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Sleep Rituals: 100 Practices for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep
Sleep Rituals: 100 Practices for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep
Sleep Rituals: 100 Practices for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep
Ebook268 pages3 hours

Sleep Rituals: 100 Practices for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep

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100 simple practices and activities to incorporate into any bedtime routine to help you fall asleep easier and wake up refreshed and renewed.

Do you have trouble getting—and staying—asleep? Sleep rituals can set the mood for restful slumber and help you drift off in peace—let these recommended bedtime routines be your key to a good night’s sleep!

This accessible guide offers 100 easy rituals—including sleep-friendly recipes, relaxing yoga poses, calming breathing exercises, soothing meditations, and comforting writing exercises—suited for every type of person. You can even mix and match them for a completely customized bedtime experience and find the perfect solution to banish any sleepless night.

Rituals include:

-Sleep-friendly recipes, like nutmeg-spiced warm milk
-Soothing practices like dry brushing
-Restorative yoga poses, such as Child’s Pose
-Breathing exercises, like alternate nostril breathing

Let Sleep Rituals help you get the good night’s sleep you’ve been dreaming of!
Release dateJan 15, 2019
Sleep Rituals: 100 Practices for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep

Jennifer Williamson

Jennifer Williamson is the writer and creator for the website, a blog which seeks to support those in need of healing messages of hope and inspiration. She lives in Spencer, Massachusetts. 

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    Book preview

    Sleep Rituals - Jennifer Williamson




    CHAPTER 1: Setting the Tone

    CHAPTER 2: Cleansing and Elevating Your Space

    CHAPTER 3: Cleansing and Preparing Your Body

    CHAPTER 4: Conscious Consumption

    CHAPTER 5: Restorative Yoga Poses

    CHAPTER 6: Mindful Breathing Exercises

    CHAPTER 7: Meditations for Deep Relaxation

    CHAPTER 8: Dreamy Visualizations

    CHAPTER 9: Reflecting and Releasing for Peace

    APPENDIX: Ritual Sequences

    About the Author



    Sleep is a time to heal, a time of peace, a time when every heavy thing from your day falls away so you can rest your body and recharge your soul. Indeed, the most profound gift of a restful sleep is the way you are strengthened from within: it makes life feel lighter. The rituals in this book will help you enter the deep, nourishing stages of sleep that make it possible for your total well-being to blossom.

    In this accessible guide to a restful slumber, you will learn how to turn your mind, body, and space into an ideal sanctuary for sleep. No more rushing from task to task and hoping your brain shuts off on command—Sleep Rituals shows you how to slow down and explore the qualitative difference between day and night. Using these one hundred easy and peaceful rituals—personal practices you treat with intention—you’ll be able to tune in to your body and your surroundings and tune out superficial noise and worry, clearing space in your mind for sleep. Each restorative practice in this book, whether it calls for a cup of tea or therapeutic touch, serves as a chance to get to know (and enjoy) yourself better. The intimacy of that self-exploration is a divine relaxation.

    Expect more than a collection of habits in this book—after all, healing and renewal require something richer than mindless repetition. Rituals enhance your ability to sweeten your life through something as simple as how you prepare for sleep. You’re both harnessing your relationship with yourself and your relationship with sleep to make joy, creativity, and well-being a daily reality. You can most certainly expect to wake up, work, play, love, give, and grow more gracefully—all because you’ve given yourself the essential gift of real rest.



    For most adults, 7–9 hours of sleep are essential for building emotional resilience, physical stamina, mental clarity, creative capacity, and healthy relationships. Your quality of life depends on making sleep a priority. While an upheaval in lifestyle is not necessarily the key to better sleep, a tender loving tweak in your perspective may be.

    Mastering the subtle art of loving yourself to sleep requires you to treat the mundane like it matters, too, because it’s the foundation any successful ritual rests on. A beautiful ritual practice creates the conditions necessary for sleep, but don’t dismiss the routine that breathes consistency into your life. This includes going to bed and waking up at the same time each day and also the ways that you go about making that a reality. Attended to with care, even something as casual as dimming the lights becomes an invocation for sleep. Sleep loves this kind of consistent, detail-oriented, respectful attention.

    You don’t need to change everything all at once. Start with one small change at a time. Treat this prep time with the same devotion that makes a ritual so powerful. Pay attention to the subtleties of your transition from day to night. If you start here, tonight, with the quiet pact to honor the little things, you have already begun the healing work.


    Better sleep requires a bedroom that is set up for sleep—and only sleep. With today’s constant flow of information and stimulation, it is more crucial than ever to sanction off a space where you can disconnect from stress and reconnect with peace. Treating your bedroom like the most sacred space in your home is one of the most revolutionary decisions you can make—you’ll be spending about one-third of the rest of your life here. Let this be a pleasurable place to come home to. Design it with comfort, security, restoration, and sensuality in mind. This one conscious act of self-care will breathe harmony into all areas of your life.

    Creating a serene bedroom begins by declaring the purpose of this space: rest, intimacy, and perhaps contemplation. Set your own personal intention for the bedroom by choosing a word or phrase that depicts what this space is going to be used for from now on. For instance, you might declare something like This is where I love, rest, and dream. Every time you walk into your room, reaffirm its purpose.

    You will need to set a healthy and firm boundary in order to turn your bedroom into a space that reflects your intentions—and keeps unharmonious energies out. Consider the following suggestions to help you get into the mindset of boundary setting:

    Hang a doorknob tag that affirms your intention, such as Healing in progress, No shoes allowed, or Only sacred vibes here.

    Designate bedtime apparel. Sleeping in the same clothes you wore today sends mixed messages. Select breathable clothing dedicated to sleep: breezy nightdresses, cozy pajamas, oversized T-shirts.

    Associate your bed with fatigue. Avoid paperwork, news, email, text messages, games, arguments, and any stimulating or stressful activities. Get out of bed and perform some rituals if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, rather than tossing and turning.

    Share your bed with care. If pets are taking over, it may be time to reclaim your space (this may be one of the harder decisions you make, but whatever you decide, decide consciously). If it’s more of a partner thing, invest in a bigger (quality) mattress where you can both sleep in comfort.

    Eliminate distractions. Remove the television, computer, bills, and exercise equipment. If these items must stay, unplug and create a barrier using a lightweight folding screen or beautiful fabric hung from a curtain rod or draped over items.

    Ban technology. Disengage from the world by turning off all electronic devices and/or leaving them in another room. At the very least, put them on airplane mode. There is a time and a place for everything under the sun: stimulation jives with the sun; restoration is the moon’s specialty. Live by nature’s rhythms and give your screen some space.


    With boundaries in place, your bedroom will naturally begin to ripen with intention over time. To usher that process along, there are three elements you will want to experiment with, for the sake of uninterrupted sleep: temperature, lighting, and sound. When properly attended to, these pillars of sleep will signal to your brain that it’s time to rest and your body will intuitively begin to unwind. Returning to a cool, dark, and quiet room after your rituals is a lullaby for your entire system.


    Just like Mother Nature, your body naturally lowers its temperature in the evening. The cooler you become, the easier sleep can come. Keep your bedroom temperature somewhere around 65°F to initiate the body’s progression into sleep and ensure that you are not woken by being too hot or too cold.

    To maintain an optimal sleeping temperature, you can:

    Set your bedroom thermostat to automatically adjust before bedtime.

    Open windows for improved circulation.

    Bring in a fan (make sure it’s not blowing directly on you).

    Use a cooling pillow or mattress pad.

    Choose bedding and sleepwear to suit the season: thicker in the winter, lighter in the summer.

    Keep an extra blanket, slippers, socks, or a robe nearby to ease you out of bed in the morning.


    As the sun goes down, the dip in temperature coincides with darkness—another of nature’s sleep tonics. The body’s natural response to the setting sun is to produce the hormone melatonin, which brings about sleepiness, but bright light at night tells your brain to stop secreting melatonin because it’s not time to sleep (the message: the sun is still shining). The steady stream of blue light emanating from screens is especially good at suppressing melatonin. This confusion leaves an obedient body prone to unhealthy sleep habits and chronic illness.

    Love your body back to calm by embracing softer lighting in the evening and darkness at night. Reduce your exposure to bright lights at least 1–2 hours before bedtime and make a few adjustments to support a smoother transition into sleep, including:

    Trade harsh overhead lighting for several smaller sources of light: Himalayan salt lamps, nightlights, strings of fairy lights, diffused lighting products, flickering candles, a fireplace.

    Install a dimmer switch for instant dream appeal.

    Invest in window coverings, such as blackout curtains, that can be pulled closed for a cocoon-like ambience after nightfall.

    Keep an eye pillow on your nightstand.

    Soften the glow of your alarm clock. Turn it away from you, put it under your bed or nightstand, or cover it with fabric.

    Use amber-colored glasses that block blue light.

    Use a nighttime filter on screens to emit a warmer, sleep-inducing hue. Blue light–blocking software exists if your device does not have this built-in functionality.

    Declare digital freedom (if you haven’t already). Set a lighthearted notification on your phone to remind you that it’s time to put the technology away—I need to rest or We need space—and then stop using those devices that stimulate your brain. This includes cell phones, tablets, ereaders, laptops, computers, televisions, and video games.


    Being in right relationship to technology and nature’s rhythms deepens your connection to life in this moment—where you’re meant to be. Nighttime is about peace and quiet in the here and now, not disruptions, hence the third foundational element of sound sleep: sound.

    Even while you sleep, your brain continues to register and process sounds. If complete silence isn’t in the cards, creating a soothing environment with soft sounds that you personally enjoy gives you a better chance at sleeping through the night undisturbed by any sudden noises. Find what works for you:

    Create a constant ambient sound with colored noises. Sound machines play white, pink, and brown noise that helps mask other potentially wakeful noises. White: static, fan, air purifier. Pink is often found in nature: steady rainfall, leaves rustling in the trees, waves lapping on the beach. Brown is more skewed toward lower frequencies: thunder, the low roaring of a waterfall.

    Listen to podcasts or books on tape that are meant for relaxation and sleep. Keep the volume just barely audible and set a timer so the noise doesn’t wake you up in the middle of the night.

    Place a rolled-up towel at the base of your door to reduce sounds outside your bedroom.

    Keep noise-canceling headphones or earplugs on your nightstand.

    Replace rude awakenings (and the anticipation of a jolting alarm) with a sunlight alarm clock that wakes you gently.

    Turn off notifications on all devices. Habitually responding to these sounds during the day means you’re likely to respond to them while you’re sleeping.

    Turn off or remove wireless routers. Wi-Fi signals produce no detectable sound but they give off an invisible tone or pulsed frequency that might disturb sleep.

    Your bedroom is cool, dark, and hushed, just as Mother Nature intended. With the core essentials in place, you can begin taking care of the heart of this space: the energy you grow and tend to here. Explore those sensory and feeling elements that welcome healing vibes and make rest seem as natural as the stars in the sky.


    From the color of your walls to what’s on your nightstand, surround yourself with the physical manifestations of comfort, peace, and sensuality. Ask yourself which items are conducive to a surrender to sleep and which tether you to the waking world. Choosing art, symbols, and objects that resonate with your intentions is both a creative act and a sacred practice. Ultimately, go with what inspires you and elicits a pleasant response. This space is yours, so it’s about how you want to feel when you are here. A few thoughtful tweaks can make all the difference:

    Trade crisp whites for warm neutral colors: beige, cream, super-soft gray. Bask in rich earth tones: pine, terra-cotta, cocoa. Replace bright colors with pale blues, dusty rose, muted greens, or lavender. Balance with deep accents like pomegranate and eggplant for a sensual touch.

    Opt for natural, organic bedding materials like cotton or bamboo that feel luxurious. Sleep on an earthing sheet or mat to potentially reduce exposure to EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Use a weighted blanket for therapeutic comfort and a sense of protection.

    Consider bed placement to support the flow of calm energy. Avoid placing in front of a window if possible. Place against a solid wall with a solid wood headboard or add large pillows behind you. Be as far away from the door as possible so you can see the whole room. Use a folding screen, curtains, or a piece of furniture to suggest protection from doors and adjoining rooms.

    Select serene, romantic, or pleasant images and artwork, especially if seen from the bed. Avoid photos of others aside from your partner.

    Remove or cover mirrors and other reflective surfaces at night to quiet the energy.

    Celebrate your connection to the earth. Replace synthetic materials and fragrances with grounding gifts from nature: thriving houseplants, wood, natural candles, pure essential oils, gemstones, etc.

    Embrace curves. Soften corners by draping fabric over tables and dressers. Let leaves cascade over sharp edges. Cover ceiling beams with cloth. Avoid anything looming overhead.

    Honor your nightstand. Keep a journal (for rituals, dream recall, or tracking sleep quality), oils and misters, poetry, or one or two crystals by your bedside: selenite for cleansing, rose quartz for emotional balancing, amethyst for intuition and dreaming, black tourmaline for grounding and protection.

    Everything you are doing is transforming your bedroom into a blissful reflection of your intentions: loving, resting, dreaming. Thank yourself for creating a haven where you can come to be recharged and nourished from the ground up.


    Take inventory of your entire living space. Close your eyes and bring to mind a few adjectives that capture the way you’d like to feel about each room. Set an intention for each room, just like you did with your bedroom. Open your eyes and compare notes.

    There is a strong link between chaos in the home and chaos in the head. Thankfully, you can do something about the visual mess in order to tame the mental stress. Clearing away dust and distraction subconsciously calms overactive thoughts. No need to overwhelm yourself with what you find: doing just a little bit each night to honor the space in your space will do wonders for your state of mind (and your sleep).

    Here is a menu, not a checklist, of ways you can move through your home with tender loving care, turning an otherwise heartless chore into a candid request for restoration and peace, inside and out:

    Stack or put away laundry, mail, and papers with your adjectives and intentions for that room in mind.

    Neaten your bed covers, bookshelves, and coffee tables as though you were tucking everything in for the night.

    Organize clutter behind closed doors and underneath beds, accepting a deeper sense of control over your life.

    Take out the trash and wash the

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