A Member of Parliament (MP)-elect for the Epi constituency, Robert Bohn, has requested all MP-elects through a letter to consider his candidacy for the position of Prime Minister (PM) of Vanuatu.
MP-elect Bohn, who is the founder of the Vanuatu Progressive Development Party (VPDP), has stated in his letter that, despite unofficial results indicating that VPDP only has one successful candidate in the recent snap election, he humbly asks MPs-elect to consider his candidacy. He stated, “I humbly ask you to consider my candidacy for Prime Minister, not because of who I am, but because of what I believe we can achieve together. As elected leaders, our mandate is clear—we must address the critical issues facing our nation in the grip of a deep economic crisis.”
In a copy of the letter received by the Vanuatu Daily Post yesterday, MP-elect Bohn stated, “Today, we stand at a crossroads in Vanuatu’s history. Our country has faced parliamentary dissolutions three times in less than a decade—in 2016, 2022, and now in 2024. These cycles of instability have not only stalled progress but have also left our citizens—especially our youth—disheartened and disillusioned.
“I write to you not out of personal ambition, but with a vision for Vanuatu’s future… Government revenues are declining, expenditures and public debt are rising, and resources are stretched thin.
“Our capital city, Port Vila, bears the scars of natural disasters, and its reconstruction will demand significant effort and funding. Most troubling, the trust of our people in their leaders and institutions is waning. They see broken roads, inadequate healthcare, and missed opportunities, and they wonder if anyone is truly fighting for them.”
He stressed it is time to change the narrative.
“It is time to stop repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results,” the Epi MP-elect said.
“We need a government that prioritises practical, tangible solutions—fixing roads, building infrastructure, ensuring access to clean water, healthcare, and education. These are not luxuries; they are necessities.
“As a naturalised citizen of Vanuatu, I have devoted over 30 years of my life to this nation. I have worked alongside communities, built partnerships with donor organisations, and delivered projects that have made a real difference—from health dispensaries to water and sanitation initiatives. I have done this as a private citizen and as a representative of the people of Epi. Now, I am ready to bring that same dedication, network, and vision to the service of all Vanuatu.”
Bohn admitted his proposal may seem unconventional.
“After all, how can a single Member of Parliament aspire to lead as Prime Minister? Leadership, however, is not about numbers—it is about trust, capability, and the ability to unite. Our people are calling for a new kind of leadership, one that is inclusive, forward-thinking, and committed to the collective good,” he said.
“If entrusted with the role of PM, I pledge to form a government that reflects the diversity and unity of our nation. Together, we can chart a course that brings stability to our Parliament, renews faith in our institutions, and delivers meaningful progress for all Ni-Vanuatu.
“The challenges we face are great, but our potential is greater. Let us seize this moment to redefine what is possible for Vanuatu and ensure that the next generation inherits a nation stronger, more prosperous, and more united than ever before.”
The founder of VPDP quoted Albert Einstein’s saying, “In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.”
“These words… are a reminder that the challenges we face are not insurmountable; they are calls to action, moments demanding courageous leadership and bold ideas,” he stated.
Bohn is originally from the United States of America and is a naturalised citizen of Vanuatu. This is his second time in Vanuatu’s parliament.
Vanuatu Daily Post has received confirmation from the Leaders Party of Vanuatu (LPV) President, Jotham Napat, affirming that he has received and read the letter.
“Do we no longer have indigenous MPs-elect that are capable of running this country?” LPV President Napat said.
The request by Epi MP-elect Bohn has already created division within MPs-elect, questioning why a naturalised citizen is requesting the candidacy for the highest position in the country—the Prime Minister.
In the meantime, winning political parties continue to lobby to form the new government in the 14th Legislature.
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