Competitive Events Program

Collegiate DECA’s Competitive Events Program allows students to put their experience, skills and knowledge to the test while representing their college or university.


From the Classroom to the Boardroom

Collegiate DECA members compete for top international honors in one of 25 different competitions. Collegiate DECA competitive events recognize student achievement, provide opportunities for traveling to conferences and networking with peers. The Collegiate DECA Competitive Events Program is recognized for helping to prepare students for their professional careers. Collegiate DECA members are evaluated by business and industry professionals in all Collegiate DECA competitive events.

Collegiate DECA’s Individual Case Study Events effectively measure the student’s proficiency in the knowledge and skills identified by business and industry professionals as essential to success in a given career. The student is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in a given career. Roles in these events could be content area expert, client, customer, employee, supervisor, manager or entrepreneur.

Collegiate DECA’s Team Case Study Events effectively measure the student’s proficiency in the knowledge and skills identified by business and industry professionals as essential to success in a given career. The team of two students is given a description of a specific situation that measures skills, knowledge and attitudes in a given career. Roles in these events could be content area expert, client, customer, employee, supervisor, manager or entrepreneur.

Collegiate DECA's Prepared Business Presentation events provide students the opportunity to prepare ahead of time a written prospectus and/or to present to a professional (judge) with experience in the area of specialty identified for the event.


Featured Resources


Official Competitive Events

Learn more about each competitive event. Below is the official list of competitive events for Collegiate DECA’s International Career Development Conference. Please check with your chartered association advisor for competitive events offered in your chartered association.

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Contact DECA staff
for more information.

Debbie Taylor
Director of Programs