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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity
Ebook364 pages4 hours

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity

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The interest of every individual to know his financial status has inspired me to write this book. This is a part of the Encyclopedia captioned as 'Wealth Prosperity'. It is the seventh book in the encyclopedia series. We have in this book tried to explain the combinations of wealth with an eye for the reader to understand the principles that decipher the quantum of wealth. In the beginning we have given a large number of examples which show the combinations that are instrumental in giving wealth. We have also outlined the combinations that generate wealth. From the third chapter onwards we embark upon analyzing a horoscope on the promise it holds for wealth and prosperity. It starts with explaining the impact of Signs and houses on there propensity as wealth providers. In basic predictive astrology the ascendant, second, fifth, ninth and eleventh house play critical role in predicting the wealth quantum. There are six chapters we have dedicated in the book explaining the impact of planets in houses and the placement of lords of ascendant, second, fifth, ninth and eleventh in different houses .In details the results have been written. This is the first basic principle that has to be understood and has been dealt at length. 

Release dateSep 21, 2021
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity

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    Book preview

    Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology - Shanker Adawal

    Chapter 1


    Wealth is inseparable necessity in today's human life, without wealth imagination of human life is not possible in this modern era. Right from food, clothing and shelter to modern amenities of life like car, air conditioners, refrigerators, all requires wealth to acquire or possess them. To help the modern gadgets working, one need electricity, and for that too one need to pay in terms of money, without wealth it is not possible to purchase and possess modern gadgets or get them running to enjoy their utility. These days everything needs wealth, even drinking water is required to be purchased and that day will also not be very far when we might require wealth to breath air, oxygen cafes has already emerged out in the cities though now it is only our choice to use it or not, but some day it may become our compulsion too. Wealth is the only thing which helps us to get ourselves avail all these things in our life.

    Life in modern times is neither imaginable without wealth, nor it is practical these days to live without wealth. Everyone on this planet need wealth, in some or other form or quantity to meet their day to day necessity, beginning from the necessity of having food for their stomach, cloth to cover their body and shelter for living, to meet various other challenges of modern life like medicine, transportation, education, entertainment etc. anything and everything can be met only with the help of money and wealth. Without money and wealth life becomes miserable and something like that of primitive stone age or like that of animals, who do not require worldly stuff like shelter, clothing, education, entertainment and all other worldly things.

    Everyone on this earth barring a few godly saints needs wealth to meet social security, enjoyments and all comforts of this materialistic world. Even those godly saints who don't need money might not be drinking free water from rivers, lakes or ponds, we all know how polluted is the river or lake waters these days, such water is not healthy to drink and people cannot survive for long by consuming such water. If they are consuming purified water then someone or the other is paying its cost in the form of money on their behalf. Importance of wealth is inseparable from modern life, however simplistic be the life style one need wealth to fulfill some or the other necessity of human life.

    On the basis of wealth we can classify the human beings in different groups such as: - Enormously Rich, Very Rich, Rich, well to do, upper middle class, middle class, poor, very poor and extremely poor.

    The necessity for money is not the lust for money and it should not be considered the immoral thing to do. The necessity for money helps an economy to grow, entrepreneur to invest in profitable means which help in providing employment opportunities for many people in the society and common people to put in extra hard work to earn more and more money. Hence, only the necessity for money helps the economy and the society to grow and keep growing in a never ending manner. If this necessity for money dies or dries up, then the economy will dry up, growth will vanish, employment opportunities will dry up spreading unhappiness and dissatisfaction within the society, finally resulting into misery and starvation in the society and everywhere in this world.

    But this doesn't mean that the people who are not rich do not put in sufficient efforts and hard work to acquire wealth, but everyone is restricted to earn only that much wealth that one is destined to earn. Where wealth is concerned no occupation is taboo to the human beings. One can adopt honest and straight forward means for making money or may adopt nefarious ways of crimes or other malpractices to earn wealth. The Karmic effects of the past which design the destiny of an individual for acquiring wealth are reflected in the horoscope by various planetary combinations within a horoscope or by absence of them in any horoscope.

    The planet of wealth and prosperity, namely the Jupiter, signifies the extent to which the native will earn or gain wealth and financial prosperity in his or her life. However there are many specific astrological principles which signify the wealth and prosperity for the native. Gain of wealth and prosperity is attributed to the 2nd and 11th houses, while the 5th and the 9th house signify wealth and prosperity through speculation and good fortune. The Ascendant and the tenth house signify the native himself and his karma or the action, and the lords of these houses also suggest the possible sources for acquiring wealth and prosperity.

    The science of astrology is linked with divine trinity, which comprise of Lord Brahma, the creator, Lord Vishnu, the sustainer or the guardian, and Lord Mahesha or Lord Shiva, the destroyer. In a horoscope there are four triangles, namely Dharma trikona, Artha trikona, Kama trikona and the Moksha trikona.

    The Dharma trikona comprises of the houses 1st 5th and 9th and in signs of zodiac it comprises of the fiery signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius denoting the Agni tatwa. The Artha trikona comprises of the houses 2nd 6th and 10th and in signs of zodiac it comprises of the earthy signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn denoting the Prithvi tatwa. The Kama trikona comprises of the houses 3rd 7th and 11th and in signs of zodiac it comprises of the aiery signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius denoting the Vayu tatwa. The Moksha trikona comprises of the houses 4th 8th and 12th and in signs of zodiac it comprises of the watery signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces denoting the Jal tatwa.

    Among all the four trikonas, it is the Artha trikona which sustains the human life through wealth and prosperity. It provides the essential element of human life, the wealth, which plays a dominant role in proper survival of human life. Saint Valmiki said in Ramayana that Guru Vashistha explained to Lord Rama that in this world, wealth is the most important thing, and there is not much of difference between a poor and a dead person, while a wealthy person seeking after Dharma and prosperity will succeed at all cost but the poor person striving for prosperity will find it difficult to attain.

    Sage Vyasa also writes the similar thing in Mahabharata, that through wealth one attains Dharma, Kama and Moksha in life, and even day to day life in this world is not possible without wealth in hand. Hence, the Artha is important for rest of the three, Dharma, Kama and Moksha in life. The great economist Chanakya writes in his sutras that root of happiness is Dharma, and the root of Dharma is wealth and prosperity. The motive of any karma or action is gain of wealth and prosperity which bestows dharma and Kama. Chanakya has also mentioned in his work that one who has wealth and prosperity has friends and relatives and only then he is considered as man and he is able to live his life.

    Money is essential for sustaining life and is represented by the Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. The Artha or the money, wealth, prosperity and fortune comprises of land, property, farms, jewelry, gems, buildings, vehicles, all lovable, beautiful and comfort providing things and objects and denomination of status in the society. From time immemorial, people realized the importance of wealth and prosperity in life. People without wealth live a life of suffering, destitution and penury, and lives unsung, unwept and unhonoured in life as well as in death. Poverty is like a curse that causes hunger, deprivation, humiliation, subjugation and many a times degradation of basic human values.

    Success in life depends to a large extent on wealth and prosperity. Without wealth and financial prosperity nothing can be achieved in life. Wealth, prosperity and riches automatically come with many blessings in life like social status, objects of comforts and luxurious living, acquisition of novelties, fulfillment of dreams, utilization of opportunities, name, fame, power, prestige and popularity. Therefore since the beginning of early civilization, men have always tried to acquire, earn, gain and accumulate more and more wealth, prosperity and riches in their life.

    In fact wealth and money can buy anything and everything including health and happiness in life. With money one can attain all medical facilities to support his health in times of his bad health and at other times one can eat healthy and nourishing foods to maintain good health and avoid medication and medical assistance in life. All these come only through money, wealth and riches in hand. And in a recent survey it has been also established that the wealthy people were found more mentally happy and fit than the poor people and the level of wealth and prosperity is directly proportional to the mental happiness and good health in life.

    In today's modern life and materialistic world, wealth is the only living God. Almost everyone, excluding few saints, crave to earn, gain and accumulate more and more wealth and prosperity in life, and many of us without thinking about the means, fair or unfair, to get it. Wealth can make one avail of almost everything in this world that one may hope to get in this world, like name, fame, popularity, prestige, status, power, comforts and pleasures of life.

    The natal horoscope is a portrait of any person's life or the road map of entire life. Health, Wealth, Career and Marriage are the major issues which are of great concern to everyone on this world. Today we are living in a materialistic society where from anything to each and everything can only be met with the help of wealth, and therefore, wealth gets prime importance above everything to every human being. Hence for acquiring all the comforts of modern life, we need money in abundance, whether it be earned by us or gifted to us by our near and dear ones.

    There are various manners by which a person can acquire wealth. Some people are born with silver spoon in their mouth and they get all comforts by virtue of luck or Raj yogas in their horoscope. Some people work hard to earn the wealth, some use their intelligence for earning the same, others resort to black marketing, smuggling and all sorts of illegal & immoral means to acquire wealth in their life. Wealth may come to a native from one or more of many different sources, such as hard work, inheritance, speculative means, in the form of gift, by association with different people such as spouse.

    All the above source of wealth can be deciphered by careful study of the horoscope, which reflects the various combinations of planetary yogas for wealth and reflects the source from which the wealth can be earned in an individual life span. To learn this from the Birth Chart I have explained the principles to decipher the same from the horoscope in this book, and hope that this will help the readers to learn and decipher the financial prospects in their respective lives. Astrological revelations will also help in focusing on the weaker areas which can be rectified by extra hard work and effort on the respective field, along with karmic rectification and adopting proper remedial measures mentioned in this book. These astrological revelations will also help one to get prepared in advance to face the periods of financial setbacks, if any, in their respective life.

    Chapter 2

    How to Decipher the Financial Prospects

    Financial prospects can be deciphered from a horoscope by looking into the various planetary combinations, which is discussed in this chapter, within a horoscope. The 2nd and 11th houses are mainly responsible for finance. The Ascendant, 5th and 9th houses also play an important role in judgment of financial prospects of any individual. Even 10th house, Jupiter, Sun and Moon are important for finance.

    The person becomes a pauper ever since his birth and lives by alms if the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses are placed in 6, 8 or 12 along with the malefics. The association or affliction of 6th, 8th or 12th house destroys the ambitious effects of wealth and dampens the financial prospects within a horoscope. According to the Bhavarth Ratnakar, the native is rendered poor if the 2nd lord occupy the 12th and 12th lord is placed in the Ascendant aspected by a Marak or a malefic planet.

    The lord of 2nd with lord of 9th occupying the 11th with Moon and Jupiter will make a native a millionaire. Lord of The Ascendant in a decent position is itself a great asset which sustains constant wealth and prosperity to a person throughout his life. The best place for The Ascendant Lord is to occupy the The Ascendant itself. Even strong Sun at a benefic place from the lord of Ascendent is a great asset for any horoscope.

    The 2nd house itself, its lord and Jupiter represent accumulated wealth. The association of the 1st, its lord and the Sun with the second and its lord increases the native's wealth through his own efforts.

    If the 9th, its lord and the significators Sun and Jupiter are related to them, wealth is earned through inheritance.

    The 11th house is the house of gains and rules income or the inflow of money. The 11th house and its lord along with Jupiter must be strong to generate earnings and wealth in the life. According to the Sarvartha Chintamani, if a benefic occupy 11th house, the native gets wealth through honest and novel means. If a malefic planets occupies the 11th house, then the native resorts to unfair and unscrupulous methods of earning. The source of earning and income can be deciphered through the nature of the planets and from the Bhavas related to the 11th, its lord and its significators. For example 7th lord and its Karak Venus associated with 11th may help the native to gain through the spouse.

    The 9th house represents Bhagya sthana or the house of fortunes and, therefore, if the 9th house, its lord, along with Sun and Jupiter are strong and associated with benefic houses, planets, then the luck favours the native with financial prosperity throughout the life. When the 9th lord is placed in the 1st house or the Ascendant lord is in 9th house, then the native becomes a self made person.

    The 10th house also needs to be examined to decipher native's professional and financial opportunities, as it rules livelihood. If the 10th house and its lord and the significators (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury) are strong, then the native occupy a respectable occupation which helps in improving his financial status.

    The Ascendant, Sun and Moon forms a tripod around which the fortune of a native revolves. The Ascendant represents the body of the native, Moon rules over the mind and the Sun governs the soul. Thus they altogether represents the native as a whole, and it is logical to say that these three along with their sign lords together shape all the spheres of a native's life. These three are considered strong and auspicious if they happen to be Vargottama or be aspected by their own lords or by the benefic planets or by the Yogakaraka planets in the horoscope. This indicates the divine grace and bestows all happiness and well being in the life of the native.

    A well dignified and a well aspected Ascendant lord ensures general well being and destroys evils in the horoscope. Mutual exchange of houses between the Ascendant lord and the lord of 2nd 9th or 11th house is almost a guarantee for good fortune, success, wealth and financial prosperity in life.

    Rich and wealthy people are born with Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in mutual kendras to each other, at least any three of them happen to be in mutual Kendra to each other and that becomes sufficient to ensure wealth, prosperity and riches in life.

    The planetary influences on the Indu Lagna determine the financial position of the native. The rise in social and economic status of a native occurs when there are sufficient simultaneous influx of fortune and wealth due to fructification of Raj Yogas and the Dhana Yogas.

    Some important planetary combinations, for determining wealth & prosperity in a horoscope, are given below:

    1.Lord of 10th house occupying 5th house will prove a great asset for a native bestowing abundant wealth which will never leave him.

    Example 1: Rahul Gandhi

    Birth Date: 19.06.1970

    Birth Time: 05:50:00

    Birth Place: Delhi

    Balance of Dasha: Merc 3-9-12

    Remarks: Son of Late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi & Ms.Soniya Gandhi. Two time Lok Shabha Member, Present Gen. Secy. of Congress Party.& would be Prime Minister of India. Tenth lord Jupiter is placed in 5th house.

    Example 2: Ms.Hema Malini

    Birth Date: 16.10.1948

    Birth Time: 00:30:00

    Birth Place: Tiruchchirapalli, T.N.

    Balance of Dasha:

    Remarks: Popular Bollywood actress, dancer & Lok Shabha member. She made her first bollywood debut. in 1968. She got married in 1980. Tenth lord Mars is placed in 5th house.

    Example 3: Prince Charles of Britain

    Birth Date: 14.11.1948

    Birth Time: 21:14:00

    Birth Place: London, U.K.

    Balance of Dasha: Ketu 3-2-3

    Remarks: Son of Queen Elizabeth. Tenth lord Mars is placed in 5th house.

    2.Laxmi Yogas: If lord of Ascendant is powerful and lord of 9th house occupies own or exaltation position in Kendra or Trikona then the native is blessed with immense wealth in his or her life.

    3.One who has strong Sun in Horoscope can never be mean, vicious, criminal or untrustworthy. Therefore, he cannot adopt wrong means for livelihood.

    4.Lord of 5th and 9th houses placed in their own respective houses.

    Example 1: Prince Charles of Britain

    Birth Date: 14.11.1948

    Birth Time: 21:14:00

    Birth Place: London, U.K.

    Balance of Dasha: Ketu 3-2-3

    Remarks: Son of Queen Elizabeth. Fifth lord Mars is placed in fifth house itself in the sign Scorpio and the ninth lord Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius.

    Example 2: Ms.Hema Malini

    Birth Date: 16.10.1948

    Birth Time: 00:30:00

    Birth Place: Tiruchchirapalli, T.N.

    Balance of Dasha:

    Remarks: Popular Bollywood actress, dancer & Lok Shabha member. She made her first bollywood debut. in 1968. She got married in 1980. Fifth lord Mars is placed in fifth house itself in the sign Scorpio and the ninth lord Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius.

    Example 3: Ms.Karishma Kapoor

    Birth Date: 25.06.1975

    Birth Time: 11:45:00

    Birth Place: Mumbai.

    Balance of Dasha: Sun 4-6-7

    Remarks: Popular Bollywood actress. She made her first bollywood debut. in 1991. Fifth lord Jupiter is placed in the sign Pisces and the ninth lord Mars is placed in ninth house itself in the sign Aries.

    5.In Scorpio ascendant, Jupiter placed in 9th house bestows wealth and happiness to the native.

    Example 1: Sir Edmonds Hillary

    Birth Date: 20.07.1919

    Birth Time: 13:30:00

    Birth Place: Auckland.

    Balance of Dasha: Merc 1-0-1

    Remarks: First to scale the world's highest mountain Mt. Everest on 29th May 1953. In Scorpio ascendant, Jupiter is placed in 9th house

    Example 3: Byrraju Ramalingam Raju

    Birth Date: 16.09.1954

    Birth Time: 10:30:00

    Birth Place: Bhimavaram.

    Balance of Dasha:

    Remarks: Founder and Managing Director of Satyam Computers, one of the pioneer company in the IT sector. Also got involved in financial scam and went to jail. Started from rags and reached to riches. Jupiter is placed in 9th house.

    6.Lord of 5th and 9th houses placed in Kendra houses and under aspect from the benefic planets is good for financial gains.

    Example 1: Ms. Aishwarya Rai Bacchan

    Birth Date: 01.11.1973

    Birth Time: 04:05:00

    Birth Place: Mangalore.

    Balance of Dasha: Venus 10-4-15

    Remarks: Popular Bollywood Actress and winner of Miss World title. The planets Saturn and Venus, the lords of 5th house and 9th house respectively are placed in the Kendra houses, the 10th and 4th house respectively, and at the same tine mutually aspecting each other along with the aspects from Rahu and Ketu over them.

    7.Lord of 2nd house is either in conjunction with Jupiter or receiving aspect from Jupiter bestows wealth prosperity and happiness to the native.

    Example 1: Ms. Margaret Alva

    Birth Date: 14.04.1942

    Birth Time: 05:00:00

    Birth Place: Mangalore.

    Balance of

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