Our journey to transform
the customer journey

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What started as an exploration in conversational automation has grown into a powerful platform built ground up to help businesses reimagine the customer journey.
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Engati started with a simple thesis. Can we bring a low-friction approach via conversational automation (to capture business logic) and intelligence ( applied AI/NLP) to the rapidly evolving domain around chatbots?
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Buoyed by our early experience with key customers across a wide range of industries, we embarked as a young organization in 2020, with an intense desire to humanize customer engagement.

Our journey to transform
the customer journey

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Many approaches have been addressing the challenges around CX in a piecemeal manner. However, we don’t yet see a fundamental rethinking needed to bring the human connection and the automation required to truly scale it together.
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Buoyed by our early experience with key customers across a wide range of industries, we embarked as a young organization in 2020, with an intense desire to humanize customer engagement.

What defines us

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Work for impact, pride in what we do

Everything we do is towards the underlying customer impact; we are immensely proud of what we make possible.
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Passionate & Always learning

We wear passion on our sleeves. We are curious, tenacious and optimistic about the road ahead.
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Communicate frankly & clearly

We let our teammates know what we feel, and converge on common ground in making possible what we care about.
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Distributed, yet Connected

We thrive despite being a global team across locations & distances.

Want to meet us? Find us in one of these locations

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The crew

We have come together as a team largely when the world has gone through an intense period of isolation and self-reflection. That has not prevented us from gelling as a team to take on what we know is possible. And oh, we can’t wait to hang out together!
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