In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, Gen. 3:19 (Moses 4:25).
Melchizedek … brought forth bread, Gen. 14:18.
I will rain bread from heaven, Ex. 16:4 (Neh. 9:15).
manna … This is the bread, Ex. 16:15 (14:18).
serve the Lord … and he shall bless thy bread, Ex. 23:25.
man doth not live by bread only, Deut. 8:3 (Matt. 4:4).
ravens brought him bread, 1 Kgs. 17:6.
feed him with bread of affliction, 1 Kgs. 22:27 (2 Chr. 18:26).
eat of my bread, Ps. 41:9 (John 13:18).
satisfied them with the bread of heaven, Ps. 105:40.
eat the bread of sorrows, Ps. 127:2.
satisfy her poor with bread, Ps. 132:15.
eat the bread of wickedness, Prov. 4:17.
tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread, Prov. 12:11.
giveth of his bread to the poor, Prov. 22:9.
for a piece of bread that man will transgress, Prov. 28:21.
Cast thy bread upon the waters, Eccl. 11:1.
spend money for that which is not bread, Isa. 55:2.
earth … that it may give … bread, Isa. 55:10.
deal thy bread to the hungry, Isa. 58:7.
young children ask bread, Lam. 4:4.