
The BBC Health and Safety team have provided Guidelines on various health issues routinely encountered in the workplace and on location.

Updated: 10 September 2024

These Guidelines cover our physical and mental wellbeing. They also describe the occupational health services available to staff to help minimise the risk of these health issues arising and how these can be accessed. We also sometimes provide health news updates, such as for pandemics or other serious health concerns.

If you aren't able to find what you are looking for on these pages, please contact Occupational Health (see our Health Contacts page).

Our Health Guidelines have been grouped under the following subject headings:

Health Topics

Health & Wellbeing

  • Disease and Contact with Viruses and Bacteria

    A guide for anyone deployed to areas where there is risk from infectious disease from human, animal, insect or parasite sources, including zoonoses. These controls can also apply to harmful bacteria found in incidents such as sewage spills.
  • Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

    A safety guide to Display Screen Equipment (DSE) use at work, including advice on completing assessments for various types of workstation and how to address any health issues.
  • Drugs and Alcohol

    The BBC has an agreed Policy in relation to Drugs and Alcohol. This guidance is extracted from that policy. In the case of doubt the BBC Drugs and Alcohol Policy has precedence.
  • International Travel - Risks & Health

    This is a guide for BBC staff planning to travel overseas. It covers the basic precautions needed when travelling to countries usually deemed to be of low health risk, for example, most of Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Manual Handling

    If your job involves lifting or carrying heavy or awkwardly-shaped equipment, or repetitive lifting, you need to know how to minimise the risk of injury - this Guideline should help.
  • Mental Health

    Collated below are our Guidelines relating to mental health, providing guidance and advice, as well as describing the support services available to individuals and to managers.
  • Occupational Asthma

    A guide to situations in which asthma could be caused by inhaling certain substances in the course of your work. This is called occupational asthma.
  • Pregnancy

    A guide to health and safety considerations for pregnant and nursing mothers. In general day-to-day work activity is not harmful in pregnancy. There are, however, some work factors that can cause harm and need to be considered.
  • Pressure and Stress

    A guide to recognising and managing pressure and stress.
  • Psychological Trauma and PTSD

    A guide to dealing with psychological trauma or a traumatic event where there is exposure to a violent situation, personal life threatening danger or fear of death. This guide is for workers whose work can involve exposure to such situations especially when covering events such as war, disasters and civil unrest.
  • Psychological Trauma Support & Trauma Risk Management (TRiM)

    The BBC has a range of information and support available to assist staff involved or likely to be involved in traumatic assignments / deployments.
  • Skincare and Dermatitis

    A guide to looking after your skin and recognising the symptoms of dermatitis which is a reaction that occurs when our skin becomes inflamed.
  • Tiredness and Fatigue

    A guide to the scheduling and management of your team’s working hours to help safeguard them from the effects of fatigue.
  • Voice: Maintaining it for Work

    A guide to using your voice if you are a presenter on radio or television, or you use your voice as part of your work such as a re-speaker, singer, translator or a lecturer/trainer.

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This site describes what the BBC does in relation to managing its health, safety and security risks and is intended for those who work directly for the BBC.

It is not intended to provide instruction or guidance on how third parties should manage their risks. The BBC cannot be held liable for how this information is interpreted or used by third parties, nor provide any assurance that adopting it would provide any measure of legal compliance. More information

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