15 October 2019
Signatures: 407Next goal: 500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Marium Yousuf

You may not know it, but the world’s largest living organism, the Great Barrier Reef, has been looking out for you your entire life.

The Great Barrier Reef has been protecting our coastlines, preventing tidal waves & tropical storms from washing away our cities.

The Reef is regulating the carbon dioxide levels of the ocean to combat climate change and keep your air and beaches clean.

It has created a nursery to more than 10% of the planet’s fish species, helping to maintain the world’s fish populations.

The GBR is even contributing to the Australian economy by generating $6.4 billion every year, supporting over 64,000 jobs and holding a modest net worth of $56 billion. 

But despite the Great Barrier Reef's massive contribution to Australia, it is still denied the one basic right of every Australian citizen – the right to live.

Coal mining, greenhouse gas emissions, the continued growth of the fossil fuel industry and lack of action against climate change are all threatening the life of the Great Barrier Reef.

In fact, more than half of the shallow water corals of the GBR have been bleached to death since 2016 – all due to increasing ocean temperatures that cause the death of the Great Barrier Reef.

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Signatures: 407Next goal: 500
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