Cold comfort! Mother polar bear rolls around in the snow with her young cubs in heart-melting scenes in Canada

  •  The heart-warming photographs were taken in the minus 40 degree temperatures of Wapusk National Park
  •  The close-knit family were enjoying the fresh air after more than three months resting in their den
  •  Property manager and amateur photographer Hao Jiang captured the adorable images in Manitoba, Canada 


A polar bear was pictured rolling around in the snow with her young cubs as they ventured outside for the first time.

The close-knit family were enjoying the fresh air after more than three months resting in their den.

The heart-warming photographs were taken in the minus 40 degree temperatures of Wapusk National Park, in Manitoba, Canada.

Property manager and amateur photographer Hao Jiang captured the images shortly after the bear family had emerged from their den.

The 54-year-old from San Francisco, California said: 'I saw the mother polar bear appear from their den after waiting more than three hours, but I did not see her cubs with her.

'About half an hour later the cubs emerged and I was so happy to see them safe and well. They were adorable and loved playing and interacting with their mother.

'They looked healthy and were enjoying the outside world together as a family.'

The mother polar bear appeared content as she played with her two adorable cubs in the snow in freezing temperatures

The mother polar bear appeared content as she played with her two adorable cubs in the snow in freezing temperatures 

The close-knit family were enjoying the fresh air after more than three months resting in their den

The close-knit family were enjoying the fresh air after more than three months resting in their den

A mother bear walks with her two cubs in the snow in minus 40 degree temperatures at Wapusk National Park

A mother bear walks with her two cubs in the snow in minus 40 degree temperatures at Wapusk National Park

Property manager and amateur photographer Hao Jiang captured the images shortly after the bear family had emerged from their den

Property manager and amateur photographer Hao Jiang captured the images shortly after the bear family had emerged from their den 

The 54-year-old from San Francisco, California said: 'I saw the mother polar bear appear from their den after waiting more than three hours, but I did not see her cubs with her'

The 54-year-old from San Francisco, California said: 'I saw the mother polar bear appear from their den after waiting more than three hours, but I did not see her cubs with her' 

Property manager and amateur photographer Hao Jiang continued: 'About half an hour later the cubs emerged and I was so happy to see them safe and well'

Property manager and amateur photographer Hao Jiang continued: 'About half an hour later the cubs emerged and I was so happy to see them safe and well'

'They looked healthy and were enjoying the outside world together as a family,' the photographer noted

'They looked healthy and were enjoying the outside world together as a family,' the photographer noted 

The mother polar bear pictured playing with her 'healthy' cubs in adorable scenes taken in Manitoba, Canada

The mother polar bear pictured playing with her 'healthy' cubs in adorable scenes taken in Manitoba, Canada 

Mother bear looks happy rolling around in the snow with her young cubs shortly after emerging from their den

Mother bear looks happy rolling around in the snow with her young cubs shortly after emerging from their den 

The cubs were 'adorable and loved playing and interacting with their mother,' the photographer later noted

The cubs were 'adorable and loved playing and interacting with their mother,' the photographer later noted 

These playful polar bear cubs pose for the perfect family paw-traits after venturing out of their den for the very first time, before taking a well earned snooze curled up with their mum

These playful polar bear cubs pose for the perfect family paw-traits after venturing out of their den for the very first time, before taking a well earned snooze curled up with their mum

The baby bears were captured in thick snow as they took their first steps into the inside world, accompanied by their protective mother

The baby bears were captured in thick snow as they took their first steps into the inside world, accompanied by their protective mother

They were seen stomping around in -40 degree surroundings before curling up for a well-earned snooze in their freezing habitat

They were seen stomping around in -40 degree surroundings before curling up for a well-earned snooze in their freezing habitat

Polar bear cubs venture out of their den for the first time since birth with their mum in Wapusk National Park in Manitoba

Polar bear cubs venture out of their den for the first time since birth with their mum in Wapusk National Park in Manitoba

Mother bear pictured with her playful cubs in Manitoba, Canada in thick snow

Mother bear pictured with her playful cubs in Manitoba, Canada in thick snow 


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