Spurs great King cried when he made the decision to retire


Tottenham legend Ledley King has admitted he cried when he discovered his career was over.

The retired centre-back was injury-prone throughout his career and eventually succumbed to his knee problems in July.

King, 31, was told if he was to continue playing football that he would need a knee replacement after he retired.

Upset: Ledley King cried when he decided to retire

Upset: Ledley King cried when he decided to retire


'At the start of last season I felt my left knee was the same as it had been in the last five years and that I could keep going. I didn’t envisage finishing,' he told The Sun.

'Then, even though I knew I was struggling halfway through the season, my aim was to get to May, deal with it in the summer and come back again.

'But the surgeon said he didn’t want me to end up with a knee replacement at a young age and that was what would happen if I played on. My knee felt terrible so I suppose it made the decision easy.

From the start: King was troubled with injuries throughout his career

From the start: King was troubled with injuries throughout his career

'But I admit there were a few tears because I always felt I could deal with it before. I’d always found a way to manage the situation and get through the season.'

His injury problems came to the fore during the 2010 World Cup too, taking a tumble in the first half which ended up with him being substituted at half-time.

He explained: 'I wanted to cry there and then, it was three minutes into the game.'

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