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I Have A Mind To Believe
I Have A Mind To Believe
I Have A Mind To Believe
Ebook224 pages4 hours

I Have A Mind To Believe

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About this ebook

Mind Sciences - I Have A Mind To Believe
is all about mind science techniques and
the philosophy of consciousness. Whenever
mental health practitioners cannot diagnose
a mental condition they refer to it as a
chemical imbalance. Nowhere has a chemical
imbalance ever been documented in any medical
research study. I Have A Mind To Believe is a
tell-all book regarding the mental health
industry and demonstrates how the mind works
and how it has the power to correct any type
of behavior. So what exactly is mind sciences?
It is a combination of quantum physics and
psychology among other things. Mind and science
go together and combined form what is called mind
power science which is the belief that all is
possible using the mind to control a person's
total existence. If you want to learn about
the human mind and how you can control it then
you need to read this book. You will not be able
to put it down and you will learn not only about
yourself but about others.

Release dateApr 10, 2015
I Have A Mind To Believe

Harry Jay

Dr. Harry Jay is Director of Research for, a mental health and mind research group of Applied Web Info, and is the author of over 100 books and research papers as a behavioral scientist. In his 31-year career, Dr. Harry Jay has contributed many new mental health treatment treatments and protocols using some of the new advances he has discovered in Energy Psychology. He specializes in addictions of all kinds, sexual abuse, child predation and gender relationships. He is also a board member to and serves on the science committee assisting non-fiction science writers in book publishing and promotion. As a leading behavioral scientist, he provides profiling services to the company's unit as well as criminal psychology research to aid in identifying and apprehending child predators and cyber-criminals of all kinds. He resides in Southern Utah and enjoys the outdoors, fishing and photography.

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    Book preview

    I Have A Mind To Believe - Harry Jay

    Introduction – The Solution or the Problem?

    As a behavioral scientist, I am constantly being mislabeled as being part of the problem rather than being part of the solution. I fully understand why, and as you will see after reading this there is something terribly wrong with the medical profession and science communities. I am not a fan of the medical arts including the so-called mental or mind healing arts. Even though I am a scientist, I like to think of scientist as just a label; I don’t fit into any of the labels associated with the medical or healing arts subject.

    Candidly, I think I even know why. You see, I am not a medical doctor or psychologist! I am a mental health counselor and behavioral scientist; I practice the procedures of research and scientific analysis by attempting to disprove rather than prove a scientific theory. We call this falsification in science.

    This is a very important distinction in science and one that most people confuse. However, as a devout believer in God, I am prejudiced along the lines of what my bible teaches me as it pertains to creation and science. This is where the labels come roaring in…sigh!

    I have never been very tolerant of the psycho-babble that many social scientists employ to confuse issues – many of which I will bring up in this book. I am also aware that many of these psycho-babble associates can and do attack me daily because they have no other recourse. They cannot prove I am wrong so the only thing left to do is discredit and malign.

    With all of that said, what I will attempt to do here is provide you with some food for thought and then you can try to prove me wrong too. My readers are the final court of opinion and always will be for this scientist. I enjoy the feedback I get from my readers.

    Sure, some of them are a few bibles short of a full revival; however if nothing else, it allows me the ability to engage my readers in dialogue and to demonstrate that I not only talk the talk but walk the walk.

    I think it is important that you understand who you are and why you do the things you do. I feel that in order to undertake the study of the human mind, basic foundations to this pursuit need to be laid down and organized so that my readers can follow along easily and attentively.

    I also believe that science should have a commercial aspect to it and I have spent my career consulting with the advertising and marketing experts to provide more effective advertising.

    I tend to steer away from the glitz and hype ads that dominate and flood our minds daily. I will address this topic at length in this book and within everything I write. You will find information about yourself on every page.

    Remember, there is no such thing as commercial versus personal psychology. The mind uses the exact same mechanism to evaluate a personal relationship as it does in evaluating a commercial relationship.

    Look for the concepts and the underlying premises that support the concepts defined here. Go slowly; OBSERVE first, then think about each premise and how it can apply to you in your life. The operative words are OBSERVE FIRST, THEN THINK, THEN ACT.

    Some Who Got Away

    A man carefully jumps down from the train platform on a chilly and blustery morning in Chicago. He has come from his native Russia in search of this man they call Jesus. He quickly walks to his stated destination frequently looking down at the paper in his glove-covered hands, with its hastily drawn map and address scrawled in almost illegible script. The man gazes up at the church and admires its pointed steeple. He reads on the church directory that Sunday school is just starting so he carefully makes his way inside bowing with an exaggerated politeness to all that take the time to greet the stranger. He finds, much to his dismay that the teacher does not show up. But much more disappointing is the fact that nobody seems to care that the class has been canceled. The man then returns to the sanctuary and waits for the morning worship service to begin but afterwards he is left with a feeling of apathy since no one seemed to be paying attention or listening to the sermon’s words. Disgusted, the man turns and leaves. When he returns to his native Russia, this man would find an object worthy of his worship. He would go on to become the Minister of Defense of the Soviet Communist Party. This man was Leon Trotsky.

    Another man from Russia stands rigid and stiff as his mother cries and his abusive father just stares off into the distance, seething with anger. He has just informed the both of them that he was expelled as a seminary student in the Russian Orthodox faith. He laments to them that his studies are boring and of little interest to him. To this man, religion is for the weak. Although the young man’s news literally breaks his parent’s hearts, he remains firm in his beliefs and leaves his studies to pursue a more ambitious goal. This man would go on to become one of the most notorious murderers the world has ever known. This man was Josef Stalin.

    A little closer to home in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas, two brothers are brought before the governing board of elders of their church. Their rowdy behavior and disruptive pranks can no longer be tolerated. The older brother’s teacher asks the governing board for a little more time to work with the boy. Because of his request, the older brother is given another chance. He will go on to later become the leader of his denomination’s evangelical program in the State of Florida. The younger brother is not so fortunate. His teacher recommends expulsion and the governing board agrees and expels the boy from the church. This young man would become world renown for in November 1963 he assassinated the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. This man was Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Three case studies and three lost to forces even this scientist cannot fathom.

    Life isn’t for the meek but let’s look into the mind and why some become famous while others become infamous.

    The Complete Person

    I will begin by reviewing some of what I have already taught and by laying the foundation and answering the questions: who are we? and what are we? A human being is made up of a body, mind, soul and spirit. Let’s discuss these now…

    The Body:

    The physical body, of both men and women, is made up of 18 chemical elements, all of which are the exact elements found in soil.

    The central nervous system, made up of the brain and spinal cord, controls all the functions of the body.

    Two subsystems are employed to assist the central nervous system.

    *The somatic nervous system, which controls all skeletal and muscular movements

    *The autonomic nervous system, which controls the glands and emotions

    In the science of physiology (the study of the physical body), the endocrine system encompasses the glands of the body.

    An endocrinologist is a medical doctor, who specializes in this system.

    Science tells us that almost all disease originates because of a malfunction in the endocrine system.

    It is important to understand that the health of the physical body has a tremendous effect on the mental health of an individual. Not all mental health maladies have mental roots. Many have physical causes and it is important to understand the need for proper nutrition and medical check ups.

    Using computer terminology, the autonomic nervous system is the software and controls the brain. Sticking with our analogy, the brain is the computer hardware. The brain, in turn, relies heavily on the information stored on the hard drive, which is the mind. All the parts are connected and the illness of one part affects the health and well being of the other parts.

    There exist three important control mechanisms of the body: energy, belief system and the subconscious mind.

    Einstein proved (e=mc2) that all matter is controlled by energy, even atoms. All energy has a measurable frequency. In current medical technology, energy frequencies are measured with MRI's, CT scans, PET scans, and EEGs. 

    It is now possible to use the body's energy to identify and treat unhealthy frequencies. It has been discovered that certain frequencies (about 7.83 hertz) operate in people of remarkable talent: i.e. healers, radionics operators, dousers, shamans, witch doctors, mystics, golden don, priests and priestesses, etc.

    We also know that the optimum human frequency is a little below 7.83 hertz. To drop below this frequency brings on the onslaught of disease.

    There are many factors, both internal and external, that affect optimum human frequency. What Einstein may not have realized is that beliefs affect energy.

    Research by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. of Stanford University, shows that biology is controlled by perceptions or beliefs. His work on cells demonstrates how cells are either growing or trying to protect themselves from toxins, or harmful thoughts. Cells in perpetual self-protect mode are more prone to disease, while cells in growth mode are more amenable to wellness.

    In human behavior science, we see a similar pattern. Humans are either growing within their minds, or they are attempting to protect themselves from influences and belief systems that bring on anxiety, stress and psychosomatic symptoms.

    The subconscious mind, referred to in religious terms as the heart, is the term we use to describe the control mechanism the body uses to store our beliefs. These beliefs are stored as pictures in our heart and create frequencies in our bodies. Harmful beliefs that cause unhealthy frequencies are the source of almost all problems - physical, mental and emotional. If our problems were conscious, we'd have solved them already. Self-help books and many current cognitive therapeutic techniques focus on changing beliefs by painting over existing beliefs with new inputs often with limited success. I have demonstrated previously in one my books, just how easy a painted over belief system can bleed through and manifest itself in previous behavior. Have you ever wondered why?

    The subconscious mind creates a belief system, which we call pictures of the heart. These pictures involve either visions or dreams. Dreams are fantasies. Science now tells us the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. This is why you cry at sad movies. Your conscious mind knows you are in a theater watching a movie. Your subconscious mind does not.

    The subject of all dreams is the dreamer. Dreams are born in our desires, emotions and our will. People who are dreamers tend to gravitate toward the desires, emotions and the will of their psyches, and they believe in a belief system, which is fantasy. A life lived within a fantasy creates a feeling of self-centeredness, hopelessness and despair.

    Visions, on the other hand, are pictures of the future that have already been experienced in the heart of those who give it birth. Visions are born in the intellect. Visionary people tend to gravitate toward their intellects. The subject of a vision is not the visionary but the world. Visionaries sacrifice themselves for the good of mankind. Visions are much more powerful than dreams. Visions have a moral quality that transcends the self-centered nature of dreams. By its very nature a vision launches a mission, a cause-that-inspires. Visions create a sense of belonging.

    Dreams are fantasies that vanish, more often than not, when we wake up. Visions live and grow until their birth. Visions provide the energy of their own fulfillment because visions are born of the spirit. They pulsate with a passion that carries the person who carries them. Visions require no evidence, brush aside all obstacles, and simply ignore the rebukes of those who can’t see them. Visions restrain people; dreams and fantasy do the exact opposite and are born of the soul.

    We act upon visions and/or dreams using thought. Intellectual thought relies on wisdom; emotional thought relies on the pursuit of pleasure, comfort and delight.

    Thoughts evoke action. We act out our thoughts in the form of behavior, and/or conduct. Dreamers live within a facade; they create a false sense of worth using imaginary situations. Visionaries live within reality; they create change within a framework of restraint and intellectual thought.

    Love is born in the intellect while lust is born in the desires, emotions and will. Love is a vision; lust is a fantasy. Love restrains; lust is selfish. Love is a sense of being one with someone; lust is a sense of being with someone. Love is communion; lust is companionship. Visionaries love; dreamers lust!

    Relationships founded on lust never endure. Lust must be renewed. Once it is not, the two parts attempting to make up one whole tend to be abrasive to one another. Relationships founded on love tend to last. Love grows and the two parts into one whole, spend a lifetime discovering the mysteries of their mates. Let's go on...

    When you break down the human anatomy into its most basic components (subatomic structures), there is absolutely nothing that you can see or touch! Science has proven that the atom, the once assumed basic building block of all matter, is 99.99% EMPTY SPACE! All that exists is energy -- electrical impulses, flowing streams of quantum data, and various frequencies that hold together the small volume of subatomic particles, you call your body. This energy base enables the chemical reactions, essential to life, to take place, which allows your system to function normally -- digest food, eliminate waste, filter toxins, and so on.

    But several factors contribute to the interruption of this energy flow in the body, which results in slow and devastating degradation of the human machine. These include air pollution, chlorine-treated water, pesticides on food, synthetic additives and chemicals put into health supplements. When these factors disrupt the electrical interaction of your body, it can, and will, manifest as hundreds of symptoms including Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc., etc., etc.

    The human body is finely designed to stay in balance (homeostasis) in terms of tissue building up (called anabolism), and tissue breaking down (called catabolism). An excess of one over the other, is called a metabolic imbalance.

    Toxaemia (the build up of toxins in the body), first occurs as a process of metabolism. Old cells are constantly being replaced by new cells. In fact three hundred billion or more old cells are called toxic, and must be removed, as soon as possible, by the immune system, through one of four channels of elimination: bowels, bladder, lungs, and skin...and sometimes hurling.

    The problem of Toxaemia first occurs when your body is not eliminating toxics at the same rate the toxics are being reproduced.

    The second way Toxaemia occurs is from the by-products of foods that are not properly digested.

    The major portions of the foods we eat are processed. Because most of our food has been altered from its original state and we are not biologically adapted to deal with this altered food, the by-products of the incomplete digestion form a certain amount of residue, which builds up in the body.

    This residue is also called Toxic.

    Regarding your body weight, common sense will tell you that if more of this toxic weight is built up, rather than eliminated, then obesity will occur.

    An excess of body fat holds the toxic wastes and attempts to keep the toxins away from the organs of the body.

    Toxins are acidic by nature, hence the body retains water to dilute

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