into that room.
On top of the stairs to level three spawns Guard Queztin and an additional guard of the same name.
Number 3 on the map on level three houses a skeleton for some obscure quest. Don't go around the corner towards the door to that room or he will aggro you through the wall.
At the bottom of the stairs to level four spawns Guard Bonner and Guard Clyzen. One is lower level and can be single pulled and the other is the standard level for this range.
Fourth floor! Heavy hitters up here, can double hit for 75ish.
Outside the landing on top of the stairs to the fourth floor is the main hallway. Guard Gechop patrols this hallway.
Looking left down main hallway, the first doorway on your left houses Guard Antilles and Guard Jaxon that need to be split pulled into main hallway.
Continuing through where the two guards spawn, there's a room with four doors and a lone Guard Mytin chilling.
First door on your left and around the corner to your left when you go through it is where another lone Guard Qanyl spawns.
Back out into main hallway, there's a bunch of fake walls and secret passageways and shit. If you go left all the way down main hallway and keep following it, it ends with a painting. Right on the other side of that painting is a room with Guard Sintra in it.
Back out in main hallway, there's a painting right across from the landing from the stairs. Go through it, follow it around until you see a room. On your right Guard Kheb spawns there. Watch out for Tyrana Slil, she's a necromancer who lifetaps and should be avoided.
Back out in main hallway again, from the stairs look right and you'll see it end in another painting. Go through that and Guard Sydl is in the room there.
Once you go through to the room I just mentioned above, hug the left wall and that path will lead to Guard Anleal and Guard Dwight in front of a door. Split pull them into the room where the single guard spawns.
Finally, all the way down at the very entrance to the zone there are two guards named Guard Rance and Guard Duras flanking the zone-in. These guys are in the higher level bracket. Don't mess with them until you're at least 35. I would never run all the way down from level four just to kill these two, not worth the trouble, really.
Basement 35+:
In the basement right by the bank there's Captain Bosec who will wreck you unless you're closer to 38 or 39, and Guard Bolton that's standard for the 33-35 level range.
Work your way towards the prison area (wiki map gets confusing here), and there's a guard that patrols between the merchant and the main hallway of the prison area.
In the prison hallway, Guard Handy walks up and down (not the same as the one I just mentioned), and a guard at each end named Guard Chin and Guard Onto.
I would only come to the basement if the top floor was camped. There's not many spawns and the low level prisoners (maybe level 12) sometimes aggro you and are generally a pain in the ass.
And that's it! Some people stay until 40 but I left at 38 when a couple of the guards on fourth floor started to green out. You can sell all your swords to vendors in the zone with sneak then go around the corner and bank all your plat.
Traveling To and From
High Keep's entrance is located in the middle of Highpass Hold, on it's eastern edge. From there the Keep can be reached through either Eastern Plains of Karana (through a long gorge) or from Kithicor Forest.
What's in this zone?
Quests - Found 3 quests that start in High Keep:
Quest Name | Reward | Quest Giver | Minimum Level | Classes | Related Zones | Related NPCs |
Illegible Scrolls | Low level spells, such as: | Lozani | 5 | Casters and Priests | Crushbone, East Commonlands, West Commonlands | Orc Apprentice, Orc Oracle (Crushbone), Orc Oracle (Deathfist) |
Left Goblin Ears | Faction, Experience | Captain Bosec | 9 (9/30/2024) | All | None | A Pickclaw Visionary, A Pickclaw Raider, A pickclaw warrior, A Pickclaw Cabalist, A Pickclaw Lookout, A Pickclaw seer |
The Bloody Shank | Bloody Shank , Bloody Shank ![]() LORE ITEM Scouts Blade (Sometimes) Scouts Blade ![]() MAGIC ITEM |
Captain Boshinko | 18 | Rogue | Rivervale | Bronin Higginsbot |
NPCs - Found 94 NPCs that spawn in High Keep:
NPC Name | Race | Class | Level | Location | Known Loot | Description |
A Clerk | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 45 | (-77, -187) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
A Crazed Goblin | Goblin | Warrior | 23 | Basement: 20% @ (96, -150) | Various | Slightly rare sight in the basement. |
A Goblin Thief | Goblin | Warrior | 26 | Basement: 20% @ (7, -282), (6, -64) | Various | Description needed. |
A Maid | Qeynos Citizen | Rogue | 9-11 | 50% @ (18, -85) Top of roof. | None | Description needed. |
A Pickclaw Cabalist | Goblin | Shaman | 23-25 | Basement: 50% @ (-31, -226), 50% @ (78, -77) | Various | Description needed. |
A Pickclaw Lookout | Goblin | Warrior | 23-24 | Basement: 25% @ (5, -144), 25% @ (126, -67), 25% @ (78, -165), 25% @ (78, -77), 25% @ (101, -73) | Various | There are several of these somewhat weaker goblins, two of which are sometimes separately camped by a solo class in the ... |
A Pickclaw Raider | Goblin | Warrior | 31 | Basement: 50% @ (-23, -303), (-63, -314) | Rusty Morning Star , Rusty Morning Star ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Splintering Club , Splintering Club ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Left Goblin Ear , Left Goblin Ear ![]() WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Small Box Small Box ![]() WT: 2.0 Weight Reduction: 0% |
Spawns in the raider room. |
A Pickclaw Spiritist | Goblin | Shaman | 22 | Basement 25% @ (5, -144), 25% @ (78, -165) | Various | Description needed. |
A Pickclaw Visionary | Goblin | Need Info | 25 | Need Info | 2 - 2 Platinums, 11 - 11 Golds, 8 - 8 Silvers, 12 - 12 Coppers | Description Needed. |
A Pickclaw seer | Goblin | Shaman | 29-30 | Basement: 50% @ (-23, -303), 50% @ (-40, -317) | Various | Description needed. |
A body guard | Highpass Citizen | Rogue | 45 | Level 3: -75, -310, 53 | Various | Third floor past the locked door. 3 in the same room. 18 minute respawn. |
A lady in waiting | Human | Warrior | 8-12 | (77.54, -168.92, 65.64) | None | 3rd Floor |
A noble | Human | Rogue | 39-42 | 25% @ (-90, -310), (10, -310) | Vendor Trash, Research Components, Gems | They will backstab, lookout! Will flee under 20% HP. |
A pickclaw guard | Goblin | Warrior | 25 - 27 | 50% @ Basement (-63, -213) | Various | These make up the bulk of the pickclaw army. |
A pickclaw warrior | Goblin | Warrior | 28-32 | 33% @ Basement (-99, -253), (-100, -232), (-63, -213), (-31, -226) | Various | Description needed. |
A prisoner (HK) | Human Beggar | Warrior | 8-12 | Basement: 33% @ (-19, -551), (-59, -598) | * Various Vendor Trash | Description needed. |
Aeris Greymalkyn | Human | Necromancer | 37 | 100% @ (65, -319) | None | Description needed. |
Assistant Kiolna | Half-Elf | Warrior | 25 | 100% @ (-38, -331) | None | Removed from game. Talk to Bank Clerk Jaylin. |
Baker Jena | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 40 | (46, -260) | (Merchant) | Baker Jena is on the 2nd floor, (Upper Levels map, #1). |
Bank Clerk Jaylin | Qeynos Citizen | Banker | 25 | 50% @ Basement (-29, -338) | None | Part of the SoulFire quest, replacing Assistant Kiolna. |
Captain Bosec | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 34 | Wanders | None | Wanders around near the steps to the bank/basement. |
Captain Boshinko | Human | Warrior | 40 | 100% @ (-64, -63) | Various | Description needed. |
Carson Mccabe | Human | Rogue | 40 | 50% @ (80, -327), (125, -310), (-64, -85) | Short Sword, Long Sword, Forged Bastard Sword Forged Bastard Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY |
The boss of Highkeep has ties to the Qeynos underground, involving himself with the Circle of Unseen Hands and [[Sta... |
Dealer Maeline | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 45 | Level 2 (-101, -326) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Dealer Shonta | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 20 | Level 2 (-54, -324) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Dulcyna Blackhand | Human | Warrior | 44? (needs confirmation) | (77.54, -168.92, 65.64) | * Fine Steel Short Sword | Rare spawn on 3rd Floor. PH is a lady in waiting. |
Dyrna Nlith | Dark Elf | Necromancer | 38-42 | 100% @ Basement (96, -316) | Various | Despite being a Necromancer she will never summon a pet. She is accompanied by Flayer Hopkins and though he will... |
Fenn Kaedrick | Qeynos Citizen | Rogue | 7 | 100% @ (21, -81) Top of Roof | None | Description needed. |
Flayer Hopkins | Human | Warrior | 25 | 100% @ Basement (89, -320) | * Leather Whip (Always) [2] 4x 55% (100%) | Assistant to Dyrna Nlith in the torture room found in the bowels of High Keep's jail. |
Graham Embersmith | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 45 | (30, -267) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Grahm Embersmith | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 40 | (29, -267) | (Merchant) | Located in the basement. |
Grez | Half-Elf | Warrior | 11 | ? | None | Bodyguard of Xentil Herkanon |
Guard Anleal | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 30-31 | (-92, -221) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Antilles | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 27-30 | (10, -209) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Bach | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 24-26 | (30, -294) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Bicker | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 23-27 | 100% @ (-14, -203) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Patrols near the entrance by Guards Lancel and Blayle eventually. Unsure of his exact pathing. (Seems to patrol from hal... |
Guard Blayle | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 20 | 100% @ (-11, -98) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Highkeep Flask Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY |
3 minute spawn time. |
Guard Bolton | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 23-26 | (44, -341), (19, -279) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Bonner | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 24-26 | (-32, -222) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Chin | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 28-31 | 100% @ (-3, -513) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Guard Chin is renowned for his jawline fortitude. While serving his mandatory military service, he was placed in Highho... |
Guard Chopin | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 23-24 | (5, -298) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Unlike other guards in Highkeep, Chopin is on a 3:00 respawn timer. |
Guard Clyzen | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 24-27 | (-16, -270) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Diff | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 26-27 | (3, -206) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Dister | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 22-24 | (43, -204) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Drugan | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 25-26 | (-46, -320) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Duras | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 27-29 | 100% @ (-28, 48) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Spawn timer is 18 minutes and 40 seconds. Will flee at low health. |
Guard Dwight | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 29-32 | (-90, -307) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Folton | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 21-24 | 100% @ (66, -328) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Gechop | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 28-29 | (-28, -222) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Patrols the 4th floor. |
Guard Golgon | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 23-27 | (5, -350) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Handy | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 31-32 | 100% @ (91, -398) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Heltch | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 23-24 | (5, -326) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Jaxon | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 26-28 | (31, -196) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Kheb | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 29-32 | (11, -308) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Kovan | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 25-27 | (-104, -320) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Lancel | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 24-27 | 100% @ (9, -138) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Spawn timer 18m 30s. |
Guard Lorton | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 26-29 | (-48, -224), (-65, -309) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Spawn Timer 18 minutes. This guard paths. |
Guard Mytin | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 30-32 | (31, -112) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Onto | High Citizen | Warrior | 23-26 | 100% @ (-5, -593) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Queztin | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 23-27 | (5, -198) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
There is a second guard with the same name that paths the third floor. The pather goes to these locations: {{Loc|High Ke... |
Guard Rance | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 28-30 | 100% @ (-1, 47) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Spawn timer is 18 minutes and 40 seconds. Will flee at low health. |
Guard Sintra | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 28-32 | (130, -194) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Sydl | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 28-32 | (-134, -220) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Wextr | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 24-27 | (-42, -190) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Guard Xantar | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 24-27 | (19, -301), (19, -201), (-41, -206), (-40, -347) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
He paths between the 4 locations listed. |
Guard Yeltin | Highpass Citizen | Warrior | 25-27 | (18, -182) | Fine Steel Short Sword , Fine Steel Short Sword ![]() Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Highkeep Flask Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Description needed. |
Isabella Cellus | Human | Warrior | 38-42 | 100% @ (33, -341) | None | One of the possibly 24 minute spawns in Qeynos Hills that starts at West Karana and paths to North Qeynos then despawns.... |
Jail Clerk Maryl | Human | Shopkeeper | 40 | 100% @ (3, -364) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Justin Ryhmes | Human | Shopkeeper | 45 | (62, -221) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Lady McCabe | Erudite | Necromancer | 37 | 50% @ (21, -81) | None | Rare spawn on 4th floor. PH is a maid |
Lartin | Half-Elf | Warrior | 11 | ? | None | Bodyguard of Xentil Herkanon |
Lislia Goldtune | Human | Bard | 25 | 100% @ (9, -46) | None | This bard can make it difficult for mid-level evil characters to enter High Keep even if they have gained faction with t... |
Lozani | Gnome | Wizard | 30 | (10, -310), (?,?) | None | This NPC spawns in HHK on the third floor in a private room and also appears in the Seafarer's Roost in Freeport at the ... |
Lucky the Beggar | Human Beggar | Rogue | 4-6 | 50% @ (-76, -17) | None | Does not respond to hails or right clicks. Is a low level mob used for practicing the Begging skill (or any others one m... |
Merchant Dominik | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 40 | (37, 31) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Merchant Edina | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 40 | (-97, -294) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Miner Harton | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 45 | (42, -273) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Mistress Anna | Human | Rogue | 35 | Level 4: 50% @ (-78, -87) | None | Description needed. |
Osargen | Human | Rogue | 22 | 100% @ (-52, -546) | None | Often used as an enchanter pet. Backstabs for 138 regardless if he has a weapon or not or what type. |
Princess Lenia | High Elf | Necromancer | 20-22 | 33% @ Basement (176, -492) | None | Lenia is located in the prison in High Keep. She keep a pet skeleton. When hailed she says: "- Hello kind sir. Please re... |
Princess Lenya (NPC) | High Elf | Cleric | 25 | Level 4: 85, -200, 70 | None | Quest NPC for Thex Dagger Quest |
Princess lenia pet | High Elf | Necromancer | 20 | 33% @ (176, -492) | None | Description needed. |
Purchin Oddsbot | Human | Wizard | 33-35 | 100% @ (139, -331) | Human Decapitated Head | Description needed. |
Ran Flamespinner | Human | Warrior | 61 | 50% @ (-42, -357) | None | Wizard Trainer |
Rodrick Marslett | High Elf | Warrior | 13 | (145, -309, -12) | None | Description needed. |
Starr Dreamspinner | Human | Bard | 40 | (70, -329) | Human Blood, Raw-hide Armor | Hangs out with Storm Dragonchaser. 18 minute respawn. |
Storm Dragonchaser | Human | Bard | 40 | (69, -319) | Human Blood, Raw-hide Armor | Hangs out with Starr Dreamspinner. 18 minute respawn. |
Tarn Visilin | Erudite | Shopkeeper | 45 | (65, -223) | (Merchant) | Located on the second left after the "Established 2097" sign at the entrance. First floor. |
Tearon Bleanix | High Elf | Paladin | 30 | 3% @ (15, 50) | None | Casts Lay on Hands |
Tolon Nurbyte | High Elf | Warrior | 39 | Spawns near Inkeeper Freegraze | None | Can be spawned by hailing Innkeeper Freegraze |
Treasurer Lynn | Qeynos Citizen | Shopkeeper | 30 | (-70, -375) | (Merchant) | Description needed. |
Tsaria Jnarus | Dark Elf | Wizard | 43 | 100% @ (-90, -190) | Spawns on 2nd Floor, alone in a room at the end of the hall. A wizard that casts very damaging spells. | |
Tyrana Slil | Dark Elf | Necromancer | 32 | 50% @ (90, -209) Level 4 | Leather Whip , Leather Whip ![]() QUEST ITEM Clawed Knuckle-Ring , Fish Food Vial Clawed Knuckle-Ring ![]() MAGIC ITEM |
None. |
Xentil Herkanon | Half Elf | Rogue | 16 | 100% @ (-81, -250) | * Bronze Dagger
Smacks for 34 (vs. 13 rogue). Think about bringing a healer for this guy. |
Items - Found 9 items that drop in High Keep:
Item Name | Drops From | Slot | Stats |
Amstaf's Scroll
Amstaf's Scroll ![]() LORE ITEM NO DROP |
Various | (None) | LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 0.0 Size: SMALL Class: NONE Race: NONE |
Clawed Knuckle-Ring
Clawed Knuckle-Ring ![]() MAGIC ITEM |
Dyrna Nlith, Tyrana Slil | Fingers | HP: +20 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Fish Food Vial
Fish Food Vial ![]() LORE ITEM NO DROP |
Tyrana Slil | (None) | LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 0.2 Weight Reduction: 0% Capacity: 4 Size Capacity: TINY |
Half Elf Head
Xentil Herkanon | (None) | LORE ITEM NO DROP QUEST ITEM WT: 0.6 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Highkeep Flask
Highkeep Flask ![]() WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL |
Guard Rance | (None) | WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Human Decapitated Head
Human Decapitated Head ![]() LORE ITEM NO DROP |
Purchin Oddsbot | (None) | LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Large Brick of High Quality Ore
Large Brick of High Quality Ore ![]() WT: 14.0 Size: SMALL |
a goblin warrior, goblin raider | (None) | WT: 14.0 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Left Goblin Ear
Left Goblin Ear ![]() WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL |
Various | (None) | WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Small Brick of High Quality Ore
Small Brick of High Quality Ore ![]() QUEST ITEM |
goblins (basement) | (None) | QUEST ITEM WT: 7.0 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL |