Stop McDonalds' Gender Discrimination Practices in Saudi Arabia

Stop McDonalds' Gender Discrimination Practices in Saudi Arabia

The Issue

Many U.S. companies are changing their stores to support gender segregation in countries that promote it. One major company is McDonalds' in Saudi Arabia. McDonalds' has reportedly made seperate entrances for men and women and different seating as well. Kind of a seperate but equal practice only it is far from equal. The men's area is typically lavish and comfortable where the women's side is sometimes missing seats. Women without a male companion are barred from entering the restaurant.
Many women are not allowed to drive so McDonalds' solves that problem by having home delivery available. How nice of them.

This is a quote from National Organization for Women (NOW) spokesperson Karen Johnson, "McDonald's...claim[s] to be sensitive to local customs and laws, but they choose to ignore universal human rights laws in favor of the laws of profit."

Sign the petition to stop this practice and boycott McDonald's until they do.
Contact McDonalds' and let them know this is unacceptable: (630)623-3000

Decision Maker: Jim Skinner
This petition had 170 supporters
Decision Maker: Jim Skinner

The Issue

Many U.S. companies are changing their stores to support gender segregation in countries that promote it. One major company is McDonalds' in Saudi Arabia. McDonalds' has reportedly made seperate entrances for men and women and different seating as well. Kind of a seperate but equal practice only it is far from equal. The men's area is typically lavish and comfortable where the women's side is sometimes missing seats. Women without a male companion are barred from entering the restaurant.
Many women are not allowed to drive so McDonalds' solves that problem by having home delivery available. How nice of them.

This is a quote from National Organization for Women (NOW) spokesperson Karen Johnson, "McDonald's...claim[s] to be sensitive to local customs and laws, but they choose to ignore universal human rights laws in favor of the laws of profit."

Sign the petition to stop this practice and boycott McDonald's until they do.
Contact McDonalds' and let them know this is unacceptable: (630)623-3000

Petition Closed

This petition had 170 supporters

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The Decision Makers

  • Jim Skinner


    No response

The Supporters

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Petition created on October 24, 2010