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Revived: The Unexpected Series, #1
Revived: The Unexpected Series, #1
Revived: The Unexpected Series, #1
Ebook347 pages4 hours

Revived: The Unexpected Series, #1

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How do you come back from having your heart shattered? How do you come back from rock-bottom?

Claire Davis has hit rock-bottom. When what should have been her happiest moment turned out to be anything but, it sent her plummeting. But she has one reason to claw herself back up... her baby boy. Because of him she pulls herself out of it and makes a new life for them, far from the man that turned her life upside down. She even begins to trust again when she meets Ryker, a man that brings her back to life. But will her past ever let her go?

Ryker Allen has been through hell and it's left him believing that love isn't in the cards for him. Finding your girlfriend in bed with another man will do that. So, romance and relationships? Not his thing and he makes sure every woman who gets near him knows that. But when he meets Claire, everything changes and he finds himself wanting exactly that, romance and a relationship. But will Claire's past get in the way of that?

Sometimes the odds seem insurmountable. Can Claire and Ryke find their way through it all and find the one thing they both need? Each other...

PublisherS.E. Roberts
Release dateJul 11, 2022
Revived: The Unexpected Series, #1

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    Revived - S.E. Roberts



    The roaring gusts of wind thrust my small car around the wet street. It’s difficult to see too far in front of me, so I’m driving significantly under the speed limit. This severe weather is common for spring in Chicago. I really shouldn’t complain after the horrendous winter we just had.

    I should be focusing on keeping myself safe, but I’m eager to tell my husband about my news. Our son Brady is only eight months old which means he and his sibling will be close in age. My brother Evan and I were four years apart, which made it hard for us to bond, so I always wanted my children closer together.

    Trevor told me he would be working late tonight, so my best friend Shayna is babysitting while I surprise him with dinner at the office. I got him his favorite, Charlie’s, on my way. I’ve missed him this week, as he’s worked late every night.

    When I pull into the narrow, vacant parking lot, I quickly get out of my gray Honda Civic and open the back door to collect our food and drinks. I’m eager to spend some alone time with him, even if I’d rather it be somewhere else.

    The torrential downpour is causing drastic flooding on the sidewalks, so I am careful not to fall. I cautiously balance everything in my hands, trying not to drop anything. I’m clumsy, but right now would not be a good time for that to transpire. I set the takeout bags on the sidewalk to open the door but find that it’s locked. Strange. I guess it makes sense because the office is closed. I know he doesn’t like stragglers walking in, especially after hours.

    Trevor? I call out, unsure if he’ll be able to hear me over the rain beating on the roof.

    After what feels like several long minutes, I try again. Trevor? I yell, starting to become irritated because now I’m soaked. Of course, I’m wearing a white shirt today, of all days.

    I’m standing under the awning in front of Davis Chiropractic, but it isn’t doing me much good at this point.

    Finally, I hear something on the other side of the door and I’m relieved to know that I’ll be inside soon. But then I hear a voice that isn’t Trevor’s.

    Trevor! A woman’s voice. What the hell is going on? I rattle the handle harder but still get no response. I quickly run around to the back of the building and bang on one of the windows. I see another window is slightly ajar. That’s when my world comes crashing down on me.

    I can’t breathe.

    My husband, my world, is thrusting in and out of his assistant, Nicole. His fingers run through her stringy, boxed-blonde hair.

    I’m going to be sick. How could he do this to me?

    I can’t seem to pull myself away from the window fast enough, but when I do, I run. It’s the only thing I know to do. I abandon the food sitting on the sidewalk and sprint to my car.

    I’m only a couple blocks from Shayna’s, so I head in the direction of her house. I know she’ll be able to calm me and I need to see my son. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life, but it is now possibly the worst.

    Claire, what the hell is wrong with you? Shayna asks as soon as she swings the door open. I know I’m a mess with mascara running down my face, my clothes drenched from the rain.

    He. He. I can’t get the words out because I’m crying so hard. My chest hurts. I can hardly breathe.

    Okay, babe, you need to calm down. Let’s go sit and I’ll get you a drink. Want some lemonade? I nod as I climb onto a stool at the bar in her kitchen. Before getting my drink, Shayna brings me a bath towel to wrap myself in.

    I’m appreciative of the silence and I start to calm a little as I sip my drink. Finally, Shayna speaks.

    What happened, Claire? She looks at me with concern in her eyes.

    I just caught Trevor with Nicole, I whisper. Saying it aloud makes it more real and causes me to lose my composure once again.

    My hands start to tremble uncontrollably and I have to put my glass down before I break it.

    I’m going to be sick. I sprint to the bathroom and lose the contents of my stomach. The horrid taste of bile in my mouth making me want to throw up again.

    I hear the faucet on the sink turn on. In the midst of my breakdown, I didn’t notice Shayna had come into the bathroom.

    Here, this should help you feel a little better. She pats at my forehead with a wet cloth. Thankfully, it does help some as I had started breaking out in a sweat.

    Thanks. I croak. I know that this stress cannot be good on my baby, so I really need to calm the hell down.

    Once I’m confident that I’m not going to be sick again, I lay on the bathroom floor. Typically, this would gross me out as Shay has hairspray stuck to it, but right now I couldn’t care less. I welcome the coolness against my skin.

    Moments later, once my breathing is back to normal, I grab onto the toilet as I carefully stand.

    You wanna go lay on my bed? Shay asks. Brady is playing in the living room and I’ll watch him as long as you need.

    I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. No, I think I’ll be alright. I then wipe my sweaty hands on my skirt, which of course does nothing, considering my skirt is still wet.

    Okay, well, at least let me get you some dry clothes. She heads toward her bedroom as I stare at myself in the mirror above the sink. My makeup is completely washed off my tear-streaked face, my eyes red and puffy.

    He cheated on me.

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around this new bit of information. How could he do this to me after everything we’ve been through together?

    Here. Shay hands me a pair of yoga pants along with a New Kids on the Block shirt. If I wasn’t so devastated right now, I’d probably laugh at her.

    Once I’m left alone, I slide down the door and as my ass hits the floor, the emotions take over again. I can’t seem to catch my breath and now I’ve given myself a raging headache from all the crying I’ve done in the last hour. I’m not sure how it’s possible that I still have tears left.

    After several moments, I’m finally able to change.

    I walk toward Shay’s kitchen to fetch a plastic bag for my wet clothes and hear my son babbling in the next room. I manage to form a small smile on my face. My heart aches, but the little guy still needs his mother. Somehow, I’m going to have to figure out how to move forward from this. Is that even possible?

    When I get to the living room, I lift my son from the floor as Shayna gives me a worried look.

    Shay, I just need to hold him. She nods in understanding and leaves the room to give me some privacy.

    Brady is very much a mama’s boy. He’s the calm to my storm and I wish that I could sit here all night like this with him in my arms. I lean in to kiss the top of his head. The aroma of his lavender shampoo hits my nose, and I immediately become relaxed by the familiar scent. He rests his head on my shoulder as if he knows exactly what I need in this moment.

    I look over at the coffee table that holds my phone and see that it’s lighting up. I had shut the ringer off on my way here so I wouldn’t have to deal with Trevor. I’m not ready yet.

    Not a minute later, I notice it ringing again but quickly send it to voicemail. I know I’ll break again when I hear his voice. I don’t want to hear his excuses or lies. If I had more of Brady’s things with me, I would ask Shay if I could crash on her couch tonight. I’m not sure what awaits me at home.

    I lay on the couch and massage my sons back which soon puts him into a deep slumber. I know I need to get home before I also become tired. Who am I kidding? I’m exhausted. Mentally and physically.

    When I catch myself dozing off, I decide it’s time to gather Brady’s belongings. I need to stop putting off the inevitable. Maybe he won’t be home, so I can avoid him a bit longer.

    Come on, Mama. I’ll walk you out to your car, Shay says as she buckles Brady into his seat for me. Mindful not to wake him.

    Babe, I’ve been trying to call you for the last hour. Where have you been? Trevor asks as I walk through the front door. Is he serious right now? Does he have no idea what I just saw?

    I silently begin weeping again but disregard his question as I lift Brady from his car seat and carry him upstairs for bed.

    Trevor now runs my father’s chiropractic office after he and my mom were killed by a drunk driver two years ago. Actually, our dads had owned it together for years. His dad died the year before my parents, from cancer.

    I love my family, but I’ve always hated their way of thinking. Nobody was ever good enough in my father’s eyes. He and my mother always snubbed their noses at people who didn’t have high-society professions like them. My husband is no different. I guess that’s why he fit into our family so well.

    Once I have Brady changed and, in his crib, I head downstairs, hoping to get some laundry done. I’m quiet as I go down the stairs because I’m assuming that Trevor is in our bedroom, but I couldn’t be so lucky.

    Claire, what’s going on? That’s when I lose it.

    I can’t speak at first, over the tears. What’s going on? I choke out. What the fuck do you think is going on? I’m seeing red as I lean against the mocha brown wall and sluggishly slide down it because I feel like I may be sick again if I don’t sit.

    My sweet, loving husband doesn’t seem to care that I’m devastated. I can tell he’s only probing because he feels he has to.

    I have no idea, but would appreciate it if you’d fill me in. Where have you and Brady been all night? He’s either a complete moron or he’s good at playing dumb. I can’t decide which. I press my face into my hands, refusing to look at him.

    Shayna’s, I clip as I snap my head up in his direction.

    Okay, so why didn’t you answer my calls? He asks hesitantly.

    Because I didn’t feel like talking to my cheating husband. I stand and head toward the basement so I can start laundry, but I’m quickly halted when he grabs my arm.

    What the fuck are you talking about? He seethes, looking guilty and pissed. Sorry, Trev, your secret is out.

    I’m talking about how I saw you laying on top of Nicole when I brought you dinner! I scream. I can’t keep it together any longer as my knees begin to buckle underneath me.

    We’re now standing by the basement entrance and as I swing the door open to head down, he grabs me by both shoulders and begins to shake me.

    Claire, I’ve been so stressed with work and then having to come home to you needing my help. I’m exhausted and just needed to let off some steam. He says this as if it’s no big deal. He’s still holding on to my shoulders, but the next thing I know I’m stumbling backward and everything goes black.




    Idouble-check my coat pocket, making sure the tiny, black, velvet box is still there, as I ride in the back of a London airport bus. It’s been six months since I’ve seen my girlfriend Monica and I am ready to get to her. She has no idea I’m coming, but I’ve been planning this trip for months to surprise her for our two-year anniversary. I just hope she’s in her apartment when I get there. I know she doesn’t work today, so my chances are decent.

    I’ve never been here before, so I try to enjoy the sights we pass, but I’m too anxious to pay much attention. Monica is only a few miles from the airport and I probably could have walked but didn’t want to chance getting lost. I booked a bed and breakfast that I plan on taking her to tonight after my surprise for her is on her finger.

    After what feels like hours but is probably only a few minutes, the bus finally stops at the end of Monica’s street. I grab my suitcase from overhead and make my way towards the love of my life.

    I was so worried that we wouldn’t be able to handle a long-distance relationship, but we’ve made it work. Don’t get me wrong. It fucking sucks that I haven’t seen her in so long, but at least we get to talk over FaceTime every night. We’re halfway through her internship and then I plan on making her my wife shortly after she gets home. She’ll want an extravagant wedding, but I don’t want to postpone it longer than we need to.

    These apartment buildings look more like old houses. I have to double-check her address since they all look the same. Once I’m sure I have the right building, I open the door and am immediately hit with the strong smell of fresh paint. This place is extremely worn down and it’s going to take more than a coat of paint to help it. I head to the flight of stairs directly in front of the entrance and start the lengthy trek up to the fourth floor where my beautiful girlfriend is. It’s loud as hell in here with the airplanes flying over the building, causing the stairs to vibrate. I don’t know how anyone handles the noise all the time.

    I lightly tap on the third door on the right. I stand there for a moment without an answer and can’t hear her on the other side of the door, so I knock again. Still no answer.

    I try the knob and it’s surprisingly unlocked. I’ll be sure to tell her to make sure she keeps it locked. She’s in an unfamiliar city and, honestly, not in the most pleasant area.

    I walk in and still see no sign of her. The apartment is small but has plenty of space for only Monica. It is decorated just as I would expect from her. The walls are a dirty white color, but the couch is decorated with gold and brown throw pillows, giving the space some character. I spot a flowery candle, burning freely, sitting on the coffee table. She must be home because she’d never leave a candle burning.

    Monica? I call out but don’t get an answer.

    I head toward what I assume is her bedroom. Maybe she fell asleep and doesn’t hear me.

    I push the door open and my heart halts in my chest. There lies my girl between another man’s legs. I need to throw up, but the rage takes over instead.

    What the fuck? I roar. Monica flies off the bed with a look of shock on her face. I look over at the douche bag and he looks terrified. Good. That’s what you get for screwing my girlfriend.

    Ryke? Monica asks innocently. I’m not an idiot. What are you doing here?

    She doesn’t even act regretful as she stands, covering her body with a sheet like I haven’t seen her naked figure before.

    "I should probably be asking you that question." I can’t see straight.

    Now the douche stands from the bed, ass naked, and starts towards me like he can actually do something to me.

    Who the hell are you? The douche asks. He’s still walking toward me and I decide the best move would be to leave the room so this naked ass guy doesn’t try to assault me.

    I make my way to the door, but before I can leave, Monica stops me in my tracks.

    Ryke, I can explain! She sobs. Apparently, she thinks if she cries I’ll actually believe the bullshit she’s about to spew at me.

    I turn around and once again my heart stops.

    You’re pregnant? I croak out.

    She hurriedly shields her stomach as if that’ll cover the large bump.

    Goodbye, Monica. I don’t give her a chance to explain as I slam the door behind me.

    I’m currently in a foreign city with nothing but a goddamned broken heart.



    Ishoot up in bed so fast I nearly fall off the edge. I’m drenched in sweat like any other night. My long, curly hair sticks to the side of my face. Between having to feed Brady and trying to survive these horrible nightmares, I hardly got any sleep. When will things get better?

    All little girls have dreams about being an adult. I dreamt of marrying my Prince Charming and living in a beautiful white house with a picket fence and a huge yard where all five of our children would run and play. I’d sit on the porch and sip on my morning coffee while enjoying the sounds of their joyful giggles.

    Trevor Davis is the furthest thing from Prince Charming.

    I flew into Phoenix late last night with my son Brady. We’re staying with my brother Evan and his wife Avery. They are seriously a godsend. As soon as we walked through the door, Evan was asking questions. I told him we’d talk about it later because I was worn out and not ready to talk. He doesn’t know that I left my husband. Avery gave me a knowing look as if she could read my mind. She’s like the sister I never had.

    I look over to my left at the blue and purple plaid playpen my parents used for me and Evan. Little coos come from my son.

    Hey, little man, are you hungry? I ask Brady. He, of course, says nothing back, but instead kicks his chubby little legs and swings his arms in the air. I’ll take that as a yes. I give his soft cheek a kiss while I lay him on the bed to change his diaper. He is such a sweet baby and has always been extremely laidback. This chubby little boy with dark brown curls and icy blue eyes always knows how to make me smile. He motivates me to keep going every day.

    I lay next to Brady on the bed after I mix up his bottle. It’s nice that he can hold it on his own now. He fists my long hair in his hand as he sucks away. This is something he’s always done since birth. It seems to be a comfort for him. I love you too, little man.

    This past year was one of the best and worst years of my life.

    Trevor and I were together for seven years and getting ready to celebrate our third wedding anniversary in a couple months. Everything seemed so perfect until I caught him cheating on me last month. I wanted to leave him right away but confronting him turned into a fight which caused me to trip and fall down the stairs backward. Not only did I break my tailbone, I lost my unborn child. Trevor didn’t mean to hurt me, but that night he ruined me. I never told him that I had a miscarriage. I knew that he would try to guilt me into believing that it was my fault.

    Hey, sis, is it okay if I come in? Evan calls from the other side of the door.

    I roll my eyes in frustration, ready to get this conversation over with. I lay Brady back in his bed and then swing the door open to see my brother on the other side.

    You doing alright? Evan asks me as he gives my cheek a kiss. He’s probably four or five inches taller than me, which intimidated all the boys when we were younger.

    Yeah, I’m fine. What’s up? I ask, not wanting to discuss my reason for being here yet.

    You do know we have to talk about this, right? He asks as he raises his dark eyebrows at me. Brady got his dark, curly hair from my brother and I. Evan usually keeps his short, but right now it’s becoming a bit unruly.

    Talk about what? I ask, trying to act naïve.

    Sis, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You and Brady are welcome here anytime, but what’s going on? Where’s Trevor?

    He’s in Chicago still. I left him. I try so hard to keep the tears from coming but fail.

    Come here. He wraps his large, muscular arms around me and lets me sob into his chest. He is all I have now, besides my son. What happened? He asks gently.

    He had an affair. I sniffle and wipe the tears from my face. I feel like such a fool. By now, my cries are coming out hysterically and I’ve lost all control. I’m positive that Avery can hear me from the other side of the house.

    How is that even possible? He asks, shocked. He’s always working, especially since he took over the practice. He searches my eyes for answers. I’m going to kill him for doing this to you. He scowls as he clenches his fists.

    Evan, calm down. I’m fine. And it’s very much possible when he’s sleeping with his assistant. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I don’t even know if Trevor has slept with anyone else. But honestly, it doesn’t even matter now.

    Look at me, sis. He grabs my chin so I can’t look away from him. You’re going to get through this. You and Brady can stay here as long as you need.

    Thanks, Bub. Evan grins at the nickname I gave him as a kid. I don’t want to be a burden, so I’ll try to get us out of here as soon as possible.

    Don’t be ridiculous. We love you both and we’re glad you came, no matter the circumstance. He leans in and gives me another kiss. I’ll take Brady while you get showered.

    I couldn’t tell my brother that Trevor caused me to lose our baby. It doesn’t matter if it was an accident. Evan would hop on the next flight and kill him with his bare hands.

    Evan and Avery have a four-bedroom house. The guest bedroom Brady and I are staying in has an attached bathroom, so it allows for some privacy. I step into the scorching hot water and let it relax my body. I don’t think a shower has ever felt so good. How did things get so bad? I know my body changed from having a baby, but I tried every day to get back to my pre-pregnancy size so I could look good for Trevor. I did the best I could by eating healthy and going to the gym every night. Apparently, I didn’t work hard enough. Although, I’ve lost a bunch of weight over the past month from all the stress. Evan didn’t notice because he hadn’t seen me in months.

    Isn’t being a new mother supposed to be an enjoyable time? I was blissfully happy until last month when everything fell apart.

    When I get out of the shower, I realize that I forgot to wash my hair.

    Damn it, I mumble to myself.

    I guess I’ll be wearing my thick hair in a messy bun today. I don’t have anyone to impress anyway. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and see that my dark brown eyes look tired. I am tired.

    When I step back into the bedroom, I put on clean yoga pants and my Illinois State University workout tee. I’m not planning on working out today, but I’m all for comfort.

    Once I’m dressed, I go in search for my phone that I haven’t looked at since I got off the plane last night. Once I finally find it at the bottom of my purse, I see there are three missed calls from Shayna and eight text messages.

    Shayna: You better be dead if you can’t even text me to say you made it.

    Her final text reads. I shake my head. She’s crazy.

    Me: Thanks for your concern. I am alive and well. Love you.

    I met Shayna several years ago at the daycare we both worked at. She was the reason I stayed there so long. Other than all the times we went out with Trevor’s co-workers, I didn’t have much of a social life. Even though I hadn’t seen her much outside of work, Shay had always been my rock.

    She is engaged to her son Koda’s father, Dennis. They’ve been together for five years, but he just proposed last year. They are set to get married this fall.

    My stomach rumbles, so I head for the kitchen, but my phone rings in my pocket.

    Hey, bitch, what are you doing? Shayna asks as soon as

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