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Empress Mai: Empress Mai, #2
Empress Mai: Empress Mai, #2
Empress Mai: Empress Mai, #2
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Empress Mai: Empress Mai, #2

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"Empress Mai" returns in this captivating sequel to Lulu's epic series. With her cunning intelligence and unrelenting strength, she quickly becomes a force to be reckoned with. But as she solidifies her power, she realizes that the throne also comes with its own set of challenges. To maintain her rule and protect her people, she must navigate the dangerous political obstacles and face off against those who seek to overthrow her. This tale follows Mai as she faces new challenges in her journey as a ruler. she needs to also navigate the intricacies of love and Trust alongside the weight of the throne. Mai must find a balance between the demands of the throne and her own desires. With a captivating plot and complex characters, "Empress Mai" is a thrilling journey through a world of political intrigue. This book is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Release dateMay 9, 2023
Empress Mai: Empress Mai, #2

Lulu Winterspring

Lulu Winterspring is a New Jersey-based writer with fifteen years of writing experience. She recently published a new series, Empress Mai, which showcases her passion for fantasy, epic, and action genres. Lulu holds a degree in Business Administration and studied at William Paterson University. Her dedication to writing and her love of these genres is evident in her series, which has received critical acclaim. When she is not writing you can find her in her kitchen, crafting or singing her heart out. Follow me on Tumblr to ask me any questions.  lulu-winterspring Tumblr URL:

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    Book preview

    Empress Mai - Lulu Winterspring

    Her reign begins

    Lulu Winterspring

    This story consists of different characters, locations, and events. All of the events, locations, and characters are fictitious and are not related to any historical events.

    Be aware! The story may contain strong graphics and might not be recommended for children.

    Follow me on

    Facebook: Luluwinterspring

    Instagram: luluwinterspring

    Email: [email protected]

    Thank you, Copyright, © 2023 by Lulu Winterspring

    All rights reserved.


    I would like to thank God for the inspiration, my family, and friends for the support, and lastly my readers. I hope you enjoy the story.

    Chapter I


    ou didn’t think that the story was over after the coronation, did you? Well, this was the very first chapter of my life. I was naughty, joyful, and full of life but what I learned through this journey was, gaining a throne was hard, the hardest part was maintaining it. And I wouldn’t be able to do it without the people that I was blessed with in my life.

    A year has already passed since the coronation, the country has been peaceful, and the people were happy. I was focusing on repairing and establishing stability in the country. All my loyal subjects have been working hard in bringing this beautiful dream into reality. My father—king Rudolf, was the greatest advisor I ever had; he was the most honorable man in my life—not because he was my father, but because he respected who I was, and he respected my decisions as an Empress. He paved the way for me and helped me the best that he could. As for his health, he was recovering nicely. I was still trying to figure out who was behind my father’s poisoning. Although I suspected someone, I couldn’t bring him to justice, I didn’t have enough evidence to do so. I was not worried too much because a huntress like me never gives up.

    My enemies quieted down while plotting behind my back to overthrow me. I knew in the back of my mind that was something that would never stop so I had to prepare myself the best that I could; to face this reality. The past couple of months has made me the toughest and most mature youngster in the country. My life as a teenager was over. Being an empress at such an age made me vulnerable to others, therefore, I could not show any weakness. I wanted to master everything that I could to prevail. Every morning at dawn, I trained in a private training room with Zilan. Yes, he’s still my most trusted person and the commander-in-chief of my security department. He still had Alfred and Frank, and now Keira was added to the team. That’s one department that I didn’t have to worry about, because I knew Zilan was very good at taking care of things. I mastered strategies and swords. and I trained hard every day, and with four hours of sleep, all my focus was on making myself more knowledgeable. I’ve spent a lot of time in the library, I learned the best that I could. Also, I learned how to cook in my new kitchen, not the best at it though. Zilan was my tester, and for the most part, he said the food was tasteless or salty. He still ate it though, to support me I guess, and I appreciate that about him. I couldn’t trust anyone to cook for me after what happened when I first started. Therefore, cooking became like a new hobby to learn. The secretary of state was still recovering with the hunter’s family, we kept it a secret for a long time. My sisters and I were still very close, they came more often to my palace and spent time with me. In general, everything was starting to take place gradually.

    Elida, please fetch me a nice dress. I have a meeting with the king and the prince of Xambi.

    Yes, your majesty. She went into the closet, grabbed a stunning dress, and said Who are you trying to impress my dear?

    No one, I just admire the people of Xambi. I have to look the best.

    Oh, who would have thought the empress of Zakiskta would admire someone.

    Come on Elida, I’m a human, after all, I have feelings too. And do not forget I’m still a young girl.

    You are right my darling, come on let’s get you dressed up. A few minutes after I was ready to meet my guests, I headed to my study where the king and the prince were waiting for me. Just before I went, I asked Elida to send Ana over because I knew how close she was with Kotani. Your majesty, welcome. I slightly bow my head, Prince Kotani, it's good to see you again. I smiled.

    Long live the empress, it’s great to see you too. Replied Kotani

    Long live the empress, it’s an honor, replied the king with courtesy.

    Please, be seated, I said in a hurry.

    I am king Zakariah. I believe you have met my son already.

    Of course, it’s a pleasure, your majesty.

    My son could not stop talking about you and the people of Zakiskta seem to love you, so I wanted to come and see if what my son talked about was true.

    And? I asked.

    In all honesty, I thought that I would meet a mean and harsh youngster if you permit me to say, but in reality, you are very humble and cheerful for an empress. I smiled and spoke.

    What made you think that I was mean and harsh?

    You are feared by many, including my people. I grimaced a bit then he continued. Your majesty, it’s a great thing that people fear you otherwise they will never respect you for who you are. You are young and beautiful, and you are a woman which is something that is not very popular right now. People would take advantage of that, therefore, don’t give them the opportunity to do so. I believe you are doing a great job ruling the country so far and my people and I are very grateful for helping us get out of Igoria’s suppression.

    King Zakariah, I have long heard of your wisdom and your straightforwardness. Thank you for this great advice. As we spoke, Ana came in and served us tea.

    Ana, would you please take prince Kotani on a stroll? The king and I have a business to talk about.

    Yes, your majesty, she said.

    I beg to take my leave your majesty. said prince Kotani.

    Enjoy! They left in a hurry, I knew in my heart something was up with these two, ever since the prince visited last time, Ana was nowhere to be found. They spent a lot of time together. The prince even stayed longer than he should have because of her, and they exchanged letters a lot. Yes, I know because any message has to go through security before it gets to its destination. Your majesty, I reckon your health was not stable during the time of my coronation. How are you feeling right now?

    I apologized for not being there during your coronation and it took me longer than expected to recover but right now I’m feeling great, almost recovered, thank you for remembering that.

    Of course, let’s get back to business, the alliance.

    Yes, your majesty

    I know you wanted to do an alliance by marriage, correct?

    Yes, your majesty, I’m looking for a bride for my son and it looks like he’s not interested in any girls back home.

    Do not worry about it, I’ll get right on it, I’ll find him a suitor. I will see if there’s any girl here that he might be interested in. In the meantime, enjoy your stay at Zakiskta.

    Thank you, your majesty.

    Again, I am honored to have you here, king Zakariah. In the garden at the palace, Prince Kotani and Ana were conversing. They’ve gotten pretty close to each other but kept it secret in public. Once they got deeper inside the garden where no one was watching, the prince pulled Ana closer to him and held her hands. How have you been Ana? I missed our time together.

    Your highness, thank you for asking after me. I’m doing fine. May I ask, how is his highness doing all this while?

    I’m okay, I was looking forward to seeing you again. I’ve brought you something, I hope you like it. He pulled out a gold bracelet from inside his pocket.

    Your highness, I can’t accept that because I’m from a humble family. I cannot afford things like that.

    Please, do not refuse my gift. He insisted, she opened her palm, and he put the small bracelet in her hand. Thank you, your highness. She said looking down.

    Ana, you pleased me very much and I would like to have you in my life.

    You mean stealing me from your majesty the empress to serve you?

    Stealing you yes, but not to serve me, to be my bride. The bracelet fell from her hand.

    Your highness, I’m but a humble servant, I....

    Ana, we spent a lot of time together last time I came, and we talked about how we wanted to live a life together. We have a lot of common interests and I want to make what we dreamed of a reality and I’m willing to do anything to make it happen.

    But your highness, that can never happen. You are a prince and I’m the empress lady attendant.

    Tell me, Ana, do you feel anything for me?

    I—I... she stuttered.

    Ana, I need to know if the feeling is mutual, I will not force you.

    I mean, I—I want that life we–talked about but I’m afraid.

    You mean, the feeling is mutual, right? She shook her head timidly to say yes. He pulled her against his chest and hugged her.

    Thank you, you make me the happiest prince in the world.

    Your highness, we...

    Don’t worry about that, I will ask the empress for your hand. And we will face whatever comes together okay.

    Okay. He pulled her again and placed her head on his chest with his palm and let out a sound of relief. Back in my study a couple of minutes later, Zilan requested to come in. The door was slightly open, he walked in slowly and said, your majesty, we have news, our secretary of state started to walk again.

    That's wonderful news Zilan, when did that happen?

    Yesterday, the hunter's family said that he took multiple steps with no support. They would like to know what to do now?

    How’s the situation with the investigation, does he remember anything?

    Unfortunately, no.

    For now, we don’t have to wake the enemy, we’ll keep him hidden until we find some solid evidence about his case.

    No worries, I will handle this. he stared for a moment and our eyes met, I smiled and said, Thank you Zilan, Anything else?

    Your majesty looks great, any occasion? he asked.

    I have an important guest today. I smiled again.

    Oh, I had no idea.

    Zilan, you’ve been avoiding me for the last couple of months. Except for training I barely see you. How are you supposed to know what’s going on? This is something about which we must talk.

    "Mai, I have been occupied.

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