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50 Shades of Pasta
50 Shades of Pasta
50 Shades of Pasta
Ebook64 pages45 minutes

50 Shades of Pasta

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About this ebook

This cook book contain 50 recipes using delicious authentic Italian and international cuisine with pasta, researched, then recreated and developed for today’s taste and easy to medium difficulty.

Cook books by A. Kh’an
1: 50 Shades of Rotisserie Chicken
2: Kabab: (International) – translation of this book also available
3: Mughali Mughal Cuisine of North India and Pakistan (Cooking for Two)
4: Mughali (Vegetarian / Vegan) Mughal cuisine of North India and Pakistan

PublisherA. Kh'an
Release dateAug 24, 2015
50 Shades of Pasta

A. Kh'an

A.Kh'an is a student of history, Advocate for human rights and gender equality. A.Kh'an interest include travelling and International Cuisine.RIP -- Victims of Pittsburgh synagogue massacre (Oct 2018).RIP Victims of terrorism around the world and over 70 thousands died in Pakistan from terrorism.RIP to all innocent victims of wrongful wars around the world.Salute to all the victim journalists who sacrificed their life for human rights and/or are jailed, or are facing harassment around the world.Free Catalan & leaders in new Franco SpainFree Kurdistan - Prophet Abraham was KurdishFree Kashmir - occupied by Baharat (India) - Anti-Abrahamic religion Modi.U.N., should allow Kashmiris, Kurdish, Syria, Sikkim Catalonia to choose freedom like East Timor - Its basic Human rights.Bhartiya-American Nikki Haley believes confederate flag represents heritage (daily beast Dec 2019).. Confederates is a terror group and flag is fascist. Haley has close ties with Fascist Bhratiya N. Modi and with war criminal Henry KissingerFascism is fascism is fascism."The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." - Lao Tzu"Bespreekbaarheid' (speakability) – that everything can and should be talked about."Mar 2018 - A.Kh'an's 'Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala', was selected as a runner-up in the Slow Cooker Around the World contest and will appear in Taste of Home September/October 2018.Cook Books by A Kh'anBook Of Biryani (English edition and Hindi edition)Kabab (International)Mughali (Vegetarian / Vegan) Mughal cuisine of North India and PakistanMughali Mughal Cuisine of North India and Pakistan (Cooking for Two)30 Minute Mogul Cuisine Meals Mogul Cuisine of North India and PakistanChana Masala 50 Fun Way to Enjoy Healthy Chickpeas50 Shades of Mogul Cuisine (Cuisine of North India and Pakistan)50 Shades of Rotisserie Chicken50 Shades of PastaAvocado Cook BookHealthy Umami Pita Bread SandwichHungry Student Cookbook I and II ( I and II combo)And moreAnd many non-fiction booksFew notes for my readers. Following information will help my readers to read and understand all my writings.All my books, mostly uses U.S spelling, except for the quoted material, which often uses U.K. or Common Wealth spelling. *Words that appear in brackets within quotes are not found in the original texts, and were added by the translators or are my personal comments, etc.Sentences and Words maybe from British or Common Wealth or U.S English or International English or simplified English.Many of my readers are not from USA, so simple English is used so it is easy to read, understand or can be easily electronically translate.

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    Book preview

    50 Shades of Pasta - A. Kh'an

    50 Shades of Pasta

    A Kh’an

    Table of Contain


    Recipes (50 Recipes)

    Glossary (List of 50 Recipes)


    Noodles have been a staple food in many parts of the world for at least 4,000 years, though whether the modern version of the stringy pasta was first invented by the Chinese, Italians, or Arabs is debatable

    A 4,000-year-old bowl of noodles unearthed in northwestern China is the earliest example ever found of one of the world's most popular foods.

    Oldest recipe of pasta in China was simply, pasta cooked in vegetable broth or meat broth, still a very popular dish in China and south East Asia.

    In Europe until the end of the 18th century pasta had been eaten without seasoning or with cheese. The first mention of using tomato dated back to the 17th century. It was imported into Spain from the New World, and later spread throughout Europe, finding an ideal climate for cultivation in the Mediterranean countries. But tomato didn't become a common ingredient in Italian cooking until the end of the 18th century. Pasta found home in Italy. In 1778 Vincenzo Corrado mentioned in his cooking book Cuoco galante (The Gentlemen's Chef) a tomato sauce.

    In Italy, holiday season start on 8th of December. Home from work and school, most people spend the day decorating their houses and Christmas trees, or gift shopping. The first panettone is cut and shared alongside a glass of bubbly sweet wine. Two weeks and it'll be Christmas: people start to get on their marks with menus, courses and dishes for the biggest meal of the year.

    Basic pasta is made with, flour, Water and salt and may have eggs

    Pasta is mostly boiled until el dente and serve with some kind of sauce.

    In older times, pasta was cooked in the sauce, this make pasta flavorful and makes sauce thick without extra flour. Simple recipe is, cook tomatoes with some kind of herbs, when sauce was cooked, add fresh pasta or dry, add water or broth and cook until pasta is el dente.

    There are many kind of pasta, thin like spaghetti, flat strip or small curly pasta or shell pasta for stuffing, e.g: Agnolotti, Cannelloni, Manicotti, Maultasche, Ravioli, Rigatoni.

    Recipes in this book are developed from classic pasta recipes from around the world; mostly from Italian or have influence of Italian cuisine.

    This book has recipe using delicious authentic Italian and international cuisine with pasta, researched, then recreated for today’s taste and easy to medium difficulty.




    ½ lbs sirloin steak – cut into 1 inch cubes (substitute – cooked choice of meat and/or sausage)

    1 onion – small – finely chopped

    1 celery stalk – finely chopped

    ½ carrot – finely chopped

    1 tablespoon butter

    1 clove

    1 clove of garlic

    3 tablespoon tomato sauce

    Salt and black pepper to taste


    8 oz freshly grated Parmesan cheese

    1 cup breadcrumbs (dense and white bread)

    2 eggs

    Few grating of Nutmeg

    Beef broth

    For the dough

    3 1/3 cups flour

    3 eggs

    Extra flour


    Final cooking and Serving

    4 cups beef broth


    Step 1: Prepare a finely chopped onion, celery and carrot and sauté in butter in a saucepan, remove vegetables and save.

    Step 2: In same pan, add meat and brown the meat on all sides, then add the cloves and garlic flakes. Pour tomato sauce over the meat, add water, salt and black pepper and cook until very tender, about 2 to 3 hours. Monitor the cooking diluting with hot water in the liquid get too dry. Cook until all sauce evaporator and sauce sticking on meat.

    Step 3: Cool the meat in fridge until completely cool. Pass the meat through

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