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Learn BIM, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from Purdue University, University System of Maryland, National Taiwan University and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
The course is designed for students to learn the essential concepts of BIM, and the basic technical skills to create and manipulate a BIM model. Those skills include how to retrieve information from a BIM model and how to use common modeling tools.
Learn to build and apply BIM models using Autodesk Revit and Navisworks, covering clash detection, quantity takeoff, and 4D simulation through a practical 6-story building example.
How to Manage Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the integration between Project Management Professional and BIM
The guide to learn the basics to understand the BIM concept.
Your guide to plan, design, analyze and manage roads design and transportation projects using infraworks BIM application
Learn with real mega projects such as Midfield Terminal Building of Abu Dhabi airport
Modeling a steel structure on Tekla structures software
Learn to create detailed shop drawings and 3D models for multi-story reinforced concrete buildings using Tekla Structures, including layout plans, sections, and quantity tables.
Grow your Career in BIM Structure ## Explained with English Language with English subtitles
The great collaboration between BIM and GIS for smart city information management - Learn the new process for new chance
Design foul water and rainwater evacuation systems in BIM
Explore the drivers and definitions of BIM and understand why BIM is an important development in the construction industry.
Learn how to couple BIM and traditional scheduling and cost-estimating tools to develop 4D, 5D, and nD models for effective construction applications
Learn the fundamentals of building information modeling (BIM), including object-oriented modeling, parametric modeling, and central database.
Discover how BIM (building information modeling) can deliver business benefits to AEC professionals designing houses or reimagining the infrastructure of entire cities.