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Bays Family History and Genealogy
Bays Family History and Genealogy
Bays Family History and Genealogy
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Bays Family History and Genealogy

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If you are a member of the Bays family, this book is a must-read. It provides a detailed account of the family's storied past, including their experiences with Native American attacks, plantation life, and seafaring adventures. Additionally, it sheds light on the family's French roots and the evolution of their surname. The book serves as a testament to the family's resilience and determination, as they have overcome countless obstacles and adversity to establish themselves as one of the most respected families in the region.

Release dateMar 2, 2023
Bays Family History and Genealogy

Douglas M. Dubrish

Douglas M. Dubrish achieved academic excellence, graduating with honors, earning a Bachelor of Science from the reputable University of New York Excelsior College. With a diverse professional background that includes service in the U.S. Air Force as an Air Traffic Controller, as well as many roles in the National Weather Service and online retail, he has now entered retirement. During this period, Douglas is directing his energy into writing books of first-hand encounters and resulting insights in the New Age genre, other non-fiction books, and pursuing his enduring passion for genealogy and writing family histories.

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    Bays Family History and Genealogy - Douglas M. Dubrish

    In genealogy, a single wrong relationship is multiplied exponentially with each generation beyond the error. Every identity that is established is simply a decision we base upon the evidence we have accumulated. Our challenge is to accumulate the best evidence possible and to analyze and interpret that evidence in the most perceptive manner possible. Best evidence is having three, four or five sources that report the same fact. You can only follow the paper trail with those details that are available.

    When I first started doing genealogy -1976- I used the United States Postal Service extensively. As time and money would allow, I sent for birth certificates, death certificates, naturalization papers, marriage certificates and a lot of other documents. If there was an unusual family surname – which I would find in a telephone book - I would often times write a letter and include a self addressed stamped envelope in hopes of a reply. Most often a very cordial reply would be received. This was how genealogy was done in the past and even sometimes today. Unfortunately in this day and age - there are so many scams - that people are very reluctant to provide any information at all for those doing family histories.

    However, in today’s world we have the internet and genealogy sites such as,,,, and a host of others. Many of these web sites are free, although some have fees. Groups of researchers are busy scanning all those certificates I previously mentioned, and are making documents available on the internet –and often times theses documents are free. Census records, social security death indexes, military draft information, and many other useful resources are now mostly free and available if you know what sites to look at. Companies use a citation to reference where information was obtained, when they scan documentation for websites such as and – this helps to validate documents.

    In this book I do not cite each and every entry to show where I obtained the information. I do provide a list of references in the last chapter that the reader can use if they choose to do more research. Since this is not an academic piece, where I would cite my sources for a thesis in a Masters program, I’m going to just provide a trail of linage from the online sources, and list references in bulk as I mentioned. This saves time, and makes development of this family history much more enjoyable.

    Over the last 40 years hundreds of thousands of people have taken up genealogy and created their family trees. People have used family bibles, and talked to many family members who gave them first hand information. Many of these family trees have been uploaded online for reference and review. It is by talking to a few family members, and the use of the online genealogy web sites, that I have compiled this ancestry of the Bays family. I have written the stories in a conversational tone, and tried to color the time period with other news of the day. Otherwise, it’s just the hard cold facts with no feeling of the history the Bays ancestors lived in. The old saying is: If you want to have hope and faith in the future you must stand on the shoulders of the past.

    In these times -2020- American history is not taught in the same manner it was back in the mid 1900s -back when I was growing up. Many historical things that we were taught back then are not exactly the truth as we know it today. History has expanded to include the North American native cultures and others, not just the culture of European settlers. And, the many archeological excavations over the decades… well… archeologists have unearthed some astonishing artifacts in regards to American history. Often times the archeological digs provide more questions than answers.

    As more immigrants come into the United States we find that more family histories have absolutely nothing to do with British Colonial America, and the westward expansion - or the original American Pioneer spirit. In the late 1800s and early 1900s many people immigrated from Europe in hopes of building a new life and finding jobs in New England or other U.S. locations. These immigrants on the whole didn’t have to cut down the forests to plant crops, follow a buffalo trail into uncharted territories, or make peace with sometimes very savage natives. The Bays ancestors did.

    Please keep in mind that many Africans have immigrated to the United States, and have no relationship with the African slaves that were brought into British Colonial America by Spanish, Belgian, and English traders. Many Africans since 1900 have learned skills in their homeland and come to America in hopes of finding employment to enrich their lives, and many have. I have worked with Africans from Nigeria and South Africa who were highly skilled and trained in their native countries.

    I mention this because as we look back to the mid 1800s - and before – we are appalled by the slave trade. All researchers run into this when searching documents and seeking answers in the past. Not all New World immigrants had African slaves to work on the farm. If they did have slaves most worked right along – side by side – with the slaves doing field work. And,

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