Author: IGIBAB
Description: Every robot is a walking encyclopedia, everypony knows that. And with an encyclopedia, you can play a game. No matter what the encyclopedia thinks.
What are you, Wikipedia?
Author: IGIBAB
Description: Every robot is a walking encyclopedia, everypony knows that. And with an encyclopedia, you can play a game. No matter what the encyclopedia thinks.
What are you, Wikipedia?
Description:The planet Equus will be inhospitable in just a few short years. All the creatures on it are preparing to leave for greener pastures. All, that is, except Spitfire.
Laws of Motion
[Slice of Life]
Author: Impossible Numbers
Description: Apple Bloom never thought of herself as a "s'phisticated" pony. She lives on a farm, she eats what's put in front of her, she follows the advice of her kin without question or doubt. That's all there is to it.
Rarity, on the other hoof, is so "s'phisticated" she can actually spell it. Probably too "s'phisticated" for her own good. The life of an artist - even one who actually makes money - is never a simple one.
But truth, like life, is like the gleam off a sun-caught apple. Turn it around, and though it was once dull and uninteresting, the flash of light may well catch your eye in a way that sparks something new and exciting. As if you'd found your cutie mark all over again. A life-changing moment of pure inspiration.
Maybe these two socially sensitive ponies have more in common than they'd ever thought possible...The Sister Sidestep: Apple Bloom
Author: Impossible Numbers
Description: A nosy bookworm, a put-upon carrot, a neurotic apple, a giggly airhead, and a pegasus who's all wind and no thunder. Put 'em together and what have you got? No idea, but Twilight's about to find out the hard way.Dinky and the Sisterhooves
Description: Apple Bloom wants to grow up. She's sure she does. Surrounded by the family that founded a town, shaped it, and made it what it is today, she finds herself all the more invested in becoming a part of this legacy.
Yet as Apple Bloom's interest in the legacy grows, so does her interest in a pony who never had one.
After all, sometimes there's a good reason to step outside. To fly on your own. To look beyond the herd.Beyond the Herd
Description: Apple Bloom and I shared an unusual attitude about our mothers, and it helped to talk about it. But eventually she didn’t need her old friend Derpy anymore. I didn’t think it would hurt this much.
[Slice of Life]
Description: Lily wanted to be an explorer. Roseluck wanted to be an inventor. Daisy just assumed they'd end up running a modest, boring little shop. Guess who was right? But Daisy's (reluctant) desire for normality isn't enough to drown out her childish dreams.
Description: One night at Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom hears strange noises in the house, and wakes up her sister for help. Because of that, Applejack and the family find out that Granny Smith isn't alone in her bedroom. Apparently, the mare found herself a special somepony; however, that pony isn't anyone that they would've ever expected.Ewww, Granny!
Description: One night as Apple Bloom is trying to sleep, she thinks she hears... something in the distance. A light is on in the CMC Clubhouse. She goes to investigate, and what she finds shivering in the snow will change her life forever.Freeze
Description: Apple Bloom is left to handle the majority of the work on Sweet Apple Acres since Applejack and Big Macintosh have to leave to help out on another family farm for a couple of weeks. Granny Smith is helping out wherever she can, but the majority of the labor rests in Apple Bloom's hooves. While she's not the inexperienced filly she was years ago, does the young mare have what it takes to run the Apple family farm in Ponyville while her two older siblings are away, or will the monstrous load of work be too much for her?
Description: Something bad has happened to Sweetie Belle, so why won’t anypony tell Apple Bloom what? At least she can keep her friend company, and Sweetie Belle can hear her talking. Everypony says so. She can hear.Three and a Half Seconds
If friendship really is magic, she sure could use some now.
Description: The first day of school always sucks. It's particularly sucky when you're normally nocturnal.
Just a Little Batty
She Drives Me Batty
Echos of Family (New Sequel)
Additional Tags: Bat ponies are adorably wierd.
Description: Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been dating in secret for weeks now. One afternoon, they finally find the opportunity to spend some "quality" time alone together. When Scootaloo shows up, happy and unannounced, what are the two marefriends to do?
Play laser tag with the filly, of course.
Description: Apple Bloom was simply trying to live out her life with her adoptive family. You know: grow up, earn her cutie mark, master a furycraft or two, help bring in the harvest, that sort of thing. Until one day, aged thirteen and still with neither mark nor fury, she is thrown into the metaphorical deep end when she learns of a plot to start a war with the griffons. Can she find a way to preserve peace, even when there are warmongers on both sides?
A fusion-style crossover fic, combining My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with Jim Butcher's Codex Alera, a world in which everyone has the ability to commune with and control at least one of the six types of furies, the spirits of nature.
Description: There comes a point in your life when you finally become aware of the road you're walking down, and where that road takes you. Where you realize the whole way's been mapped out for you in advance, and you never questioned it before. The moment where you first have to ask if you're okay with that. Spike and Applebloom just want to pull over for a bit and get wasted.The Serpent and the Apple
Description:A Stallion's Strength
Big Mac is a strong stallion, no doubt about that, possibly even the strongest pony around.
However, that changes when he meets a filly by the name of Lily Longsocks, whose raw strength might even rival his own.
It is from this filly that Big Mac will learn where a stallion truly draws his strength.
Description: Apple Bloom gets a rare chance to spend the day with her friend (and possible relative!) Maud Pie. Of course, she knows there's more to Maud than it appears, but her special talent means helping Maud to figure that out, too.Blooming Diamonds
Cover art by tikrs007.
Description: If Zap apples make such phenomenal jam, why aren’t they used for the Apple family’s other famed delicacy: cider? Apple Bloom wants to know, and dooms all of Ponyville into finding out.Apple Boom
Description: The Cutie Mark Crusaders find themselves as accidental stowaways on a pirate ship. All they want is some food, drink, and a fair price on their heads. Maybe the pirates should call in reinforcements.Naval Gazing
Description: Apple Bloom spends one last night with Granny Smith.A Candle in the Sky