Special Issue - 2017
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ICIATE - 2017 Conference Proceedings
IOT Based Water Monitoring System
Parag Warungase1, Anuj Worlikar 2, Jatin Mhatre3, Dona Saha4, Prof.Gauri Salunkhe5
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication
Atharva College of Engineering
Mumbai, India
Abstract: The quality of water varies from place to place,
depending on the condition of the source and the treatment it
receives. The traditional method of testing Turbidity, PH &
Temperature is to collect samples manually and then send them
to laboratory for analysis. However, it has been unable to meet
the demands of water quality monitoring today. So a set of
monitoring of Turbidity, PH & Temperature of Water quality
has been developed. The system consists of Turbidity, PH, water
level & Temperature sensor, single-chip microcontroller data
acquisition module, information transmission module,
monitoring center and other accessories. Turbidity, PH &
Temperature of water are automatically detected under the
control of single chip microcontroller all day. The single chip
gets the data, and then processes and analyzes them.The data
will be sent to monitoring center and alert the public at the same
time using IOT environment. The proposed paper has realized
the automation of water quality monitoring intelligence of data
analyzing and networking of information transferring. It is
characterized by advantages of shortcut, accuracy and using
manpower and material resources sparingly. The use of other
technologies has high cost associated with installation and
calibration of a large distributed array of monitoring sensors.
The existing technology will be suitable for particular area but it
is not suitable for large system.By focusing on the above issues
our paper proposes a low cost system for real time monitoring of
the water quality in IOT environment.
environment using Zigbee protocol and data from the core
micro controller which can be interfaced with multiple
sensors at a given time.
Keywords: IOT, Sensors, Microcontroller, Zigbee
Drinking water is more precious and valuable for all the
human beings so the quality of water should be monitored in
real time. Some water quality detection parameters are
temperature, pH, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen
(DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD), ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate,
various metal ions and so on. The most common method to
detect these parameters is to collect samples manually and
then send them to laboratory for detecting and analyzing.
This method wastes too much man power and material
resource, and has the limitations of the samples collecting,
long-time analyzing, the aging of experiment equipment and
other issues. Sensor is an ideal detecting device to solve these
problems. It can convert sensor information into electrical
signals. It can easily transfer process, transform and control
signals, and has many special advantages such as good
selectivity, high sensitivity, and fast response speed and so
on. According to these characteristics and advantages of
sensors, monitoring of Turbidity, PH & Temperature of
Water is designed and developed. The measured values from
the sensors can be processed by the core controller finally,
the sensor data can be viewed on internet using IOT
Volume 5, Issue 01
This section explains the complete block diagram of the
proposed system. Also, it presents the detail explanation of
each and every block. The overall block diagram of the
proposed system is as shown in figure 1. This proposed block
diagram consist number of devices having respective sensors,
and the collected data from all devices are gathered at the
core controller via Zigbee protocol IEEE 802.15.4. Taking
close look of the device, which shown in figure.1. The device
consist several sensors for measuring water quality parameter
such as pH, turbidity, water level, temperature. The data of
sensors are not in a proper manner for sending them directly
to the core controller using Zigbee protocol. So, the
microcontroller is introduced in a proposed system for getting
data from sensors and processes on them to make compatible
for Zigbee module. Zigbee has low data rate, low power
consumption, more node density that makes it suitable for
sensor networking in the proposed system. A Zigbee module
consists router Zigbee, which located on all devices that
transmit the processed data to the coordinator Zigbee, which
collects data from devices connected in the same network.
The router Zigbee and coordinator Zigbee are connected in
same network using a same PAN ID (personnel are network)
for all Zigbee devices in the network. The PAN ID provides
the personal area network for wireless data communication
Published by, www.ijert.org
Special Issue - 2017
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ICIATE - 2017 Conference Proceedings
for sensor networking. Coordinator Zigbee is connected to
the core controller, the core controller manages data coming
from different devices. The core controller puts the data in a
text file which is transmitted to the IOT module. For
transmitting data to the IOT, gateway is created on the core
controller using FTP (file transfer protocol) protocol. The
brief introduction of IOT module is discussed in further. In
the proposed system,to monitor processed data on the internet
cloud computing technology is use which provides the
personal local server. In cloud computing, separate IP address
is provided which make possible to monitor data from
anywhere in the world using the internet. To access that
monitor data and make system user-friendly browser
application is introduced which work on HTTP. So, by using
browser application user can access and monitor the data
from all over the world.
In our proposed system ,water quality parameters are
measured by the different water quality monitoring sensors
such as pH, turbidity and temperature. These sensor-values
are processed by the microcontroller and theses processed
values are sent to the core controller remotely using Zigbee
IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. In the proposed system,as shown in
Figure1, IOT module is used to access processed data from
the core controller to the cloud with the help of Zigbee
protocol. The processed data can be monitored through a
browser application using a special IP address. Furthermore,
with the help of IOT environment, we can provide facility to
access data remotely from all over the world.
In the past decade, human life changed because of the
internet. The internet of things has been heralded as one of
the major development to be realized throughout the internet
portfolio of technologies. The Internet of Things (IOT) is
concerned with interconnecting communicating objects that
are installed at different locations that are possibly distant
from each other. Internet of Things represents a concept in
which, network devices have ability to collect and sense data
from the world, and then share that data across the internet
where that data can be utilized and processed for various
purposes. The internet of things describes a vision where
objects become part of internet: where every object is
uniquely identified and access to the network. IOT
communication is quite different from the traditional human
to human communication, bringing a large challenge to
existing telecommunication and infrastructure. Furthermore,
IOT provides immediate information regarding access to
physical objects with high efficiency. The concept of Internet
of Things is very much helpful to achieve real time
monitoring of sensor data. Internet of Things (IOT) is a kind
of network technology, which is based on information
sensing equipments such as RFID, infrared sensors, GPS,
laser scanners, sensors and so on, can make anything join the
Internet to exchange information, according to the protocol,
which gives intelligent identification, location and tracking,
monitoring and management.Cloud computing provides the
access of applications as utilities, over the internet.. Cloud
computing is a large scale processing unit which processes in
Volume 5, Issue 01
run time and it is also a very low cost technology based on
the IP. The application area of IOT includes building and
home automation, smart city project, smart manufacturing of
various products, wearables, health care systems and devices,
automotive etc.
b) Zigbee Protocol:
The ZigBee specifications were introduced in December
2004 and the ZigBee network specification is one of the first
standards for ad-hoc and sensor networks. Zigbee is
developed by the Zigbee Alliance for personal-area networks
(PANs). Zigbee Alliance is an association that promotes the
Zigbee standard for a wireless network using low cost, low
power consumption and low data rate connectivity devices.
The Zigbee is an IEEE 802.15.4 based specification, which
defines the Media Access Control (MAC) layer and physical
layer for low-rate wireless personal-area network (LRWPAN) that provide high-level communication for PANs.
The Zigbee specification is an open standard that allows
manufacturers to develop their own specific application
which require low cost and low power. Zigbee adds network
structure, routing, and security to complete the
communication suite. A ZigBee network, is always created
by the coordinator node. The coordinator controls the
network and allocates a unique address to each device in the
network, regardless of its topology. Zigbee devices use a
mesh topology for sending data to the long distance. There is
also another protocol available for wireless data
communication such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Zigbee is
supposed to do what Wi-Fi or Bluetooth which do not
provide both way communication between multiple devices
over a simple network using very low power and at very low
The ATmega16 provides the following features: 16K bytes
of In-System Programmable Flash Program memory with
Read-While-Write capabilities, 512 bytes EEPROM, 1K
byte SRAM, 32 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general
purpose working registers, a JTAG interface for Boundary
Published by, www.ijert.org
Special Issue - 2017
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ICIATE - 2017 Conference Proceedings
section is updated, providing true Read-While-Write
operation. By
combining an 8-bit RISC CPU with In-System SelfProgrammable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel
ATmega16 is a powerful microcontroller that provides a
highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded
control applications.The pin diagram is shown in Figure.2
T urb id i t y i s a me a s ure o f t he c lo ud i n es s o f wa te r.
Clo ud i ne s s is c a us ed b y s u sp e nd ed so l id s ( ma i n l y
so i l p ar tic le s) a nd p la n kto n ( mi cro s co p i c p la n t s
and a ni mal s) t ha t ar e s u sp e nd ed i n t he wa t er
co l u mn . Mo d erat el y lo w le ve l s o f t urb id it y m a y
ind ic ate a h eal t h y, we l l - fu nct io ni n g eco s ys t e m ,
wi t h mo d era te a mo u nt s o f p la n k to n p re se nt t o
fue l t he fu el t h e fo o d cha i n. Ho we ve r, h i g h er
le ve ls o f t urb id it y p o se se v era l p ro b le ms fo r
str ea m s ys te ms . T urb id it y b lo c k s o ut t he l i g ht
ne ed ed b y s ub mer g ed a q ua ti c v e get at io n. It al s o
ca n rai se s ur fa ce wa ter te mp era t ure s ab o v e
no r ma l b ec a u se s u sp e nd ed p ar ti cl es ne ar t h e
s ur fa ce fac il ita te t he ab so rp tio n o f he at fro m
s u nl i g ht. A b as ic t urb i d it y se n so r i s s ho wn in
Fi g ur e.3 .
Fi g u r e . 2
, On-chip Debugging support and programming, three
flexible Timer/Counters with compare modes, Internal and
External Interrupts, a serial programmable USART, a byte
oriented Two-wire Serial Interface, an 8-channel, 10-bit ADC
with optional differential input stage withprogrammable gain
(TQFP package only), a programmable Watchdog Timer with
Internal Oscillator, an SPI serial port, and six software
selectable power saving modes. The Idle mode stops the CPU
while allowing the USART, Two-wire interface, A/D
Converter, SRAM, Timer/Counters, SPI port, and interrupt
system to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves
the register contents but freezes the Oscillator, disabling all
other chip functions until the next External Interrupt or
Hardware Reset. In Power-save mode, the Asynchronous
Timer continues to run, allowing the user to maintain a timer
base while the rest of the device is sleeping. The ADC Noise
Reduction mode stops the CPU and all I/O modules except
Asynchronous Timer and ADC, to minimize switching noise
during ADC conversions. In Standby mode, the
crystal/resonator Oscillator is running while the rest of the
device is sleeping. This allows very fast start-up combined
with low-power consumption. In Extended Standby mode,
both the main Oscillator and the Asynchronous Timer
continue to run. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s
high density nonvolatile memory technology. The Onchip
ISP Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed
in-system through an SPI serial interface, by a conventional
nonvolatile memory programmer, or by an On-chip Boot
program running on the AVR core. The boot program can use
any interface to download the application program in the
Application Flash memory. Software in the Boot Flash
section will continue to run while the Application Flash
Volume 5, Issue 01
Fi g u r e . 3
Water Temperature is a controlling factor for aquatic life: it
controls the rate of metabolic activities, reproductive
activities and therefore, life cycles. If stream temperatures
increase, decrease or fluctuate too widely, metabolic
activities may speed up, slow down, malfunction, or stop all
to get. There are many factors that can influence the stream
temperature. Water temperatures can fluctuate seasonally,
daily, and even hourly, especially in smaller sized streams.
Spring discharges and overhanging canopy of stream
vegetation provides shade and helps buffer the effects of
temperature changes. The sensor is used for precise
temperature monitoring applications, where errors in
measurement have to be excluded. The linear relationship of
the resistor to temperature, Simplifies its use in many
electronic applications. The precision of the sensor allows its
universal use for temperature monitoring, control, and
Switching in windings, bearings, machines, motors,
transformers and many other industrial applicationsA
temperature sensor for illustration is shown in Figure.4.
Published by, www.ijert.org
Special Issue - 2017
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
ICIATE - 2017 Conference Proceedings
Fi g u r e . 4
PH is an important limiting chemical factor for aquatic life. If
the water in a stream is too acidic or basic, the H+ or OH- ion
activity may disrupt aquatic organisms’ biochemical reactions
by either harming or killing the stream organisms. pH is
expressed in a scale with ranges from 1 to 14. A solution with
a pH less than 7 has more H+ activity than OH-, and is
considered acidic. A solution with a pH value greater than 7
has more OH- activity than H+, and is considered basic. The
pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that as you go up and down
the scale, the values change in factors of ten. A one-point pH
change indicates the strength of the acid or base has increased
or decreased tenfold. Streams generally have a pH values
ranging between 6 and 9, depending upon the presence of
dissolved substances that come from bedrock, soils and other
materials in the watershed.
[1] Mo Deqing, Zhao Ying, Chen Shangsong,“Automatic
Measurement and Reporting System of Water Quality Based on
GSM,” 2012 International Conference on Intelligent System
Design and Engineering Application.
[2] Guidelines
[3] Prof.SachinS.patil,Prof.S.J.Patil,Prof.M.M.Raste
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and
[4] Mr.S.S.Patil,.A.N.Shinde,.A.C.Joshi
WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS” in international journal
engineering,volume-1,issue-4,oct-2012,ISSN-2278-909X,pp46-51, ww,ijarece.com
The proposed paper elaborates on monitoring of Water Level,
Turbidity, PH & Temperature of Water which makes use of
water detection sensors with unique advantage of IOT
environment. The proposed system can monitor water quality
automatically, and it is low in cost and does not require
people on duty. So the water quality testing is likely to be
more economical, convenient and fast. The system has good
flexibility. Only by replacing the corresponding sensors and
changing the relevant software programs, this system can be
used to monitor other water quality parameters. The operation
is simple. The system can be expanded to monitor
hydrologic, air pollution, industrial and agricultural
production and so on. It has widespread application and
extension value.
Volume 5, Issue 01
Published by, www.ijert.org