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The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth
The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth
The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth
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The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth

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"If humanity is in misery, it may not be my fault, but if I die leaving humanity with the same amount of misery, then it is my fault."

"The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth" is a seminal literary composition by the 21st century Neuroscientist and Thinker Abhijit Naskar, that provides the foundational pillars of a truly egalitarian, progressive and global human society for all the governments of our planet. The purpose of this magnificent human creation is unification of all the citizens of Earth as one human species, beyond all forms of sectarian identities. This document is to be the backbone of humanity, ensuring harmony, justice and progress in the entire global conscientious kingdom of humans.

PublisherNeuro Cookies
Release dateJan 25, 2019
The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth

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    The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth - Abhijit Naskar

    Introduction to A Better World

    Mainspring of Life (A Sonnet)

    I have no nationality except humanity,

    I have no tradition except compassion,

    I have no religion except liberty,

    I have no god except a family of 7 billion,

    I have no belief but only awareness,

    I have no creed but only acceptance,

    I have no messiah except the self,

    I have no scripture except my conscience,

    I have no gospel except godliness,

    I have no sermon except thought,

    I have no philosophy except oneness,

    I have nothing to give you except love a whole lot,

    I demand no obedience, nor do I desire worship and offering,

    For there is death in worship, and freedom is life’s mainspring.

    A better world begins with a better human. Are you a better human! Don't answer me - think over the question in your mind. Ask yourself the question, over and over again, till all the mist covering the answer disappears. The more you ask the question, the more it’ll become clear that, a better human is simply a human not bound by labels of culture, religion, race or anything else. How can the world be a better place, when the humans in it are not ready to budge the slightest bit from their rugged culturally ordained lifestyle and perception of life!

    Life began from a single cell - from that single cell an entire kingdom of animals was born, and we the humans happen to be only one among those 8.7 million species. Earlier in our life as a species, we were living in the wild savanna of Africa, alongside our fellow animals. But we have come a long way since then, and this long way has been led mostly by the misfits, by those who are deemed by their society as abnormal.

    Progress and normality can never go hand in hand - progress and security can never go hand in hand - you must let go of one to have the other. But the unfortunate reality of this world is, most humans are not psychologically capable enough to do so - to let go of security - that's why they cannot lead in the path of progress, since it is filled with insecurity. Hence rises the need for misfits or anomalies.

    Progress requires sacrifice of security. And the only reason, humanity keeps on progressing, despite the fact that most of the human population do not sacrifice their security, is that, on behalf of the whole humanity, a handful of bravehearts do all the sacrificing and pain-bearing, yet people can’t manage to comprehend that we couldn’t have become the masters of this planet by living a comfortable and secure life. To have great progress, one must sacrifice small pleasures.

    The masses have a safe and secure existence not because of their actions, but because of those handful of lionhearts, who go beyond personal gain to make a species move ahead, despite being mocked and laughed at every step of the way, by the very people, for whom they sacrifice all. The sun doesn't ask for admiration in return for its light and warmth. And this may sound glorious and encouraging, but remember, once you choose to walk on the path of service, each footstep would feel like you are stepping on burning charcoals.

    So, here comes the difference between a philosophical notion and its actual practical implications. It's one thing to read or talk about serving humanity beyond personal gain and another to actually walk on that path for life. The path of service is but a thorn-infested trail in the woods - a trail that is not yet made a trail, but simply lies indistinguishable from the rest of the jungle. And the work of a torch-bearer of progress is to make the trail appear and soften the thorns by crushing them with their own footsteps, while bearing an infinite amount of agony.

    Agony is a fundamental companion in progress - we bear agony, so that the masses don't have to. It's the prerogative of the masses to live in comfort and security, but those who want to pull the cart of progress ahead, can't have that luxury. The day the sun starts asking reward for the light and warmth it gives to the world, would be the last day of the sun's existence. So, be the sun and keep shining over the world, regardless of whether you are admired or not.

    I keep working in solitude and agony with no one by my side, day after day, without any hope for personal happiness, for I carry the responsibility to unify the humans, by pointing out to them, with evidence, their innate oneness beyond all sectarianism - and I do so, not out of any sort of compulsion, rather, because that's who I am - I am no human - I am the unifying force of nature - I am the One and I am the All - in me lies the possibility of human harmony - in me lies the possibility of human acceptance - I am the driving force of conscience - I am the absolute timeless ocean of unified sentience.


    There are two kinds of people in the world - first those who run away from danger, then there are those who run towards danger, to see if someone needs help. And today's world, I'm pain-stricken say, is filled mostly with the first kind of people. Everybody only cares for themselves and their immediate family, and the problems of even the next-door neighbor are of no concern to them, because that's not their family, hence they feel that that's not their responsibility. But the time has finally arisen, that we make it our business to be concerned of the people that surround us, regardless of whether they are directly related to us or not.

    Strangers must be made family, for in assimilation lies salvation for humanity. So, rise, my thinking sibling, wherever you are right now, and take the eternal pledge with me - "I, a living, breathing and above all, conscientious creature of planet earth, do solemnly swear to none but myself, that no matter the circumstances, I shall always stand by the people of my

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