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Confidence: Your Practical Training: How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself: Positive Psychology Coaching Series, #10
Confidence: Your Practical Training: How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself: Positive Psychology Coaching Series, #10
Confidence: Your Practical Training: How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself: Positive Psychology Coaching Series, #10
Ebook276 pages4 hours

Confidence: Your Practical Training: How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself: Positive Psychology Coaching Series, #10

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About this ebook

Have you ever considered how many opportunities you have missed and how many chances you have wasted by lacking self-confidence when you need it most?

Have you ever given up on your plans, important goals, and dreams not because you just decided to focus on something else, but simply because you were too SCARED or hesitant to even start, or stick up to the plan and keep going?

Can you imagine how amazing and relieving it would feel to finally obtain all the self-esteem needed to accomplish things you've always wanted to achieve in your life?

Finally, have you ever found yourself in a situation where you simply couldn't understand WHY you acted in a certain way, or why you kept holding yourself back and feeling all the bad emotions, instead of just going for what's the most important to you?

Due to early social conditioning and many other influences, most people on this planet are already familiar with all these feelings.


I know how it feels, too. I was in the same exact place.

And then, I found the way!
It's high time you did something about it too because, truth be told, self-confident people just have it way easier in every single aspect of life!

From becoming your own boss or succeeding in your career, through dating and socializing, to starting new hobbies, standing up for yourself or maybe finally packing your suitcase and going on this Asia trip you promised yourself decades ago… All too often, people fail in these quests as they aren't equipped with the natural and lasting self-confidence to deal with them in a proper way.

Along with lots of useful, practical exercises, this book will provide you with plenty of new information that will help you understand what confidence problems really come down to. And this is the most important and the saddest part, because most people do not truly recognize the root problem, and that's why they get poor results.

Lack of self-confidence and problems with unhealthy self-esteem are usually the reason why smart, competent, and talented people never achieve a satisfying life; a life that should easily be possible for them.

In this book, you will read about:
-How, when, and why society robs us all of natural confidence and healthy self-esteem.
-What kind of social and psychological traps you need to avoid in order to feel much calmer, happier, and more confident.
-What "natural confidence" means and how it becomes natural.
-What "self-confidence" really is and what it definitely isn't (as opposed to what most people think!).
-How your mind hurts you when it really just wants to help you, and how to stop the process.
-What different kinds of fear we feel, where they come from, and how to defeat them.
-How to have a great relationship with yourself.
-How to use stress to boost your inner strength.
-Effective and ineffective ways of building healthy self-esteem.
-Why the relation between self-acceptance and stress is so crucial.
-How to stay confident in professional situations.
-How to protect your self-esteem when life brings you down, and how to deal with criticism and jealousy.
-How to use neuro-linguistic programming, imagination, visualizations, diary entries, and your five senses to re-program your subconscious and get rid of "mental viruses" and detrimental beliefs that actively destroy your natural confidence and healthy self-esteem.

PublisherIan Tuhovsky
Release dateMay 26, 2016
Confidence: Your Practical Training: How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself: Positive Psychology Coaching Series, #10

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    Book preview

    Confidence - Ian Tuhovsky

    Confidence: Your Practical Training

    How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself

    Ian Tuhovsky


    Copyright © 2022 by POSITIVE COACHING LLC

    Author’s blog:

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    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author and the publishers.

    The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet, or via any other means, without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law.

    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.


    The book is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers are advised to consult their own doctors or other qualified health professionals regarding the treatment of medical conditions. The author shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained in this book. The information is not indeed to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

    It’s important to remember that the author of this book is not a doctor/therapist/medical professional. Only opinions based upon his own personal experiences or research are cited. The author does not offer medical advice or prescribe any treatments. For any health or medical issues – you should be talking to your doctor first.


    1.PART I: INTRODUCTION—The Social Layer

    2. Face the truth

    3.The system

    4.Being natural

    5.What does self-confidence really boil down to?

    6.What self-confidence is and what it is not

    7.The overprotective mind and useless fear

    8.What to do to develop your self-confidence every day

    9.How to be self-confident when nothing works

    10.Change your past

    11.Your relation with yourself

    12.Getting out of your comfort zone

    13.How to be self-confident in professional relations

    14.A few more important words about self-confidence and the proper mindset


    16.The recipe for self-esteem

    17.Mindfulness and awareness—the first two steps to real and healthy self-esteem

    18.The extraordinary relation between self-acceptance and stress

    19.The enormous importance of self-support

    20.How to deal with jealousy

    21.Stop pretending and begging for acceptance!

    22.One step at a time

    23.PART IV: Practical exercises and NLP tools

    24.Facing your inner personalities

    25.Changing your personal history


    27.The pattern of giving yourself true love

    28.Perceptual positions

    29.Dealing with criticism

    30.Stop dwelling on bad memories

    31.Self-confidence anchor

    32.Projection of resources into the future

    33.Reframing the most difficult situations


    35.Expectation-related pressure relief

    36.Daily affirmations and goals (short term)

    37.Present-moment awareness

    38.Mirror training


    About Ian Tuhovsky

    Chapter one

    PART I: INTRODUCTION—The Social Layer

    Preface: Self-confidence and self-esteem vs. social conditioning

    These are interesting times we live in. While more and more people become socially awkward and seem to be offended by just about anything, there’s another group that seems to be living their lives almost exclusively through social media, becoming more and more narcissistic, with their smartphones practically glued to their hands and faces. Constantly worried about their social perception and about maintaining their (oftentimes fake) image, they lose contact with their true selves. All of this is seriously out of balance and also scary, in a way. Both of these increasingly popular phenomena show that healthy self-esteem and natural self-confidence are rare commodities in our Western societies.

    Apart from the above trends, there is a vast average layer. These are people who often feel socially anxious, people who are shy, insecure and doubtful about things, about themselves, about their own way. There are also people who live normal lives and appear to be just fine, but due to their problems with self-esteem and self-confidence often stumble over obstacles they should never be stumbling over. None of those behavioral patterns have anything to do with healthy self-esteem.

    The first thing many people say about themselves is that they are insufficient. It’s a little bit more difficult for most to admit that they are magnificent, but considering the vast number of narcissistic and self-obsessed personalities these days, it’s also quite common. The healthy way between these extremes is the rarest, mostly because people are lacking in objective self-esteem and self-awareness.

    Lack of self-confidence and problems with unhealthy self-esteem are usually the reason why smart, competent and talented people never achieve a satisfying life, a life that should easily be possible for them.

    Now, I’m not saying that I have all the answers and I’m the one who dictates the wrong and the right way to go through your own life. But since you’ve probably been looking for valuable knowledge about confidence, just ask yourself if the way you live now is the way you want to spend the rest of your life. Do you like what you do? Is it a result of your own decision, or of what others told you to do? Do you truly feel good in your own skin? Do you feel safe about your position? Do you feel good with where you are in your life? Do you feel free from the shackles of your own mind and the chains of the society? Do you often feel judged? Do you feel socially comfortable? Are you building your self-esteem on solid foundations, or are you perhaps building it on quicksand?

    If you are looking for self-confidence and self-esteem-oriented books, you probably already know that there’s something you should change about your life. Congratulations—you’ve found the right one.

    This is basically a if I did it, so can you type of story. I myself used to be a shy guy with many demons inside of his head; I used to be that uncomfortable fellow on trembling legs whose awkward vibe made everyone else in the room feel upset as well. I often obsessed about what other people might or might not think about me. Sometimes, I was seriously laughed at, for a number of reasons. At two points of my life, I felt so bad and down I needed the help of a psychotherapist. I’m still a young person, but for some reason I’ve gone through a lot of harshness during my life. It wouldn’t be arrogant to say I’ve probably gone through more than some 50-year-old people. The many serious bumps, sharp turns and collisions of my life and the ways I managed to overcome them have taught me a lot, and hopefully I will now be able to give you a helping hand.

    Thanks to the mindset and techniques I’m going to tell you about in this book, I’m barely the same man I used to be, even though I never changed WHO I really was. I just changed HOW I was. I changed my mindset and my approach to life.

    As a kid, I would hide under the table every time my parents or my nanny invited anyone home and there was no way to coax me out. I would often behave like a scared little puppy—it’s embarrassing, but true. I used to be extremely shy, that’s for sure. During the first 18 years of my life, I was often very awkward in social situations. I was petrified anytime I needed to ask an older person anything or turn to them directly, and I was often afraid of being left alone or abandoned. I often felt terribly anxious and I didn’t know the reason why. I also didn’t like the way I looked and I had a hard time accepting myself.

    On the other hand, I wasn’t in the worst position possible. I’ve always had good friends. People always liked me and somehow I never became a scapegoat. I even had my own personal bodyguards at school—big, strong guys who thought I was funny. Also, girls always liked me—although because I was too shy, and because no man ever had handed me an instruction manual to the feminine mind and how not to be a muff when I needed it, interactions with girls usually ended in me making a terrible bum of myself. Taking all this into consideration, there was a lot to be done, and so… I eventually did take care of these things.

    I can say I successfully transformed myself—even though I still often hate talking to people on the phone, especially in foreign languages.

    I’m not a demon of confidence, and as opposed to what personality tests show, I generally consider myself an introvert—but the progress I have made is astounding. I overcame all of my social fears, like talking to strangers at meetings or on the streets, dating beautiful and smart women, traveling alone to other countries and continents and networking and making new friends. I learned how to inspire and intrigue people with what I had to say. I learned how to give public speeches. I overcame many of my insecurities related to the fact that I’m a small and skinny guy. I managed to quit the job I despised and started my own business. I learned how to stop being jealous and feeling inferior to others. I destroyed the need to prove myself to others and the need for show-off behaviors. I overcame my extreme fear of heights. I learned how to defend myself verbally and how to take things in stride... and the list goes on.

    I know the Internet is FULL of these success stories, oftentimes fake, so you might think I’m just another rags to riches type of guy with a beautiful Hollywood-like background story, as unreal as it is appealing.

    But no, I’m not a guru. I’m not even a guy who overcame ALL of his adversities. There’s no such thing in real life and it’s extremely important that you comprehend this. It’s like in the REM song, Everybody Hurts. Everyone who claims to be that guy who "has it all already figured out" is nothing but just another liar. I know because I have met quite a lot of famous people, coaches, gurus and so on. They all have their problems, despite the successes they have had. The truth is life kicks everyone’s ass and there’s no such thing as an eternal sweet spot. Unfortunately, not many people interested in self-development want to hear this. People want shortcuts and so the marketers take advantage and sell these impossible dreams to people.

    I’m not a guy with a backstory along the lines of I used to be dead-broke, all alone, fat, ugly, with no teeth and stupid, but today I’m a millionaire; I own fifty businesses, none of which I have to care about at all; I met and married the best woman on this planet; I have no fear; I feel no anger, pain or hunger. In fact, I’m so cool I will never die. Additionally, I cured my third-stage cancer with affirmations and occasionally I’m able to levitate and shine with colorful auras. Just buy my $699 course to find out how!

    I’m just a hometown boy makes good type of person who believes in good karma and providing value, and I’m going to show you the solutions that have worked for me and my friends. Some of them are quick fixes that can help you a ton and relatively quickly. Some are not, though, and will require a strong will and some time and effort put into them.

    Any change in life requires perseverance, so if you’re looking for a magic pill for all of your problems, you might as well grab another 25-page Kindle spam pamphlet from the first page of Amazon search, titled Confidence: Confidence: The Ultimate Confidence Solution for Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem Confidence authored by a coach with a beautiful iStock photo, who also happens to have published pamphlets about Miley Cyrus, the paleo diet, the stock market, bio gardening and the ultimate diarrhea cure. To help you even more, this book should also be edited by Confidence, with photographs taken by Self-Esteem.

    Rant off for now, but the reality is still on. My books are not outsourced content just published for a quick buck and thus will require real action taken by you! This is not a comfort-fast-food for the mind.

    Magic pills don’t exist, period. Many times in this book I will ask you to write down different details and your insights. So, here’s your first homework: go and buy a notebook in which you will be doing all the exercises from this book. This notebook will be a witness to your success. It will be your confidence notebook.

    So, having said all that—are you ready? Let’s get this party started!

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    Chapter two

    Face the truth

    In today’s world of political correctness, everyone is told to be a special, little beautiful snowflake, but in the real world, it doesn’t matter. Why? Simply because no one really gives a damn. There’s a social narrative telling us that we all deserve this and that, but here comes the harsh reality: we don’t deserve anything , simply meaning that we can’t expect anyone or anything to give us anything , just because we wish so or would like life to be like that. That’s how this world has been operating since forever, since billions of years ago, way before mankind had even appeared on this beautiful blue planet to have invented human rights, the Constitution, sliced bread, biochemical weapons of mass destruction and pants. It’s called the survival of the fittest. Some people might feel offended by that. That’s good, as it just proves my point.

    If you are confident and have healthy self-esteem, you just can’t be bothered to feel offended every few days. In fact, making a truly confident person feel offended by almost anything at all is close to impossible. The reason all these people feel offended nowadays is mainly that they look at themselves and at life the wrong way—their sense of being offended is self-imposed. They give other people and events permission to offend them. You can’t feel bad about anyone saying anything negative unless that’s what you really think of yourself. If you are self-confident, you don’t obsess over how other people perceive you. You are not overly concerned about your image. That doesn’t mean that you should be cool with being homeless and having a flea farm on your dirty head, but you might just not feel the need to update your social media statuses every hour and share every day of your life on the Internet with the two thousands friends of yours, who usually don’t even give a crap about your life and wouldn’t spend a dime or a minute of their time if you truly needed help.


    If you want to change anything serious in your life, you have to FACE the truth. You are on your own. The government and the politicians won’t save you. The majority of them don’t care about you, in any given country on this planet. They’ve all been professionally taught how to lie to people since even before they got into real politics, no matter whether they say they believe in God or not. Your parents won’t save you and won’t do your work for you. At some point, your friends will start their own families and businesses, will start making careers or go abroad and part ways with you… and they won’t help you, either. No one will do what has to be done for you. In fact, we don’t even deserve such fundamental rights as equal treatment under the law, because after all, if we don’t fight for it, we don’t get it. Sad, but true. In fact, it’s only sad if you consider it to be. It’s neither good nor bad; it is how it is. The system and the shape of things haven’t changed much since prehistory and Paleolithic times. The strongest wins.

    I would like 25-year-old bourbon to start flowing from my kitchen tap and also a guaranteed bestseller spot for every single book I publish, but my wishful thinking doesn’t change much. We, the small ones, have to adapt to the universal laws, not the other way around.

    The reason that some minorities are stronger than others in the US and many other countries these days is that they got their crap together and fought for it. They said, Enough with the sickness! They started rioting, started getting good education, started organizing themselves in strong and well-managed groups, and started standing up for their rights much more often. Then they began developing their own businesses and social movements. They also started making careers in media, law and politics. Instead of just wishfully expecting, they went for it. They stopped being passive. Now you can often see these social minorities playing leading roles in the law, the government, the media, and so on.

    The same goes to your confidence and self-esteem. You can’t just sit back and expect to magically start feeling good; you can’t expect other people to start treating you like they treat all these truly confident people. You can’t expect your life to change at all if you remain passive. It’s about facing reality. It’s about being active. I once heard this bold thought from my friend’s dad: "The world doesn’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself."

    The miracle of self

    At the same time though, you are a miracle, indeed. Why? Think about it this way: your genealogical tree is at least a few millions years old. Every single relationship and every single generation in these countless past years had led to your parents finally meeting each other. One of the millions of spermatozoids reached that one ovum, creating a new life. I don’t know if there are numbers known to humankind that are big enough to even estimate how big a coincidence it was and how lucky you are to be alive on this planet. From the perspective of statistics and biology, you truly are a miracle.

    Who you now are is a consequence of the past—the past before you were even born, and the past since your birth. Everything you’ve gone through, every single moment you have survived constitutes your character, your uniqueness, your self. All these things made you the very person you are right now. Do you know why this is important? It’s important because, among many other things, real and unshakable self-confidence and self-esteem come from realizing your own uniqueness. They come from finally noticing how special you are.

    We have all heard our entire lives that we should be something else in order to finally reach happiness—that we are not enough, that we should be different, that we should change, that we need to own this or that, that we should become a doctor, CEO, professor or lawyer, build a big house and plant a tree, become a father or a mother, go to this or that university or college; that we are not suitable for this or that, that we should never say or think certain things, and so on. During the long and often bothersome education and socialization stage, in kindergarten, school and college we so frequently hear, Change yourself! Change yourself! All of this leads to a low level of self-esteem. All the things that other people keep repeating and telling us—Can’t do this; shouldn’t do that; that’s improper!—in our lives, especially during the childhood and teenage years, we take as our own. We take them for granted and rarely question them. Meanwhile, in reality, you don’t usually have to be perceived well by others, and certainly not by everyone. However, you do have to perceive yourself well. It’s your job. Life’s too short to be insecure. Life’s too short not to be your own fan.

    Suppose at some stage of your life you decide to go to a seminar where you’ve been told that some guru-experts can magically change your life in a matter of hours, if only you pay them a certain amount of money (probably your last month’s paycheck). You go there and what do you hear? Change yourself! Change yourself! Change yourself! I know better what’s good for you! To be self-confident, you need to act like James Bond and move like a real gangster! You need to have these, and not those clothes! So you say you are a vulnerable painter, not a killer? How bad! You can’t speak like that; this is wrong! Only

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