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To determine the retailer and community level factors associated with frequent and disproportionate sales of handguns that are later used in violent and firearm related crimes (VFC handguns). Design: Cross sectional. The authors used... more
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      PsychologyViolenceInjury PreventionMultivariate Analysis
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o
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      LawForensic ScienceExpert testimonyAustralia
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      DemographyDecision MakingViolenceSlavery
Township crime is an emerging area of research in South African history and this study attempts to extend its focus beyond the major metropolitan centres to the Mpumalanga town of Ermelo in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Drawing upon... more
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      HistoryAfrican HistoryPoliceApartheid
The essay deals with the judicial activity of a criminal court of the Regno Lombardo-Veneto in the firs half of nineteenth century. It is particularly analysed the legal reasoning of the judges in front of crimes which were submitted to... more
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      Criminal JusticeNineteenth Century StudiesLaw of evidenceLegal Anthropology
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    • Crime
about contact donate submit articles photos videos mixed media the medes is a volunteer collective of academic writers, artists, photographers and videographers advocating for social change workplace violence (part one) by ken johnson.... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
ABSTRACT: Mental Disorders, Substance Use Disorders and Recidivism: Exploring Offence Trajectories in a Canadian Provincial Correctional Population Stefanie N. Rezansoff, Akm Moniruzzaman, Julian M. Somers Introduction Scholars have... more
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      AddictionPsychiatric EpidemiologyCrimeMentally Disordered Offenders
I discuss some observations in the forensic accounting-based fraud literature, and identify the recent advances and other important issues in the literature that are worth noting. The main message in this commentary article is that fraud... more
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      BusinessManagementFinanceForensic Psychology
This article employs uses and gratifications theory to conduct an audience analysis on crime drama viewership. To the best of our knowledge, this theory has not yet specifically been applied to this genre, thus providing a basis for the... more
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      SociologyUses And GratificationsTelevisionCrime
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      American HistoryChicano StudiesAmerican StudiesAmerican Politics
This Global Report provides research and analysis on counter-terrorism international intelligence cooperation, the European Union intelligence cooperation regarding counter-terrorism, terrorism and counter-terrorism measures in Asia,... more
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      ConflictSecurityCrimeTerrorism and Counter-terrorism
The police and security services are mandated with solving crimes reported to them everyday, the following are ways on how crimes can be prevented.
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    • Crime
The residual nature of social housing leads some vulnerable people into the highly regulated world of tenancies and social housing powers that aims to ensure the good behaviour of all tenants. This books sets out to explore how social... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesMental HealthSociology of Crime and Deviance
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryFilm StudiesTelevision Studies
India is a country of youths. These youth are so involved with their virtual life that the boundary between real and reel has become quite thin. They share all their emotions of love and hate, aggression and violence over these social... more
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      Media StudiesYouth StudiesViolenceSociology of Crime and Deviance
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
In recent years a number of studies have attempted to rank drugs by a single measure of harmfulness as the basis for decisions about scheduling and classification. These efforts are fundamentally flawed, both conceptually and... more
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      ViolenceAddictionSchedulingPublic Health
The geographical concentration of criminal violence is closely associated with the social, demographic, and economic structural characteristics of neighborhoods. However, few studies have investigated homicide patterns and their... more
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      Remote SensingCrimeGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Homicide and Suicide
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Firearms were associated with 30, 136 deaths in the United States in 2003. Most guns are initially sold to the public through a network of retail dealers. Licensed firearm dealers are an important source of guns for criminals and gun... more
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      LawApplied EthicsSocial ResponsibilityCommerce
Should the nation provide expensive care and scarce organs to convicted felons? We distinguish between two fields of justice: Medical Justice and Societal Justice. Although there is general acceptance within the medical profession that... more
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      Criminal JusticeApplied EthicsSocial JusticeMedical Ethics
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CERIN, E., B. E. SAELENS, J. F. SALLIS, and L. D. FRANK. Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale: Validity and Development of a Short Form. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 38, No. 9, pp. 1682-1691, 2006. Purpose: The aim of this study... more
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      Physical ActivityBuilt EnvironmentSafetyEsthetics
Este livro traz ao debate actual alguns fenómenos de vitimação de visibilidade algo reduzida. Os temas aqui tratados, resultantes, em muito, da investigação desenvolvida e da implementação de práticas dirigidas ao acompanhamento e... more
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With the progression to more adult-like policies and procedures for youth in the justice system, the right to a jury trial has been extended to young offenders. These youth would not be tried by a jury of their peers, however, but by a... more
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      PsychologyLawJuvenile DelinquencyAdolescent
Over the past 15-20 years, domestic cultivation of cannabis has been established in a number of European countries. New techniques have made such cultivation easier; however, the bulk of growers remain small-scale. In this study, we... more
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Протидія корупції є одним із пріоритетних напрямів сучасної політики нашої держави у сфері боротьби зі злочинністю. Від результатів роботи правоохоронної системи на шляху мінімізації корупції залежить успішне розв’язання інших важливих... more
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      Criminal LawCrimeпреступлениезлочин
Australia's first newspaper editor had the task of trying to construct a paper while lacking decent supplies of ink, paper and type settings. But George Howe had no shortage of criminal activity to report on.
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      HistoryMedia StudiesPublishingAustralia
The goal of this paper is to explore the perception of Kosovo's citizens of the severity of tax evasion relative to other crimes and abuses. Perception of tax evasion may somewhat clarify the degree of rebelliousness with the tax laws.... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical SociologyLawCriminal Law
This study examines the relationship between crime and processes of urban revitalization, or gentrification. Drawing on recent urban demography research, we hypothesize that gentrification progressed rapidly in many American cities over... more
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Carrier, N. and K. Walby. (2015). For Sociological Reason: Crime, Criminalization, and the Poverty of Biosocial Criminology. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 7/1: 73-82.
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      Critical TheoryCriminologyCriminal LawCriminal Procedure
Denna rapport summerar resultaten från en enkätstudie med 1431 studenter från två universitet i Storstockholm om trygghet i kollektivtrafiken. De ungdomar som tillfrågades studerar på KTH Kungliga tekniska högskolan och Södertörns... more
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      CrimePublic transportation
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      PsychologyPersonalityExpert testimonyFORENSIC
We examined differences in health indicators and associated factors across countries according to the proportion of the population who are Muslim. Of 190 UN countries, 48 were classified as Muslim-majority countries (MMC) and 142 as... more
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      IslamLinear modelsWater SupplyCrime
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      Decision MakingAdolescent DevelopmentMagnetic Resonance ImagingScience
Сметаніна Н. В. Міжнародний досвід захисту прав жертв злочинів / Н. В. Сметаніна, О. В. Дойонко // Право і суспільство. – 2018. – № 6/2. – С. 178 – 182. Ключові слова: жертва злочину правовий захист Ключевые слова: жертва преступления... more
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Law, as a set of sources including legislation, administrative regulations, custom, and judicial decisions, is one of the causes of systemic corruption, intended as the generalised practice of various forms of abuse of entrusted power for... more
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      CriminologyEuropean LawPolitical CorruptionAnti-Corruption
Face ao incremento da mobilidade de pessoas no espaço da União Europeia (UE) e a uma escala global, a criminalidade transnacional apresenta-se, cada vez mais, como uma fonte de preocupação política. De forma a dar resposta a potenciais... more
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      Social ControlCrime
Primary objective: To investigate the association between reported past traumatic brain injury (TBI) and demographic, neuropsychiatric and criminographic parameters among individuals recently received into custody. Research design: A... more
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      Traumatic Brain InjuryAdolescentBrainCrime
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesCriminology
Much negative public and media attention in Germany focuses on Muslim immigrants, particularly those with guest worker backgrounds. A study based on 5 years of ethnographic fieldwork with 55 second-generation male Muslim immigrants in... more
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      EthnographyImmigrationDrugs and drug cultureSocial Exclusion
Based on church and state records from the burgh of Aberdeen, this study explores the deeper social meaning behind petty crime during the Reformation. Falconer argues that an analysis of both criminal behaviour and law enforcement... more
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      Urban HistoryEarly Modern ScotlandPowerCrime
Headlines relating to crime figures are inescapable in contemporary society, the reason for the great time and attention given to issue of crime is because of the importance of crime to the general public1. For this reason political... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticePoliceOfficial Statistics
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticePolice ScienceForensic Science
Recidivism among recovering ex-offenders is usually conceptualized as an outcome of the interplay between personal traits and treatment interventions. This focus on the individual, to the exclusion of the sociolegal context in which... more
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      PsychologyLong Term CareUnemploymentVocational Rehabilitation
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    • Crime