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Transforming Conversational Engagement with Generative AI solutions
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Transforming Conversational Engagement with Generative AI solutions

Auto bot-builder

Supercharge your business with the enterprise version of ChatGPT! Train your bot with just the website, documents and more. Go Live in a few minutes!
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Campaign Assist

Experience the magic of Generative AI and generate creative content for your campaigns
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Monitor user interactions, identify query patterns and set predefined limits to trigger timely prompts that encourage actions.
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Conversation Dialogue Flow

While interactions often follow a question-and-answer format, this feature allows the bot to proactively ask questions based on user input, keeping the context in mind for a more interactive experience.
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Data Source Prioritisation

Prioritize answers from specific document categories, ensuring users receive the most relevant information when configured.
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Dynamic Questions Suggestions

Generate relevant questions for each topic providing users with additional queries to explore, nudging engagement and conversions.
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Show Related Matches

Allow the AI Assistant to deliver not only the best response but also other closely aligned options for consideration. Let users select the most relevant choice to move forward confidently.
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Conversation Summary

Boost agent productivity and effectiveness through advanced features that enable them to summarize, articulate, and generate well-suited responses.
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Smart Responses

Generate smart responses for agents to pick and click on. Make the most of the fusion of Generative AI with Conversational AI.
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Auto bot-builder

Supercharge your business with the enterprise version of ChatGPT! Train your bot with just the website, documents and more. Go Live in a few minutes!
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Campaign Assist

Experience the magic of Generative AI and generate creative content for your campaigns
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Monitor user interactions, identify query patterns and set predefined limits to trigger timely prompts that encourage actions.
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Conversation Dialogue Flow

While interactions often follow a question-and-answer format, this feature allows the bot to proactively ask questions based on user input, keeping the context in mind for a more interactive experience.
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Data Source Prioritisation

Prioritize answers from specific document categories, ensuring users receive the most relevant information when configured.
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Dynamic Questions Suggestions

Generate relevant questions for each topic providing users with additional queries to explore, nudging engagement and conversions.
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Show Related Matches

Allow the AI Assistant to deliver not only the best response but also other closely aligned options for consideration. Let users select the most relevant choice to move forward confidently.
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Conversation Summary

Boost agent productivity and effectiveness through advanced features that enable them to summarize, articulate, and generate well-suited responses.
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Smart Responses

Generate smart responses for agents to pick and click on. Make the most of the fusion of Generative AI with Conversational AI.
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Auto bot-builder

Supercharge your business with the enterprise version of ChatGPT! Train your bot with just the website, documents and more. Go Live in a few minutes!
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Campaign Assist

Experience the magic of Generative AI to generate creative content for your campaigns
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Smart Responses

Make the most of the fusion of Generative AI with Conversational AI. Generate smart responses for agents to pick and click on
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Conversation Summary

Boost agent productivity and effectiveness through advanced features that enable them to summarize, articulate, and generate well-suited responses.
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Drive Conversions

Know more about eSenseGPT

Generative AI

eSense GPT eBook

A complete guide to Engati's new eSense GPT, a Generative AI solution built on Large Language Models (LLM) for Automated conversations with customers.

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