Bring back bussing for St​.​Charles

Bring back bussing for St​.​Charles

August 28, 2022
Signatures: 8Next Goal: 10
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Why this petition matters

A letter was handed out to many St.Charles students discontinuing the school bus service beginning September 2022. Your child must live more than 1.6km of the school to qualify for bussing.

The school zone is highly unsafe and HAZARDOUS  for our children to be walking in.  It is currently a construction zone. Construction vehicles and equipment are  heavily present throughout the neighborhood and pathways in which our children will have to walk through, not to mention the very busy street they will have to cross without a crossing guard.

multiple attempts have been made to ask for bussing to resume as usual and all requests have been denied. The SCSTC has stated that the students should be able to walk as it is found to be safe for them to do so- which is clearly not the case.

Please help us keep our children safe by requesting that bussing continue as before. Your help is so greatly appreciated.


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Signatures: 8Next Goal: 10
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