Monster Hunter World: Iceborne weapon redesign

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne weapon redesign
The Issue
This petition is about the lackluster weapon designs in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. I’v been a fan of monster hunter since the very beginning. And in all the games you would have these amazing weapon designs for each monster! I mean they would make you say “WOW! Now that’s awesome!”!! But one problem that both myself and the community have encountered with World and Iceborne, is that a lot of the weapons are just monster parts slapped onto metal. I understand that there’s new monsters that probably wouldn’t have a really unique design, but it’s Monster Hunter!!! The weapons are SUPPOSED to look outlandish and unique!! For example, the Glavenus greatsword!! An extremely unique and cool looking weapon in past games, but in Iceborne it’s just metal with Glavenus parts attached to the handle? I know you guys are capable of getting that awesome design back!!! Even though I know you’ve worked your butts off to give us Iceborne, I believe that the weapon designs could have been a little more complex or creative. What was stopping you from using the original weapon designs for returning monsters in past games? New monsters I can understand, but the returning ones? Just think of how you could introduce them back in!!! With either a complete redo or overhaul of all weapons, or by just holding weapon design competitions!!! I know that Capcom has been extremely understanding and thoughtful when it comes to fan feedback. I hope that you guys can read this and agree with me on it. I would think that a lot of people would enjoy hunting a monster more if it had a really unique looking weapon design!! “I can’t wait to get my Anjanath longsword!!” Vs “eh it’s stats are nice but I’ll pass because of the look.”. Just imagine all the positive feedback and reports that would come out of updating the weapons to make them more unique!!! The possibilities are endless!!! I hope that anyone who reads this will agree with me wholeheartedly. The petition is about some of the weapon designs. I don’t know if you’ve played the previous MH titles or not, but in the previous games the weapons for almost every monster would be completely unique to said monster, with a cool design. Be it a greatsword with the Glavenus tail, or the hammer with the rathalos head. Hell, you could even use a longsword that looked like a scythe!!! I (and many others) just feel like we aren’t getting that in world or Iceborne. Yeah there’s SOME cool weapon designs, but a lot of them look similar and aren’t really unique. I mean what happened? Thank you for your time guys and gals. Happy hunting.
The Issue
This petition is about the lackluster weapon designs in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. I’v been a fan of monster hunter since the very beginning. And in all the games you would have these amazing weapon designs for each monster! I mean they would make you say “WOW! Now that’s awesome!”!! But one problem that both myself and the community have encountered with World and Iceborne, is that a lot of the weapons are just monster parts slapped onto metal. I understand that there’s new monsters that probably wouldn’t have a really unique design, but it’s Monster Hunter!!! The weapons are SUPPOSED to look outlandish and unique!! For example, the Glavenus greatsword!! An extremely unique and cool looking weapon in past games, but in Iceborne it’s just metal with Glavenus parts attached to the handle? I know you guys are capable of getting that awesome design back!!! Even though I know you’ve worked your butts off to give us Iceborne, I believe that the weapon designs could have been a little more complex or creative. What was stopping you from using the original weapon designs for returning monsters in past games? New monsters I can understand, but the returning ones? Just think of how you could introduce them back in!!! With either a complete redo or overhaul of all weapons, or by just holding weapon design competitions!!! I know that Capcom has been extremely understanding and thoughtful when it comes to fan feedback. I hope that you guys can read this and agree with me on it. I would think that a lot of people would enjoy hunting a monster more if it had a really unique looking weapon design!! “I can’t wait to get my Anjanath longsword!!” Vs “eh it’s stats are nice but I’ll pass because of the look.”. Just imagine all the positive feedback and reports that would come out of updating the weapons to make them more unique!!! The possibilities are endless!!! I hope that anyone who reads this will agree with me wholeheartedly. The petition is about some of the weapon designs. I don’t know if you’ve played the previous MH titles or not, but in the previous games the weapons for almost every monster would be completely unique to said monster, with a cool design. Be it a greatsword with the Glavenus tail, or the hammer with the rathalos head. Hell, you could even use a longsword that looked like a scythe!!! I (and many others) just feel like we aren’t getting that in world or Iceborne. Yeah there’s SOME cool weapon designs, but a lot of them look similar and aren’t really unique. I mean what happened? Thank you for your time guys and gals. Happy hunting.
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Petition created on September 7, 2019