The aim to record oral conversations of various eminent/public intellectuals to obtain information from different perspectives and most of these cannot be found in written sources. Oral history also refers to information gathered in this manner and to a written work (published or unpublished) based on such data, often preserved in large repositories such a libraries. Knowledge presented by Oral History (OH) is unique in that it shares the tacit perspective, thoughts, opinions and understanding of their interviewee in its primary status.
The United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, have all established oral history associations and offer educational classes on the subject. These programs are aimed at educating future oral historians on key issues relating to oral history, such as preservation. This is highly debated subject matter, due to increasing technology and funding.
Due to the growing importance or oral histories, the academic world as well as the international community, have increased funding:
- to produce more oral histories;
- to preserve oral history collections; and
- to train more oral historians.
There are growing numbers of oral history programs and classes in college and university campuses across USA, Canada, and South Asia. During COVID-19 world has change in many ways and the whole learning process has been shifted online from being at distance or through digital sources.