Philosophy & Religion

Humans have long pondered not only how we came to be but also why we came to be. The earliest Greek philosophers focused their attention upon the origin and nature of the physical world; later philosophers have theorized about the nature of knowledge, truth, good and evil, love, friendship, and much more. Philosophy involves a methodical assessment of any and all aspects of human existence and experience. The realms of philosophy and religion have sometimes intersected in conducting such inquiries as these. As with philosophy, the study of religion underscores how humankind has long speculated about its origins. The possibility of a higher being (or beings) to which livings things owe their existence has long captived human thought. Many religions also offer their own views on the nature of good and evil, and they may prescribe guidelines and judgment on different kinds of human behavior.
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Featured content, December 05, 2024

To All Nations: 8 Fascinating Jesuit Missionaries
They came, they taught, they converted.
St. Paul’s Contributions to the New Testament
Which books of the Bible did he write?
Roman Catholic Saints
“All you holy men and women pray for us.”
What Is the Most Widely Practiced Religion in the World?
The world’s major religions have followers in the billions. Find out which one has the most.
Linguistics, the scientific study of language. The word was first used in the middle of the 19th century to emphasize the...
philosophy of science
Philosophy of science, the study, from a philosophical perspective, of the elements of scientific inquiry. This article discusses...
Confucius was China’s most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist, whose ideas have profoundly influenced the...
Judaism, monotheistic religion developed among the ancient Hebrews. Judaism is characterized by a belief in one transcendent...

Philosophy & Religion Quizzes

Ancient Gods and Monsters Quiz 
Who is Quetzalcóatl’s dog-headed companion? Who are the group of maidens who serve the god Odin? Test your knowledge....
Hindu Religion and Myth Quiz
What is the name of the monkey commander of the monkey army mentioned in the Ramayana? Who is the Hindu goddess...
Norse Mythology Basics Quiz
Who was the son of the chief god Odin and his wife, Frigg? What is the name of Thor’s hammer? Test your knowledge. Take the...
More Norse Mythology Quiz
Who is the watchman of the gods? What is the name of the rainbow bridge that is the entrance to Asgard? Test your knowledge....
Zodiac Sign Quiz
How well do you know the dates of the 12 astrological signs of the zodiac? This quiz will show you one of the signs, and...
Constellations of the Zodiac and Their Signs Quiz
Lions and maidens and bulls, oh my!
Name the Zodiac Sign Quiz
Can you identify representations of the astrological signs of the zodiac? In this quiz, you’ll be shown an image of each...
What’s That Zodiac Symbol Quiz
Can you name all these zodiac glyphs? All signs point to yes.
Name That Greek God Quiz
Prepare for your next trip to Mount Olympus by identifying these deities.
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Philosophy & Religion
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Philosophy & Religion Subcategories

Romulus and Remus suckling their wolf foster mother Ancient Religions & Mythology
What did our ancestors believe in? What myths and stories did they use to explain the world around them and find meaning in it? How have their beliefs influenced modern religion and spirituality? Explore these questions and more while discovering notable traditions, figures, and legends that figured prominently in ancient religion and mythology.
subcategory placeholder Ethical Issues
What moral precepts guide us through tricky situations that may arise in relation to friendships, family, communities, and the work environment? Right and wrong are not always defined in the same way across different cultures.
Roger Bacon Humanities
The humanities are those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture. The humanities include the study of all languages and literatures, the arts, history, and philosophy.
Voltaire Philosophers
Here you'll find the thinkers and theorists who have expressed their own ideas about such topics as the nature of humankind's relationship with the metaphysical world, the definitions of truth and knowledge, and the conditions of existence. From ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle to later notable philosophers such as René Descartes and Immanuel Kant, philosophy's great thinkers have approached sensitive ethical and existential issues from a variety of different angles. Their ideas have influenced the way we look at our world and the way we relate to one another as human beings.
Cicero Philosophical Issues
Do you embrace weighty topics such as the relative merits of empiricism and rationalism? An inquisitive spirit is all but a prerequisite for many of the topics listed here, which deal with the different approaches to and ideas about the big questions of life.
Abu Darweesh Mosque Religious Beliefs
Our religious beliefs can affect our lifestyle, our perceptions, and our way of relating to fellow human beings. Is there a higher power (or powers) that governs the universe and judges all of us? Does committing a mortal sin mean the death of a soul, or is there a chance for forgiveness? The answers to such questions differ widely across different religions.
Martin Luther Religious Personages & Scholars
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
St. Bernadette of Lourdes Religious Places
Human beings tend to relate to their religious beliefs through symbolism. Religious and sacred places—common destinations for pilgrims—represent a physical connection that helps believers express their devotion.
Mahalia Jackson Sacred Art & Music
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
Chapter 49 of the Isaiah Scroll Scriptures
Sacred scriptures of all religions, viewed as the word of God or inspired by God, have influenced the moral and ethical standards of countries, peoples, and religious groups. Their interpretation has long been a subject of discussion and, at times, controversy.
Charles Sprague Pearce: Religion Spirituality
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
Tenrikyo Religious Movements & Organizations
This general category includes a selection of more specific topics.
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