Morphological evolution
Recent papers in Morphological evolution
Among rodents, the lineage from Progonomys hispanicus to Stephanomys documents a case of increasing size and dental specialization during an approximately 9 Myr time-interval. On the contrary, some contemporaneous generalist lineages like... more
Short term selection for recombination among mutually antagonistic species, Nature 328, 66-68 32 Müller, H.J. (1964) The relation of recombination to mutational advance, Mutat. Res. 1, 2-9 33 Howard, R.S. and Lively, C.M. (1994)... more
Abstract Sauropod dinosaurs were the largest terrestrial herbivores and pushed at the limits of vertebrate biomechanics and physiology. Sauropods exhibit high craniodental diversity in ecosystems where numerous species coexisted, leading... more
Xiphosurids are an archaic group of aquatic chelicerate arthropods, generally known by the colloquial misnomer of ‘horseshoe crabs’. Known from marine envi- ronments as far back as the early Ordovician, horseshoe crabs are generally... more
"The principal conch parameters—whorl expansion rate, whorl overlap rate, umbilical width, and whorl thickness—of Early and Middle Devonian ammonoids have been extensively investigated. Stratophenetic analyses show long-term trends in... more
371 Introduction 372 Morphological and molecular data 373 Methods 375 Separate analyses 375 Combined parsimony analyses 375 Combined Bayesian analyses 375 Combined likelihood analyses 376 Results 378 Separate analyses 378 Combined... more
A computer simulation of the kinetics of precipitation of an ordered intermetallic phase from a disordered solid solution in a model binary two-dimensional alloy is considered. All diffusion processes, the concentrationffl delamination... more
the shell wall and on the apertural side of the septum of various fossil and Recent ectocochleate cephalopods. In addition to the scars of the cephalic retractors, steinkerns of the body chambers of bactritoids and some ammonoids from... more
A step-by-step guide to the use of the 'Unbend specimens' module in the geometric morphometrics program tpsUtil.
The more than 4,000 living species of mammal have infiltrated almost every habitat in the world. From alpine mountaintops to plains grasslands, from aerial heights to the depths of the ocean, from slender forest branches to narrow... more
Giraffes have long fascinated and intrigued us. For centuries, kings and emperors gave them as gifts, and their extraordinary height and long necks have inspired countless myths and legends. Some 150 years ago, Darwin suggested that these... more
Isabgol (Plantago ovata) belonging to Plantaginaceae family is a medicinal plant useful as a laxative, and blood cholesterol, fat and sugar reducer. Lots of these plants grow wildly in some parts of Golestan province. An appropriate... more
Morphological integration refers to coordinated variation among traits that are closely related in development and/or function. Patterns of integration can offer important insight into the structural relationship between phenotypic units,... more
The discussion of Ascension symptoms arising as a result of accretion and absorption of the high frequency plasma light that we have been receiving is continued with particular attention on sleeplessness and tiredness. It is elucidated... more
A significant problem in current coastal research is the understanding of linkages between morphological phenomena occurring on different temporal and spatial scales. Morphodynamic processes in the nearshore typically exhibit nonlinear... more
This book aims to address the deficiencies of contemporary evolution studies by evaluating Multi-Torus or Morphogenetic Torus Theory using the fossil record. The book begins with description of and discussion of one of most recently... more
A general overview of the common Ascension Symptoms have been presented. It is elucidated that none of these Ascension Symptoms, that nevertheless constitute complications which may include feelings of pains and discomforts, are entropic... more
"Più di duecento anni fa, Goethe presentò le sue ricerche sulla forma delle piante e degli animali, che volle ricondurre sotto il titolo di morfologia: un metodo e un modo particolari di guardare ai fenomeni della natura che il poeta... more
Patterns of segmentation and tagmosis are reviewed for Chelicerata. Depending on the outgroup, che-licerate origins are either among taxa with an anterior tagma of six somites, or taxa in which the appendages of somite I became... more
Previously, in Internet of Life, Chp 1 [137], it was shown that if the interaction protocol between parental genome networks is random then there is a loss of bilateral symmetry. Thus, a nonrandom meta-network, interaction protocol... more
An overview of the existence of humans as a form of Divine consciousness embodiment within the physical Universe of Nebadon has been presented. It is elucidated that human beings by pedigree and Divine design carry the most unique and... more
Although nobody doubts today that a Ural-Altaic protolanguage is an obsolete idea there still exists some peculiar conformity between Uralic and Altaic that cannot easily be explained by simple borrowings. In this article some... more
The term biology is of Greek origin meaning the study of life. On the other hand, chemistry is the science of matter, which deals with matter and its properties, structure, composition, behavior, reactions, interactions and the changes it... more
An overview of the myriad forms of Ascension maladies or symptoms affecting the awakened and enlightened souls within the 3 rd dimensional Earth plane awaiting to ascend to the higher dimensions of consciousness has been explicated. It is... more
Morphological and morphometric bone variation between archaeological wolves and the oldest domestic dogs commonly are used to define species differences. However, reference data often have been based on small numbers, without robust... more
It is emphasized, herein, that this era of pre-Ascension has involved bombardment of potent light energies of consciousness upon the potentially Ascending population of Earth that has created a demanding impetus upon Earth humanity, one... more
Cet ouvrage propose une description comparative et diachronique de cinq langues mayas parlées au Mexique et au Guatemala : le cholti’, le ch’orti’, le chontal d’Acalán, le chontal moderne et le chol. Ces langues, en partie disparues... more
A central problem in paleoanthropology is the identity of the last common ancestor of Neanderthals and modern humans ([N-MH] LCA). Recently developed analytical techniques now allow this problem to be addressed using a probabilistic... more
Ongoing discoveries of new rangeomorph fossils from the Ediacaran of Avalonia allow us to put forward a unified and approachable scheme for the description and phylogenetic analysis of frondose genera and their species. This scheme... more
An overview of conscious vibration is presented. Via modelling a sentient being as a harmonic resonator comprised of two fundamental elements of ‘constitution’ (matter-antimatter) and ‘consciousness expansibility,’ it is envisioned that a... more
The paper reviews the data concerning the nominal inflectional morphology in the chain of languages comprising Uralic, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic and Japonic, collectively termed "Ural-Altaic". Although nominal morphology has... more