Pyromania Update/pt

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Esta página refere-se ao conteúdo lançado na atualização. Para mais informações, vê a Atualização de 27 de junho de 2012.
Pyromania Update showcard.png
You read that right (presumably): the long-awaited final Meet the Team short, Meet the Pyro, is dropping in less than three days, and we decided to assemble a massive update to celebrate it.

That only left the issue of what to call the update. Luckily, at the very moment we were thinking about it, someone turned on the radio. Guess what song was on? That's right: 'Safety Dance'.

"That's a pretty catchy song," we said. "Who sings that?" Well, we don't want to upset you, so we won't type it here, but suffice it to say the band that wrote 'Safety Dance' has the most unthinkably offensive name we've ever heard.
TF2 Official Website

The Pyromania Update was a major content update for Team Fortress 2 and was released on June 27, 2012, coinciding with the release of the final Meet the Team short, Meet the Pyro.


The Pyromania Update page officially began on June 25th, 2012, as announced on the TF2 Official Blog post "Pyromania: Day One", and included a countdown timer to the release of Meet the Pyro.

Day 1

The Pyromania Update revealed a new game mode, Special Delivery, and an accompanying map, Doomsday, along with 11 achievements for it. A Banana Peel was added to the bottom of the page, linking to a series of articles and images pertaining to the ARG.


Artigo principal: List of maps
Nome Imagem Modo de jogo Nome do ficheiro
Doomsday Sd doomsday ingame 1.jpg Entrega Especial
Australium neutral idle.png

Day 2

A dented can labeled "Captain Dan's Military Surplus Soup" was added to the bottom of the page, linking to a short story called "Soldier Needs A Home," written in a style reminiscent of Dr. Seuss, where the Soldier is looking for a place to live after being kicked out by his roommate, Merasmus the Magician. New sets of items for the Scout, Soldier, and Sniper are revealed, as well as item attributes for the previously mentioned Scorch Shot.

Class sets

Artigo principal: Item sets
Item icon Public Enemy Bundle.png
Inimigo Público
Baby Face's Blaster Bacamarte do 'Baby Face'
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Pistola Portátil do 'Pretty Boy'
Fed-Fightin' Fedora Fedora Furado
Dillinger's Duffel Dinheiro do Dillinger
Item icon Dumpster Diver Bundle.pngExplorador de Lixeiras Beggar's Bazooka Bazuca do Vagabundo
Helmet Without a Home Capacete Sem Casa
Captain's Cocktails Cocktails do Capitão
Item icon Urban Professional Bundle.pngProfissional Urbano Hitman's Heatmaker Tira-Cabeças do Atirador
Cleaner's Carbine Carabina do 'Cleaner'
Liquidator's Lid Estilo do Exterminador


Artigo principal: Weapons
Scorch Shot Queima-Roupa

Day 3

Meet the Pyro was released. Source Filmmaker was announced as a beta release. A new toy, the inflatable Balloonicorn, was released in the Valve Store. It comes bundled with a code for a cosmetic TF2 item. A free limited edition Robot Chicken hat was revealed for fans of [adult swim]. Also, the Rainblower, the Lollichop, the Burning Bongos, and the Infernal Orchestrina were revealed. After the update was released, many new items were also added including the Scorched Key and the Pile of Ash.


Rainblower Lança-Arco-Íris
Lollichop Pyrolito

Cosmetic items

Artigo principal: Cosmetic items
Burning Bongos Bongos Ardentes
Infernal Orchestrina Orquestrina Infernal
Bird-Man of Aberdeen Homem-Pássaro de Aberdeen
Apparatchik's Apparel Adorno do Apparatchik
Idea Tube Tubo de Ideias
Gentleman's Ushanka Ushanka do Cavalheiro
Business Casual Formal Informal
HazMat Headcase Máscara HazMat
Balloonicorn Balãonicórnio
Pyrovision Goggles Óculos de Pyrovisão
Gentle Munitionne of Leisure Nobre Munição de Lazer
Robot Chicken Hat Chapéu Robot Chicken


Artigo principal: Tools
Scorched Crate Caixote Chamuscado
Scorched Key Chave Chamuscada

Pre-announcement references

Artigo principal: ARG#Pyromania

While officially announced on June 27, 2012, several references had been made by Valve prior to the release.

The addition of the Mysterious Treasures in the Atualização de 19 de junho de 2012 led to a large-scale ARG which culminated in a blog post written by the Pyro.




External links