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Optimist Racing: A manual for sailors, parents & coaches
Optimist Racing: A manual for sailors, parents & coaches
Optimist Racing: A manual for sailors, parents & coaches
Ebook347 pages1 hour

Optimist Racing: A manual for sailors, parents & coaches

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About this ebook

The Optimist is the most popular junior sailing class worldwide, with thousands of young people actively racing them and hundreds attending the major events in the class. It has been the nursery for most of the top racing sailors in the world including all the Team GBR gold medallists at the last 2 Olympics (Sir Ben Ainslie, Hannah Mills, Saskia Clark and Giles Scott) – the same will be true for most other countries. Optimist Racing is written for those sailors, parents and coaches who are looking for success in this competitive class. In it you will learn what it takes to win, including how to achieve blistering boatspeed through technique and tuning, perfect boat handling and tactics as well as covering the mental and physical requirements for success. There is also a section for parents and coaches describing how they can best support their young sailors. Originally written by Ben Ainslie's Optimist coach, Phil Slater, this new edition has been completely updated by top international racing coach, Steve Irish, who can be found coaching Optimist and other sailors worldwide. This book is the up-to-date handbook for sailing an Optimist fast.
Release dateSep 3, 2019
Optimist Racing: A manual for sailors, parents & coaches

Steve Irish

Steve Irish is a world-class professional sailing coach. He has worked for the British Sailing Team, Turkish Sailing Federation and Thailand’s 49er team amongst others. He is a previous 420 World Champion and multiple National Champion in the RS800 class. Since devoting himself to racing coaching full-time in 2003 he has coached teams to world championship success. He coaches Optimist sailors regularly both in the UK and around the world.

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    Book preview

    Optimist Racing - Steve Irish


    Some people look on the Optimist as a bit of a joke. It’s a curvy box that kids learn to sail in! But it is numerically the biggest sailing class in the world, and ex-Optimist sailors have won many gold medals in all the dinghy classes at the Olympics. The boat is, in fact, a remarkable design – an easily-controlled thoroughbred racing dinghy that provides superb one-design racing and responds to and rewards the highest skills of top sailors.

    The Optimist is sailed by more than 170,000 young people in over 110 countries. Fantastic events take place all around the world, with racing of the highest standard and great fun ashore. Each year there are open meetings, national championships, area championships and a world championship for as many as 259 sailors from 65 countries.

    International Optimist racing is an adventure! It offers the chance of making lasting friendships with top sailors from other countries and representing your country in major international competitions. This book will get you into the action. Its aims are:

    •To help competent Optimist sailors develop handling techniques and boatspeed. They should be able to analyse performance, coach themselves, and develop a positive psychological attitude to the stresses of competition to get to the top in national and international racing.

    •To help parents analyse their own motives for supporting their children’s sailing, and to avoid actions that might have a negative effect on their performance and happiness.

    •To help coaches develop competitor / parent / coach relationships, to understand the constraints of children’s development, and to develop race training programmes and techniques.

    Performance depends on physical fitness, mental fitness, boatspeed techniques, boat handling skills, theoretical knowledge, rules knowledge, racing experience, good equipment, parental support and good coaching. Read on to find out how to achieve all these goals.

    Steve Irish & Phil Slater



    Speed Basics

    Sailing fast is the aim of all top sailors! It’s great to leave the start line and feel the boat drawing ahead, looking back and knowing you have the speed and the other boats are not going to catch you. But how do you gain such speed?

    Some people seem to sail fast naturally, while others never get a top ten result. The single thing that will help you go faster is to spend as much time as possible sailing. Get to know the feel of your boat – how she responds to changes of wind strength and wave state. You will begin to feel when the boat is balanced, when she sails herself with only small movements of the tiller. You will recognise how the balance is changed by trim, mast and daggerboard rake, sail sheeting and, upwind, the relative value of sailing fast and free or pointing higher and going a little slower.

    Learn the skills of sailing upwind and down in light, medium and heavy weather, in smooth and rough water, on lakes and the open sea. Learn to sit at the boat’s pivot point, leaning back, balanced, allowing your upper body to float freely as the boat moves easily through the waves. Learn efficient boat handling, power hiking and bailing. Seek to gain automatic reflex boat control. Allow – trust – your body to do the sailing while you keep your mind busy monitoring sail trim, tactics, tides, stress, etc. Learn to sail in a state of relaxed concentration, get ‘in the groove’, ‘slip into the fast lane’…!

    Speed! Feel it, live it and spot anything that might damage it.


    A boat is in balance when it virtually sails itself with the rudder pointing along the centreline, producing minimal drag. A balanced boat is a fast boat; always seek balance.

    •Weather helm is present when the tiller needs to be pulled to windward to keep the boat sailing in a straight line

    •Lee helm is present when the tiller needs to be pushed to leeward to keep the boat sailing in a straight line

    •If the rudder is needed to keep the boat on course, it is slowing you down


    Too much weather helm


    Too much lee helm


    Balanced helm

    However, a little weather helm can help upwind by generating lift and this can outweigh the added drag but be really careful it isn’t too much! Aim to have the tiller so it has a slight pull and if you let go of it the boat would slowly head up. It shouldn’t feel like a fight to steer. If your tiller arm is starting to ache after being on the same tack for a while you definitely have too much weather helm!


    Right amount of weather helm

    COR Versus COE

    The Centre of Resistance (COR) is the point under the boat where the combined force of water pressure on the hull and foils (daggerboard and rudder) resisting sideslip or ‘leeway’ is centred. It is typically slightly behind the daggerboard.

    The Centre of Effort (COE) is the point in the sail where all the sideways forces are centred.

    •If the COE is aligned with the COR, the boat is balanced.

    •If the COE is forward of the COR, the boat’s bow will bear off from the wind. This gives ‘lee helm’.

    •If the COE is behind the COR, the boat’s bow will turn up into the wind. This gives ‘weather helm’.

    Mast Rake

    Rake is important in the search for a balanced boat. If the mast is raked back, the sail’s COE acts behind the COR, and turns the boat into the wind. If the mast is raked forward, the sail’s COE acts forward of the COR, making the boat bear away.

    Daggerboard Angle

    When the daggerboard is fully down you can use the elastic loop (attached to the sides of the daggerboard case) to hold it vertical, raked forward or raked aft. When the daggerboard is raked forward, the COR moves forward. When the board is raked back, the COR moves back. If the boat was in a state of balance with the daggerboard vertical, raking it forward would give you weather helm and raking it back would give you lee helm.

    Centre of Effort in front of Centre of Resistance


    Centre of Effort behind of Centre of Resistance


    Centre of Effort over Centre of Resistance


    Illustration Centre of effort is around the draft (deepest / most powerful point) of the sail. This has some force to leeward as well as driving the boat forward.

    Illustration Centre of resistance is around the helm weight and aft edge of the daggerboard and this opposes the forces driving the boat to leeward.

    Illustration Helm.

    The effect of the Centre of Effort and Centre of Resistance

    Daggerboard Height

    In heavy weather you may need to lift the daggerboard to decrease the heeling moment and cut down weather helm. As the underwater portion of the daggerboard decreases, the COR moves up and back towards the rudder.


    The COR moves up and back when the board is lifted

    To keep the boat in balance, the mast can be raked back as the daggerboard is lifted. Lightweights will find it difficult to keep the boat flat in heavy weather, so keep balance by lifting the daggerboard with the mast upright or forward which reduces the weather helm and makes the boat easier to sail.

    Sheeting The Sail

    As the sail is sheeted in towards the centreline the COE moves back and makes the boat head up into the wind. This can be used to tack a stationary boat – you simply pull the sail in slowly, and the boat will spin through the wind. Similarly, balance changes when the sail is let out in gusts.


    The COE moves back as the sail is pulled in

    Sail Shape

    Due to its cut or the way it is set, sail shape can also considerably affect the balance of a boat. An over-tight leech moves the COE back, while an open leech has the opposite effect. The sprit and kicking strap (vang) are important, because of their effects on the leech.


    The COE moves back as the leech is tightened

    Heeling (Lateral Trim)

    The asymmetric underwater shape and, in particular, the effect of water pressure on the submerged lee bow, causes the boat to turn away from the immersed side. Heel can be used on all legs of the course to balance the boat and sail more quickly. For example, you can heel to windward on the beats to balance weather helm; on the run, heeling to windward balances the rotational force of the mainsail; bearing away around marks is much easier if the boat is heeled to windward.


    Allowing the boat to heel will make it want to turn

    Fore-And-Aft Trim

    The two aims in trimming the boat fore-and-aft are to try to prevent the bow from hitting the waves, and to try to prevent the stern dragging too deeply in the water. This is achieved with the boat sailing with its sheer line level. Lightweights will have to sit well back in moderate to fresh winds to prevent the bow from dipping.

    Heavyweights have to strike a happy medium, accepting some stern drag while keeping the boat dead flat which allows the bow to lift as high as possible.


    If you sit too far back, the transom drags due to eddies and turbulence


    If you sit too far forward, the bow hits the waves and stops you


    •Hold the tiller extension like a dagger, little finger nearest the universal joint.

    •Hold the mainsheet in the same way, little finger nearest the block – thumbs up!

    •Hike leaning back, knees and feet together, pulling the sheet with your elbow high.

    •Keep the boat and rig balanced, and the rudder on the centreline. Try not to fight the rudder.

    •Don’t let the bow hit waves. Bail as soon as any water gets in the boat and sail to keep the boat dry.


    Steering Without The Rudder

    Using the rudder always slows the boat down. You can

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