Adversity See also Affliction; Agency; Suffering; Test; Tribulation; Trouble saved you out of all your adversities, 1 Sam. 10:19. man is born unto trouble, Job 5:7. Though he slay me, yet will I trust, Job 13:15. cried … in their trouble, Ps. 107:6. in the day of adversity, Eccl. 7:14. Lord give you the bread of adversity, Isa. 30:20. in their affliction they will seek me, Hosea 5:15. through much tribulation enter into the kingdom, Acts 14:22. patient in tribulation, Rom. 12:12. I take pleasure in infirmities, 2 Cor. 12:10. opposition in all things, 2 Ne. 2:11. visit my people in their afflictions, Mosiah 24:14. he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions, Alma 7:11. afflictions had truly humbled them, Alma 32:6. softened because of their afflictions, Alma 62:41. delivered … from all manner of afflictions, Alma 62:50. who are faithful and endure, D&C 50:5. he that is faithful in tribulation, D&C 58:2. he descended below all things, D&C 88:6. thine adversity … shall be but a small moment, D&C 121:7. these things shall give thee experience, D&C 122:7. people must be tried in all things, D&C 136:31. though I was hated and persecuted, JS—H 1:25. See also Ps. 35:15; Rom. 8:18, 35; Alma 14:11.