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Financial Astrology Almanac 2023: Trading & Investing Using the Planets
Financial Astrology Almanac 2023: Trading & Investing Using the Planets
Financial Astrology Almanac 2023: Trading & Investing Using the Planets
Ebook285 pages2 hours

Financial Astrology Almanac 2023: Trading & Investing Using the Planets

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About this ebook

Price highs and lows of stocks, commodities, and major indices are part of an interwoven tapestry of planetary aspects and cycles that unfold across time. Time can be measured by fractal intervals, 18.6-year Node movements, Gann Master cycles, heliocentric Kabbalah math, religious dates, retrograde movement, planetary conjunctions, planetary elo

Release dateNov 21, 2022
Financial Astrology Almanac 2023: Trading & Investing Using the Planets

M.G. Bucholtz

Malcolm Bucholtz, B.Sc., MBA, M.Sc., author of the Financial Astrology Almanac, resides in western Canada where he trades the financial markets using technical chart analysis, esoteric mathematics, and astrology. Through his website,, he offers a series of newsletters that keep subscribers apprised of pending astrological events and cyclical intervals that stand to influence financial markets.

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    Book preview

    Financial Astrology Almanac 2023 - M.G. Bucholtz


    Table of Contents


    CHAPTER 1: Fundamentals

    The Ecliptic and the Zodiac

    The Glyphs


    The Moon

    The Nodes

    Synodic and Sidereal Cycles

    Geocentric and Heliocentric Astrology

    Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC


    Elongation and Conjunction

    CHAPTER 2: The Gann Master Cycle

    CHAPTER 3: The 18.6 Year Cycle

    CHAPTER 4: Fractal Cycles

    CHAPTER 5: Trend Changes

    CHAPTER 6: Venus Cycles

    CHAPTER 7: Mercury Cycles

    CHAPTER 8: The Pleiades

    CHAPTER 9: Professor Weston’s Cycles

    CHAPTER 10: Synodic Cycles and Bradley

    CHAPTER 11: Shemitah and Kabbalah Cycles

    CHAPTER 12: Lunar and Planetary Declination



    Crude Oil



    CHAPTER 13: NYSE 2023 Astrology

    The Lunation and the New York Stock Exchange

    New York Stock Exchange – First Trade Chart

    The McWhirter Methodology

    February-March 2020: an Historical Example

    2023 Lunation Events

    CHAPTER 14: Commodities 2023 Astrology




    Canadian Dollar, British Pound, and Japanese Yen

    Euro Currency

    Australian Dollar

    30-Year Bond Futures

    10-Year Treasury Note Futures

    Wheat, Corn, and Oats


    Crude Oil





    Feeder Cattle

    Live Cattle

    Lean Hogs




    Natural Gas

    CHAPTER 15: Quantum Science

    Quantum Price Lines

    2023 Quantum Levels

    CHAPTER 16: Conclusion

    Notes & Recommended Reading


    About The Author

    Other Books By The Author


    Many traders and investors think company media releases, media news opinions, quarterly earnings reports, and analyst targets drive stock prices and major index movements.

    I disagree. I believe price action on the financial markets is driven by heliocentric and geocentric cycles of planetary movement, by planetary declination, by lunar declination, by angular aspects between planets, and by New Moon planetary aspects. These planetary phenomena affect the emotions of people. Positive emotions create the desire to buy financial instruments. Negative emotions lead to fear and withdrawal. Overlap and interweave together these phenomena and the result will be the ups and downs of price that characterize a stock chart, a commodity price chart, or the chart of a major index. The average trader or investor who remains fixated on media releases and analyst opinions will be unable to discern this rich tapestry of planetary influence.

    A question that must be dispensed with is the title of this publication. In particular: where does the term ‘astrology’ fit into the mix? Webster’s dictionary states that: astronomy is concerned with the study of objects outside the earth’s atmosphere. Webster’s further says that: astrology is the divination of how planets influence our lives. What this Almanac entails is a blend of astronomy and astrology. This Almanac focuses on planets, planetary aspects, and planetary cycles. These planetary events influence human emotion. Human emotion, in turn, influences price action on financial markets.

    A long cycle of planetary activity that overlaps and interweaves with time is the Jupiter/Saturn Gann Master Cycle which unfolds over two decades of heliocentric planetary movement. Threaded through the fabric of this Master Cycle is another long cycle, the McWhirter 18.6-year cycle which aligns to the movement of the North Node through the signs of the zodiac. This nodal cycle broadly defines overall economic activity. Along the way, nodal aspects to major outer planets can exacerbate this economic activity.

    The repeated cyclical movement of planets above and below the ecliptic plane aligns to swing highs and swing lows on commodity futures and equity indices.

    Irregular occurring events of Mercury or Venus being retrograde often align to trend reversals on stocks and equity indices. A similar observation holds for both Mercury and Venus being at elongation extremes, Superior conjunctions, and Inferior conjunctions.

    Cycles also arise from annual celebratory events delineated in the Hebrew lunar-based calendar, notably the seven-year Shemitah cycles. Cycles arise from the mathematics of the Hebrew Alef Bet, and when expressed through the lens of heliocentric movements of Venus or Mars, can be seen aligning to market turning points.

    The cycle from one New Moon to the next can also be seen to have a bearing on the market, especially when the Moon transits past 14 degrees of Cancer and 24 degrees of Pisces. Times when the Moon is Void of Course also align to expressions of notable volatility on equity indices.

    Even though the mainstream media refuses to embrace astrology or planetary cycles as valid tools for timing the markets, it is my opinion that there are powerful players in the major financial centres of the globe who do embrace planetary cycles. Knowing that planetary aspects and cycles influence human emotion, these power players use these occurrences to their advantage to make money in up-trending markets. They also use these cyclic events to induce trend changes on markets. As the price trend turns and markets start to fall, these players profit from their short positions while the average investor on the street experiences emotional angst and sleepless nights knowing the markets are trending down and working against them. Who are the powerful players that use astrology to move markets? is a question that burns in my mind. Is it a select group at J.P. Morgan? Is it a group in a dark-panelled office in London? I will likely never know.

    How and why these various cycles have come to be? is another burning question that remains unanswered. As I have studied these cycles over the past dozen years and applied them to the financial markets, I have developed a new sense of awe for what I deem to be a higher power that guides the Universe. In preparing this manuscript, I had the good fortune to meet a university professor whose research focuses on the Cree First Nations people in Alberta, Canada. He related to me a Cree mythological story involving the Pleiades star cluster which is visible in the constellation Taurus. One day, Sky Woman spotted a far-away planet and expressed a desire to visit it. Spider Woman, who lived amongst the stars of the Pleiades, spun a web so that Sky Woman could reach the far-off planet. The far-off planet was Earth. Mankind originates with Sky Woman and her visit to Earth. This story added to my belief that mankind is hard-wired to events in the cosmos. I was humbled when I subsequently studied stock market reactions during past events of Sun, Venus, and Mars transiting conjunct to the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus. After reading this Almanac, you too may have reason to pause and ponder the power of the cosmos. You may well find yourself feeling humbled.

    Paying attention to planetary cycles is not a new concept. Ancient civilizations as far back as the Babylonians recognized planetary cyclical activity, but in a more rudimentary form. Their high priests tracked and recorded changes in the emotions of the people. These diviners and seers also tracked events, both fortuitous and disastrous. Although they lacked the ability to fully comprehend the celestial mechanics of the planetary system, they were able to visually spot the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in the heavens. They correlated changes in human emotion and societal events to these planets. They assigned to these planets the names of the various deities revered by the people. They identified and named various star constellations in the heavens and divided the heavens into twelve signs. This was the birth of astrology as we know it today.

    Stories of traders benefiting from planetary activity are also not new. In the early 1900s, esoteric thinkers such as the famous Wall Street trader W.D. Gann reportedly made massive gains when he realized that cycles of astrology bore a striking correlation to financial market action. Gann is most famous for identifying the Saturn/Jupiter cycle which he labelled the Gann Master Cycle. He followed the cyclical activity of Jupiter and Neptune when he traded wheat and corn futures. He also delved deep into esoteric math, notably square root math which led him to develop his Square of Nine. The concept of price squaring with time is also a Gann construct. Today many traders and investors attempt to emulate Gann but they do so in a linear fashion, looking for repetitive cycles on the calendar. What they are missing is the astrology component, which is anything but linear.

    In the 1930s, Louise McWhirter greatly illuminated the connection between the stock market and planetary cycles. She identified an 18.6-year cyclical correlation between the general state of the American economy and the position of the North Node of the Moon in the zodiac. Her methodology extended to include the transiting Moon passing by key points of the 1792 natal birth horoscope of the New York Stock Exchange. She also identified a correlation between price movement of a stock and those times when transiting Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn made hard aspects to the natal Sun position in the stock’s natal birth (first trade) horoscope. (1)

    The late 1940s saw planetary mathematical modelling applied to the stock market when astrologer Garth Allen (a.k.a. Donald Bradley) created his Siderograph Model based on aspects between the various transiting planets. Each aspect as it occurs is given a sinusoidal weighting as the orb (separation) between the planets varies. Bradley’s model was obscured in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis when the Federal Reserve was injecting massive amounts of liquidity into the financial system. Now that the Fed has embarked on a monetary tightening policy, Bradley’s model is again proving itself a powerful indicator of trend changes on the S&P 500. (2)

    As the 1950s dawned, academics at institutions like Yale and Harvard came to dominate discussions of the financial markets. Talk of planetary cycles influencing financial markets was soon swept aside out of public view. Cyclical analysis was replaced by academic constructs like Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Market Hypothesis. These persisted for several decades until coming under severe scrutiny with the 2000 tech bubble meltdown and again with the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis which nearly derailed the global economy.

    In the past decade, the application of planetary science to the stock market has been elevated and made more user friendly. The software designers at Market Analyst/Optuma now have an impressive financial astrology platform built into their charting program. More recently, author and trader Fabio Oreste published a book entitled Quantum Trading in which he describes quantum lines, a mathematical construct based on the work of Einstein, Niels Bohr, and Bernhard Reimann. Oreste shows how quantum lines can be used to delineate areas of price support and resistance.

    You have probably experienced the effects of the planets on the financial market without even realizing it. Think back to the dark days of late 2008 when there was genuine concern over the very survival of the financial market system. This timeframe was the end of an 18.6-year cycle of the North Node traveling around the zodiac. To high-level, power players in the financial system who understood astrology, this period was a prime opportunity to feast off the fear of the investing public and the anxiety of government officials who were standing at the ready with lucrative bailout packages. The market low in March 2009 came at a confluence of a Mars and a Neptune quantum point. Curiously enough, Mars and Neptune are deemed to be the planetary rulers of the New York Stock Exchange. The March 2009 low also aligned perfectly to the start of Venus being retrograde.

    Think back to August 2015 and the market selloff that the financial media did not see coming. This selloff started at a confluence of three events: Venus being retrograde, the appearance of Venus as a Morning Star after having been only visible as an Evening Star for the previous 263 days, and the close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter (a 24-year cyclical event).

    Remember the early days of 2016 when Mercury was retrograde and the markets hit a rough patch? Remember the weakness of June 2016 when Venus emerged from conjunction to become visible as an Evening Star?

    Do you recall the dire predictions for financial

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