Robotic Boogaloo/pt

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Esta página refere-se ao conteúdo lançado na atualização. Para mais informações, vê a Atualização de 17 de maio de 2013.
This update is 100% created by the TF2 community. And when we say everything, we mean everything—the in-game content, the update hub website, the animated short, the comic, even the splash images in the Steam store. Even better, everything you created avoided the classic trap of using other companies’ intellectual property.
TF2 Official Blog
Robotic Boogaloo - The first entirely community-created update.png

Robotic Boogaloo was a major content update for Team Fortress 2, released during the Atualização de 17 de maio de 2013. It was the first ever community-created update, with 57 different community-created cosmetics being added into the game. The 57 cosmetics added are robotic versions of ordinary TF2 cosmetics, spanning all classes. Along with this, 10 new robot-related Unusual effects, 4 new action items, and 2 new tools were added to the game.


Cosmetic items

Artigo principal: Cosmetic items
Bolt Boy Rapaz Robobonk
Bonk Leadwear Capacete de Chumbo Bonk
Ye Oiled Baker Boy Oleado Chapéu do Ardina
Full Metal Drill Hat Nascido Para Soldar
Soldier's Sparkplug Vela de Ignição do Soldier
Steel Shako Shako de Aço
Tyrantium Helmet Elmo de Tiranotânio
Bolted Birdcage Gaiola Robótica
Electric Escorter Escolta Elétrica
Filamental Filamental
Firewall Helmet Capacete de Robombeiro
Googol Glass Eyes Olhos Googólicos
Metal Slug Lesma de Metal
Plumber's Pipe Orgulho do Canalizador
Pyro's Boron Beanie Beanie de Boro do Pyro
Respectless Robo-Glove Luva Robótica Sem Respeito
Rusty Reaper Esqueleto Enferrujado
Scrap Sack Sacola Sucateira
Bolted Bicorne Bicorne Metalizado
Bolted Bombardier Bombardeiro Sucateiro
Broadband Bonnet Boina de Banda Larga
Cyborg Stunt Helmet Duplo Ciborgue
FR-0 FR-0
HDMI Patch Pupila HDMI
Pure Tin Capotain Barrete Enlatado
Scrumpy Strongbox Cofre de Cidra
Strontium Stove Pipe Cartola de Estrôncio
Bunsen Brave Bravos de Bunsen
Gridiron Guardian Guardião de Gridiron
Titanium Towel Toalha de Titânio
Tungsten Toque Barrete de Tungsténio
Data Mining Light Lanterna de Mineiro de Dados
Plug-In Prospector Prospetor de Plug-ins
Texas Tin-Gallon Dez-Latões do Texas
Teddy Robobelt Teddy Robobelt
Timeless Topper Moda Intemporal
Byte'd Beak Bico Que Byte Matar
Halogen Head Lamp Lâmpada de Halogénio
Mecha-Medes Arquimedes Mecânico
Platinum Pickelhaube Pickelhaube de Platina
Practitioner's Processing Mask Máscara de Processamento
Steam Pipe Cachimbo de Metal
Titanium Tyrolean Tirolês de Titânio
Virus Doctor Doutor Vírus
Letch's LED Estilo do Exterminador (Implacável)
Shooter's Tin Topi Topi de Latão do Caçador
Soldered Sensei Sensei Soldado
Base Metal Billycock Chapéu de Coco Metálico
Bootleg Base Metal Billycock Chapéu de Coco Metálico Falsificado
Megapixel Beard Barba com Megapixels
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer
Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper
Dual-Core Devil Doll Boneco Diabólico Dual-Core
Bot Dogger Bot Dog
Electric Badge-aloo Cracha-loo Elétrico
Galvanized Gibus Gibus Galvanizado
Modest Metal Pile of Scrap Pilha Modesta de Sucata
Noble Nickel Amassment of Hats Acumulação Nobre de Chapéus de Níquel
Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats Pilha Titânica de Chapéus

Action items

Artigo principal: Action items
Battery Canteens Cantil a Pilhas
Pallet of Crates Palete de Caixotes
A Random Robo Community Crate Key Gift Uma Chave do Caixote Comunitário Robótico de Presente Aleatória
Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts Pilha de Chaves do Caixote Comunitário Robótico de Presente


Artigo principal: Tools
Robo Community Crate Caixote Comunitário Robótico
Robo Community Crate Key Chave de Caixote Comunitário Robótico

Unusual effects

Artigo principal: Unusual
Efeitos Inusuais do Robotic Boogaloo
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Phosphorous.png
Unusual Sulphurous.png
Unusual Memory Leak.png
Unusual Overclocked.png
Unusual Electrostatic.png
Unusual Power Surge.png
Fosforoso Sulfuroso Fuga de Memória Overclock Eletrostático Surto de Energia
Unusual Anti-Freeze.png
Unusual Time Warp.png
Unusual Green Black Hole.png
Unusual Roboactive.png
Anti-Bloqueio Distorção Temporal Buraco Negro Verde Roboativo


The Robotic Boogaloo SFM was storyboarded by The Heartsman and Square, then animated by MrPopulus89. The SFM above was released in conjunction with the update and contains minor changes from its original upload, which was intended to act as a teaser.

The original version of the SFM released on February 1st, 2013, and can be found here.

Video transcript

Comparisons and differences

  • Both videos have large piles of hats, however the older version's pile is mostly Ghastly Gibuses.
  • More crates are seen throughout the older version.
  • The newer version has four conveyors rather than one.
  • The machine that scans the Football Helmet is more detailed in the newer version, and has a blue thumbs up instead of a green OK.
  • In the older version, the Scout Robot uses a forked crowbar. In the newer version, it uses an unforked crowbar.
  • In the newer version, the Football Helmet is seen immediately inside the crate. In the older version, it is not visible until the camera angle changes.
  • The newer version has more lighting effects, hay detail, and more detail on the Football Helmet when it is being robotized.
  • In the older version, the camera pans to the Heavy first, then The Gridiron Guardian falls onto his head. In the newer version, the helmet falls while the camera pans to the Heavy.
  • In the older version, the "Team Fortress 2" logo hits the Heavy twice before having "Robotic Boogaloo" appear. In the newer version, it hits him once.


  • The update's name is a reference to the movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. It gained notoriety for being poorly reviewed by critics and was not as successful at the box office compared to its predecessor from the year before. The term "boogaloo" has entered the pop-culture lexicon as a pejorative nickname for unnecessary and unwanted sequels.
  • On the Battlefield page, two of the Mecha-Engineers are named after famous cowboys:


External links