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The Apparent
EXEL Water Heating System

Take control of your energy future

Explore further

Save hundreds annually on your energy bill with our innovative solution!


Title 20 & 24 Compliant 


Apparent Water Heater Manual

- Limited Time Offer -


Hot Water
from the Sun

Instant Rebates significantly lower your payment amount!

Upon completion of your installation, you may submit your rebate application to the relevant agencies for processing.

Equitable & Affordable

Consumers can save 80% - 90% on their energy bill within the first year.

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Making the Switch is Easy

We have partnered with Hawaii Energy to bring massive savings to your electric bill through their

Water Heating Rebates Program

Tax Incentives

You may be eligible to receive additional federal and state tax credit, reducing your taxes.

Key Features

You and Our Planet

Seeking cost savings on energy bills while minimizing environmental impact? Discover the solution with our solar water heaters!

On Demand

Our solar water heaters efficiently utilize solar power to deliver instant hot water.

Ease of Use

Our enabled water heaters operate autonomously, seamlessly turning off or cycling as necessary.

Easy Install

Delivered pre-packaged and ready for installation with minimal modifications to the customer's existing hot water system.

Freedom of Choice

Our system allows customers to opt for either four solar panels or a hybrid grid-connected system, providing them with a versatile choice.

The Future

Investing in a solar water heater is a wise financial decision that supports a sustainable future.

Real Time Communication + Data =
Optimized Decision Making

24/7 Monitoring, Disptach & Control 

  • We've developed advanced predictive algorithms for intelligent control planning

  • System achieves grid communication & data exchanges at a frequency of 4 to 60 times per second

  • Advanced settings empower the aggregation of water heater fleets, leveraging AI scheduling and coordination capabilities 

Save money and the environment with our
hot water solution powered
by the sun!

Solar Panels on Roof
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