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The Covenants of the Bible
The Covenants of the Bible
The Covenants of the Bible
Ebook50 pages36 minutes

The Covenants of the Bible

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About this ebook

Religion & Spirituality - The "Covenants of the Bible" describes
the partnerships between God and man. Throughout the over 6,000
years of human existence, God has been faithful to His promises;
man has not! A good many practicing Christians are unfamiliar
with all of the biblical covenants and the history and context
behind them. This book offers insightful background and a general
understanding of each covenant and is a good starting point leading
to devout bible study and a better understanding of biblical theology
and bible history. It is not a book on spiritualism and in fact it
is a book of spirituality vs religion. It delineates what are the
differences in religions and speaks about religion spirituality.
If you have a desire to better understand God's will in your life
and your position amongst the saints, you should read this book
and pass it on to all believers and unbelievers as an evangelical

Release dateApr 24, 2015
The Covenants of the Bible

Harry Jay

Dr. Harry Jay is Director of Research for, a mental health and mind research group of Applied Web Info, and is the author of over 100 books and research papers as a behavioral scientist. In his 31-year career, Dr. Harry Jay has contributed many new mental health treatment treatments and protocols using some of the new advances he has discovered in Energy Psychology. He specializes in addictions of all kinds, sexual abuse, child predation and gender relationships. He is also a board member to and serves on the science committee assisting non-fiction science writers in book publishing and promotion. As a leading behavioral scientist, he provides profiling services to the company's unit as well as criminal psychology research to aid in identifying and apprehending child predators and cyber-criminals of all kinds. He resides in Southern Utah and enjoys the outdoors, fishing and photography.

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    Book preview

    The Covenants of the Bible - Harry Jay

    The Covenants of the Bible

    By Dr. Harry Jay


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 Dr. Harry Jay. All rights reserved.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Meet the Author


    The Bible speaks of eight different covenants, five of which God made with the nation of Israel. I will only be discussing six of these covenant in this book; the other two covenants are worthy of separate books.  Four of the covenants are unconditional in nature. That is, regardless of Israel's obedience or disobedience, God still will fulfill these covenants with the nation of Israel. One of the covenants is conditional in nature. That is, this covenant will bring either blessing or cursing depending on Israel's obedience or disobedience.

    Be advised that all of the covenants are known by different names but the chart listed above can be sued to keep them straight in your mind.

    The Meaning of The Word

    The word ‘covenant’ is, in the Old Testament the Hebrew word ‘berith’ and is used some 286 times in various contexts. Whilst its active meaning is not difficult to understand from its contexts, yet the exact meaning of the term is not easy to ascertain. There are a number of views as to its literal meaning, and as to the principle of covenant as found in secular and religious literature. From various roots of berith it has been thought to derive from ‘fetter’ or ‘obligation’ or from eating at a meal which the two contracting parties ate, especially in the context of sacrifice offered to the deity or deities. Some trace it from the verbs ‘to perceive’ or ‘to determine’, the basic idea being ‘vision’. However, the weight of scholarship comes down upon the idea of ‘bond’ relating to the root ‘bara’, that is ‘to bind’.

    As to the use of the word in Scripture it is not

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