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Get Balanced, Get Blissed: Nourishment for Body, Mind, and Soul
Get Balanced, Get Blissed: Nourishment for Body, Mind, and Soul
Get Balanced, Get Blissed: Nourishment for Body, Mind, and Soul
Ebook130 pages2 hours

Get Balanced, Get Blissed: Nourishment for Body, Mind, and Soul

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About this ebook

Lynne Goldbergs life story is an example of the remarkable power of nutrition and meditation to transform not only our bodies on a cellular level but also our thoughts on an emotional and spiritual level. Her personal odyssey demonstrates that when you change what you eat, you can change who you are.

- Antonia Demas, PhD; president, Food Studies Institute; visiting scholar, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; clinical assistant professor, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford

After a particularly rough couple of years during which she got divorced and lost twin baby girls, her career and her loving and supportive mother, Lynne Goldberg had hit rock bottom. With nowhere to go but up, she set out on a path to start over and rebuild her life from the ground up. Using the simple tools discussed in this book, she regained her lust for life. Now a certi?ed meditation teacher, certi?ed plant-based diet educator and Tony Robbins holistic lifestyle coach, Lynne helps people de-stress, ?nd peace and rediscover their bliss. Are you ready to start loving your life again? Start reading to begin your journey.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 1, 2013
Get Balanced, Get Blissed: Nourishment for Body, Mind, and Soul

Lynne Goldberg

Lynne Goldberg is a certi?ed meditation teacher and plant-based diet educator, world traveler, Tony Robbins life coach, avid foodie and proud mama of ?ve. She is passionate about helping people create happy, healthy, blissful lives they love. Visit her online at

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    Get Balanced, Get Blissed - Lynne Goldberg

    Copyright © 2013 Lynne Goldberg.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-8259-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-8261-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-8260-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013917192

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/09/2013

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction

    • Part 1: Get Blissed

    • Part 2: Your Body

    • Part 3: Your Mind

    • Part 4: Your Environment

    • Part 5: Your Relationships

    • Part 6: Your Spirit

    • Part 7: The Get Blissed 21-Day Challenge

    • Step 1: Set Your Goals

    • Step 2: Scope Out Your Hurdles

    • Step 3: Replace Your Old Habits With New Ones

    • Step 4: See the Black Hole

    • Step 5: Make Lifestyle Changes

    • Step 6: Have a Support System

    • Step 7: Reward Yourself!

    • Tying it All Together


    I woke up from a terrible dream.

    In it, my mother was dying of cancer. She couldn’t eat, and her tumor was pressing on a nerve, causing her to cry out in terrible pain. I tried to give her something to eat, but she just looked at me helplessly. In my dream state, I said, I love you mommy, and I can help you this time. I know what we’re supposed to do now.

    When I woke up, I realized why I had to write this book. It might be too late for my mom, but my motivation had never been stronger to help others avoid the same pain and suffering that I watched her endure.

    I couldn’t stand feeling so helpless as I watched someone I loved suffer. I also hated how confusing all the health advice was. People claimed that if we just stopped eating fat, carbs or whatever else was unfashionable at the time, we would be ok. I heard meditation was healthy too, but I didn’t know why. So of course, I didn’t really believe it.

    As I dealt with my own issues of infertility, I can’t tell you how many times people told me that if I would just relax, it would work out—that my stress was causing my body to prevent conception.

    So much advice, but so few facts. I had heard about holistic health, but I didn’t really know what it meant. What was this mind-body-soul thing that people were talking about? And what did I care about the environment as long as my own were safe and taken care of? Selfish, yes, but that’s how I really thought at the time. What did I understand about the importance of relationships and how they affect your health?

    My mom and I were both out of balance in our lives. She had used food as a way to soothe herself. I used work to escape. She over-ate to the point that she became obese. I jumped on and off planes to escape from whatever I didn’t want to face. A meal for me was a Snickers bar or some crackers with half a bottle of wine, grabbed in a hurry from an airport kiosk. As long as I kept myself busy, I could keep from really feeling.

    But contrary to how it may feel sometimes, humans are designed to be in balance. Our bodies naturally and intuitively seek homeostasis whenever we get a little off-kilter. Think about it: when you go into a sauna, you start to sweat. Your body intuitively knows to cool itself. Our bodies are filled with that kind of inner wisdom, and tapping into that in order to regain our balance and bliss is what this book is all about. We are designed to enjoy ultimate health and happiness, so who’s to say we don’t get out there and reclaim our sass and spunk? It’s our God-given right!

    Bliss: Your Natural State

    Bliss. Don’t you just love that word? It feels like cotton candy on the tongue, and tickles the ears in a world full of downers like recession, depression, global warming and Real Housewives anything. Just typing it makes me happier. And really, that’s what bliss is all about—happiness, delight, pleasure, paradise, ecstasy.

    If it’s a new word to you, or at least a dusty one, that’s because we don’t talk about bliss much anymore. With so many out of a job or with obesity, type 2 diabetes or other food-related diseases on the rise, with unhealthiness and unhappiness the norm rather than the exception, maybe it’s because we feel too guilty being blissful. I’d like to change all that for you. Because bliss is not just a human emotion but a human right.

    Believe it or not, right now, your body is full of the hormones, signals and capacities to achieve and enjoy that sometimes elusive emotion. If it feels as though that can’t possibly be true, don’t worry—I’ll show you exactly how to uncover your body’s natural blissfulness.

    So, how did a stressed out Gucci-toting Jimmy-Choo-teetering business CEO find herself teaching meditation? Yoga was for hippies, or so I thought, but when one of my girlfriends dragged me kicking and screaming to a yoga retreat under the guise that I would lose a few pounds and get into shape, I went.

    I giggled when we hugged and namaste-d one another, and when I found out I couldn’t drink or have meat, I literally had to be restrained from leaving the hotel. To say that I was a natural at all this would be worse than a lie! But then a weird thing happened: I went from counting off the minutes in meditation as a form of torture to finding that I actually welcomed the peace and tranquility it had to offer.

    Never one to swallow the Kool-Aid without checking the ingredients first, I began to study. I read a lot of Deepak Chopra’s books and found that they touched me deeply. I enrolled in his courses and decided to become a teacher. Along the way, I started experimenting with vegetarianism. I knew I felt better when I didn’t eat meat, but I got really edgy when I watched gruesome PETA videos.

    Then someone handed me a copy of The China Study, by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. The study that the book is based on, which covers data from a 20-year joint project between Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, is considered to be the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted. Researchers surveyed the eating habits of 6,500 adults from all over China and Taiwan and found a correlation between diet and disease.

    The book introduced me to something known as the Diseases of Affluence. As our cultures have gotten wealthier and more adept at mass-producing cattle and chickens, we have been able to feed our families more and more animal protein—which, to the best of our knowledge, was thought to be good for growing children, healthier for our bones and better for overall health.

    In fact, what Dr. Campbell found was that Children who ate the highest protein diets were the ones most likely to get liver cancer. In a series of experiments conducted with rats, he also found that by reducing the amount of animal protein from 20 percent to 5 percent, he could essentially turn off cancer cells. In another group of rats, every animal that consumed 5 percent protein avoided cancer—as he put it, leaving no doubt that nutrition trumped chemical carcinogens.

    At first I thought it couldn’t possibly be true. I mean, how come I didn’t know about it? But the more I read, the more I needed to know. And the more I learned, the more convinced I became that everything I thought I’d known about life, health and happiness was wrong. I set out to find the truth and learned more than I ever expected. Much more. Enough, I discovered, to fill a book.

    This book is about un-learning all the myths we’ve been taught, and re-discovering our inner peace and happiness—or, as I call it, that bliss—that’s been eluding us for so long.

    Are you ever angry for no reason? Do you curse random strangers because there is no bliss in your life? Is your marriage in trouble because you can’t kiss with your teeth permanently gritted? This book can help with all that.

    Bliss is not a luxury,

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