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Data on Stark broadening parameters, spectral line widths, and shifts for 15 multiplets of N VI, whose spectral lines are broadened by collisions with electrons, protons, alpha particles (He III) and B III, B IV, B V and B VI ions, are presented. They have been calculated using the semiclassical perturbation theory, for temperatures from 50,000 K to 2,000,000 K, and perturber densities from 10 16 cm − 3 up to 10 24 cm − 3 . The data for e, p and He III are of particular interest for the analysis and modelling of atmospheres of hot and dense stars, as, e.g., white dwarfs, and for investigation of their spectra, and data for boron ions are used for analysis and modelling of laser-driven plasma in proton–boron fusion research.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2024
We provide in this work Stark broadening data (widths and shifts) for 120 ultraviolet spectral lines of Ni V ion. Our calculations are performed using the semiclassical perturbation method. For energy levels and oscillator strength calculations, we use the multiconfiguration Hatree-Fock approach. Stark shifts and widths are calculated for collisions with electrons and with the positive ions: H + , He + , and He ++ , allowing us to take into account the important perturbers in stellar atmospheres. We compare our Stark widths with estimations obtained using the Cowley formula. Our electron impact Stark widths are also fitted with temperature using a logarithmic formula. Finally, our obtained Stark widths are used to investigate the influence of Stark broadening in the atmospheric conditions of hot DA white dwarfs. Despite the importance of ultraviolet lines of Ni V ion for modelling white dwarf atmospheres and also for investigations of variation of fundamental constants with gravitational potential, we did not find Stark broadening data previously calculated or measured for Ni V ion. The objective of this work is to give the missed data.
Baltic astronomy an international journal
In order to complete Stark broadening data for Ne II, and O III lines, needed for analysis of stellar atmospheres, we determined, within the semiclassical perturbation method, the missing Stark broadening parameters for the broadening by collisions with protons and ionized helium, for 15 Ne II and 5 O III multiplets. Also, electron, proton and ionized helium impact broadening parameters for an important Ne II multiplet in the visible part of the spectrum and for three Ne III multiplets were calculated. The obtained data will be included in the STARK-B database, which is a part of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center.
Using a semiclassical approach, we have calculated electron$-$, pro\-ton$-$, He II$-$, Mg II-, Si II- and Fe II-impact line widths and shifts for 10 Ne II and 6 Ne III multiplets as a function of temperature and perturber density. For Ne II temperatures are: 5,000 K; 10,000 K; 20,000 K; 30,000 K; 50,000 K and 100,000 K and perturber densities from 10$^{15}$ cm$^{-3}$ up to 10$^{20}$ cm$^{-3}$. For Ne III temperatures are: 20,000 K; 50,000 K; 100,000 K; 200,000 K; 300,000 K and 500,000 K and perturber densities from 10$^{17}$ cm$^{-3}$ up to 10$^{21}$ cm$^{-3}$. Perturbers selected here, are the main perturbers in solar and stellar atmospheres.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 1996
Using a semiclassical perturbation method, we have calculated electron−, proton−, and ionized helium−impact line widths and shifts for 52 Be III multiplets as a function of temperature and perturber density. Electron temperatures are 10 000 K; 20 000 K; 50 000 K; 100 000 K; 200 000 K and 300 000 K and perturber densities are from 10 11 cm −3 up to 10 21 cm −3 . The obtained results have been used for discussion of regularities and systematic trends along spectral series.
Using a semiclassical perturbation method, we have calculated electron−, proton−, and ionized helium−impact line widths and shifts for 52 Be III multiplets as a function of temperature and perturber density. Electron temperatures are 10 000 K; 20 000 K; 50 000 K; 100 000 K; 200 000 K and 300 000 K and perturber densities are from 10 11 cm −3 up to 10 21 cm −3 . The obtained results have been used for discussion of regularities and systematic trends along spectral series.
Abstract. “Stark broadening” theories and calculations have been extensively developed for about 50 years. Accurate spectroscopic diagnostics and modeling require the knowledge of numerous collisional line profiles. Nowadays, the access to such data via an on line database becomes essential. The aim of STARK-B is satisfy this need. It is a collaborative project between the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade (AOB) and the LERMA at Observatory of Paris. It is a database of widths and shifts of isolated lines of atoms and ions due to electron and ion impacts that we have calculated and published in international refereed journals. It is devoted to spectroscopic diagnostics and modeling of stellar atmospheres and envelopes, laboratory plasmas, laser equipments and technological plasmas. Hence, the domain of temperatures and densities covered by the tables is wide and depends on the ionization degree of the considered ion. STARK-B has been fully opened to the international community si...
Stark broadening parameters for 157 multiplets of helium like boron (B IV) have been calculated using the impact semiclassical perturbation formalism. Obtained results have been used to investigate the regularities within spectral series. An example of the influence of Stark broadening on B IV lines in DO white dwarfs is given.
Data, 2025
Data on spectral line widths and shifts broadened by interactions with charged particles, for 44 lines in the spectrum of ionized tin, for collisions with electrons and H II and HeII ions, are presented as online available tables. We obtained them by employing the semiclassical perturbation theory for temperatures, T, within the 5000-100,000 K range, and for a grid of perturber densities from 10 14 cm-3 to 10 20 cm-3. The presented Stark broadening data are of interest for the analysis and synthesis of ionized tin lines in the spectra of hot and dense stars, such as, for example, for white dwarfs and hot subwarfs, and for the modelling of their atmospheres. They are also useful for the diagnostics of laser-induced plasmas for high-order harmonics generation in ablated materials.
Open Astronomy, 2011
Stark broadening theory is currently operated for calculating widths and shifts of spectral lines that are needed for spectroscopic diagnostics and modeling in astrophysics, laboratory and technological plasmas. We have calculated a great number of data, obtained through the impact semiclassical perturbation theory: tables have been published for neutral atom and ion emitters, and typical temperatures, electron and ion densities. They are currently implemented in the STARK-B database which participates in the European effort within the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre. Despite of that, a great number of data are still missing. In the present paper, we revisit and compare a great number of the impact Stark widths and shifts by considering their semiclassical perturbation expressions. We also provide fitting formulae which are essential for the modeling codes of stellar atmospheres and envelopes.
Academia Biology, 2023
Gastropods are one of the most valuable seashells, and they have high economic and nutritional value. This study aimed to assess the value and uses of commercially harvested gastropods, including species composition, time of gleaning, and methods used to harvest the gastropods in their habitat. To do that, data were collected by monitoring the catch of selected gleaners and by using semi-structured questionnaires. The survey interview was conducted in Guang-Guang, Mati, Davao Oriental, with N = 60 respondents while the actual monitoring of selected gleaners and their catch was conducted from February to April on three random days in a week during the low tide period (N = 30). The result of the study showed that the most abundant gastropod species caught by gleaners belong to the family of Strombidae, Cerithiidae, Nassaridae, and Neritidae. Gleaners mostly catch the little bear conch (Strombidae), which was the most abundant gastropod in the area, and sold immediately in the market and their neighborhood. Gleaners take 2–3 hours a day to harvest and gain an income of PHP 200–350; the catch per unit effort of gleaners ranged from 0.30 to 0.50 kg/hour of daily gleaning. Results comparing the species, weight, and count of gastropods showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.05). The top three species caught are little bear conch with a monthly mean count of 38,447 (732 kg) followed by the horn shell with 12,714 (129 kg) and nassa mud snail with 3627 (32 kg). The gastropods were exploited in various sizes such as the little bear conch at a size of 36–40 mm, horn shell at a size of 36–45 mm, and the nassa mud snail at a size of 21–25 mm. Based on the assessment, the gastropods in Guang-Guang have a high exploitation level of gleaning and need policy interventions for their protection.
Bab 4 Entreprise Resource Planning 2024, 2024
Проблема настоящего в контексте "постметафизики", 2020
Maharani Wulansari, 2024
동아시아 마르크스주의: 과거, 현재, 미래, 2023
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015
Nanotechnology 2012, 2012
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação, 2008
International Journal of Surgery, 2016
Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 2016
Puhe ja kieli, 2022
Revista Latino-Americana de Inovação e Engenharia de Produção, 2016