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A Bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers
A Bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers
A Bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers
Ebook195 pages2 hours

A Bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers

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Going back in time to uncover lost history is never easy, especially if it can influence long held beliefs of the Christian or threaten the theological arrangement of the established Church.  For reasons never given and questions never asked, a gospel, once perfected by the living redeemer trickled down through the ages eventually unearthing a doctrine altered under the justification of perception.  Armed in this perception the pulpits confessed their allegiance.  Follow the author as he turns back the pages of time unmasking a history hidden and forgotten by the world, to unveil a truth as only God could define it.

Release dateApr 11, 2023
A Bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers

Steve Garrett

Steve Garrett has worked in the automotive and transmission industry for 40-plus years. As a service engineer and instructor for General Motors (GM) and the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA), Steve is well-known in the automotive industry. He has authored industry books for GM, ATRA, and college textbook companies and has been a technical writer for multiple magazines. 

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    Book preview

    A Bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers - Steve Garrett


    A Bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers

    Was it negligence, deception, or pure evilness,

    that caused our fathers to hand down to us a corrupted version of Christ’s gospel.

    Steve Garrett

    New Harbor Press


    Copyright © 2023 by Steve Garrett

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

    Hunter/New Harbor Press

    1601 Mt.Rushmore Rd, Ste 3288

    Rapid City, SD 57701

    A bridge Over the Sins of Your Fathers / Steve Garrett. -- 1st ed.


    Bible References

    Why this book was written

    We are NOT all Adam and Eve’s children

    A Man did not cause the fall of Mankind

    The Noahide Flood was a local event and again, we are still not all brothers

    Are Gods Old Testament Dietary laws still in effect?

    Is the Gay Lifestyle unacceptable to God?

    The biblical role for women defined in Gods natural order

    The Trinity thatnever was

    Is God omnipresent and does He know everything all the time?

    Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity

    Flat Earth: Who knows the story? The creatoror the created?

    The Tribulation is over and you missed it



    The NASB (New American Standard Bible) is used for the biblical references in this book. The KJV (King James Version) is noted when it is referenced. I cite non-canonical books when they help bring clarity to biblical issues and stories when the NASB and the KJV are either silent or vague. These non-canonical books I cite are: The Apocrypha. The book of Enoch. The book of Jasher. The Dead Sea Scrolls. The Septuagint. The book of Jubilees. An example of when these books have assisted a bible story is in Exodus when Aaron, the brother of Moses, made the golden calf idol for the tribes of Israel to worship. The bible in Exodus 32: 1 – 4, leaves us believing that Aaron was a willing participant in this rebellious act. But referencing the book of Jasher ch. 82: 12 – 14, we find out that Aaron was forced to make this golden calf under the threat of death. It is stories like these that other non-canonical literature assists the Christian in receiving discernment.

    Why this book was written

    Apostate: One who has abandoned THEIR religious faith

    It was seven years ago when I began writing this book. At that time there were chapters I was working on back then that today I understand should not be in this book. There are chapters now included that back then I did not have the enlightenment to explain or the revelations to even know about.

    It happened one day as I was working on this book. The software in the computer crashed and the only document I lost was this book. I took my computer to two software recovery experts and both threw up their hands and shook their heads. I am sure you can imagine for a long time I was disturbed to the point that I couldn’t even restart this book as I pondered the disaster. But as the years went by the good Lord opened up new avenues of understanding for me and I would sometimes catch myself saying, if I ever write that book again this new revelation would need to be in it.

    Finally here I am today blessed with the understanding that the timing of this book needed to be in Gods time and not my own. That God had not given me the proper discernment back then to properly write this book. So as the timing of this book was not in Gods time back then, I believe the timing of Gods church also was not ready to hear the message of this book back then either.

    I used the word apostasy to describe the current spiritual state of many churches today. Is my use of this word too strong, too insensitive, or just plain blatantly false? To defend my claim I am going to cite a recent article by Chuck Baldwin. For those who know him no introduction is needed, for those who don’t some research of him on your part would be theologically advantageous.

    Article: Its official: The American church is apostate. March 4, 2022.

    "I’ve (Chuck Baldwin) known for many years that the Church in America has fallen to the lowest spiritual state of its entire existence. I’ve tried to warn Christians in both this column and in my public speaking to the dismal state of today’s churches. Researcher George Barna and the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University recently released Barna’s latest survey regarding the current state of America’s churches and the findings are horrific.

    In a poll by the Barna Group, half of those surveyed who described themselves as Christians didn’t believe that Satan exists, and one-third were confident that Jesus sinned while he was on earth.

    Also according to the Barna Poll: Today, 176 million Americans claim to be Christians—69% of the population. Yet, only 6% of U.S. adults—which is 9% of those identifying as Christians—possess a biblical worldview, believing the Bible to be accurate and reliable, among other convictions.

    Large majorities of self-identified Christians also report many beliefs not in harmony with biblical teaching according to the survey. These include:

    * 72% argue that people are basically good.

    * 66% say that ‘having faith’ matters more than which faith you


    * 64% say that all religious faiths are of equal value.

    * 58% believe that if a person is good enough, or does enough

    good things, they can earn their way into Heaven.

    * 57% believe in karma.

    Of the 176 million Americans who claim to be Christians, only 9% of them believe the Bible to be the true Word of God and thus might genuinely be saved. (So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17) That means the number of truly born-again Christians in America is probably no more than 15 million. This also means that probably less than 10% of the professing Christians attending America’s churches are truly saved. Barna is also astute in highlighting the reason for this massive Christian apostasy: The pulpits are not teaching a sound doctrine. So there it is: By and large, America’s pastors are not teaching their people sound doctrine. Hence, the blame for this massive apostasy in the U.S. can be laid squarely at the pulpits of America’s churches. One would think that the stark reality of the above report would cause America’s pastors to reevaluate their emphasis on church growth, discontinue their motivational speaking sermons, stop turning their churches into glorified social clubs, stop avoiding hard sermons and quit being yes-men for civil government and end their un-scriptural infatuation with Christian Zionism. It should; but it won’t."

    The next question on everyones mind should be: Is Chuck Baldwin the only lone voice sounding the clarion call of the apostate church? Running a simple google search will quickly reveal that Mr. Baldwin is far from alone with his describing the apostate condition of today’s churches.

    America’s Apostate Churches!–

    Today’s evangelical circles are complacently apostate, completely silent regarding the evils plaguing America. It is tragic. All across America ministers are...

    The American Church is Apostate | The Third Helix

    Dec 27, 2015 ... Worse than that, even – through Fideism, the Church actively prevents people from placing their faith in Jesus Christ. Christians are sabotaging...

    Today’s Apostasy–Decision Magazine

    Apr 30, 2019 ... Many Christians and churches today have abandoned their faith and fallen away from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.


    American Apostasy: The End Times Apostate American Church

    Mar 13, 2014 ... APOSTATE AMERICA: AN END TIMES CHURCH A POWERFUL AMERICAN CHURCH IS RISING UP A Great Falling Away which will Look Like a Great End Times ...

    The Verdict on the Apostate Church–Rick Renner Ministrie God’s verdict upon the rebellious and the apostate Church is clearly stated in the book of Jude. Rick opens the Scriptures on this topic today.

    Apostasy in American Churches–Dave Williams Ministries

    Feb 17, 2020 ... Apostasy in American Churches ... The Christian Church, including Charismatics, Pentecostals, ... They Are Sitting in Your Church.


    This is just a small sample of what seems to be occupying the minds of the church watchmen today. But should we really be that surprised at today’s church apostasy when the bible forewarned us long ago that when this apostate destination was in our ancestors rear view mirror it was only going to be a matter of time when it would not only overtake the unsuspecting Christian of today but also come to control his world view of the church and of the Christian religion itself.

    It was Paul in the book of Acts that gave us the warning.

    Acts 20: 29, I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30, and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.

    If one will take the time to notice, Paul is not talking to a specific church, or referencing a specific person. This was a blanket general statement to Gods holy church wherever it resided. Paul was informing us apostasy was on the horizon and all will be affected. Then in the book of Jude, the last book in the bible before Revelations we are informed that the damage was accomplished.

    Jude 1: 3, Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. 4, For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

    Judes conclusion is a message to all Christians yesterday and today that this gospel corruption comes in many forms as many of todays lukewarm Christians seek to follow their own personal version of the bible book they didn’t write.

    God tells us women are not to be above the men in His churches, but witness the churches today supporting the female pastors.

    God condemns homosexuality as a sin but just a quick gaze through the churches stained glass windows and you will witness the gay support for not only congregational inclusion of this lifestyle but also the ordaining of gay priests and pastors.

    It was Jesus Himself that said in John 14:6, I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father but through me. But referencing Chuck Baldwins article we find the Cultural Research Center reporting that 66% of Christians say that having faith matters more than which faith you pursue, and 64% say that all religious faiths are of equal value.

    So as America drowns itself in multi-cultures and multi-religions is it really any wonder how the once powerful Christian nation called America ended up succumbing to apostasy as many of the muzzled 501c3 preachers of state sponsored religion seek to lead their flocks to friendship with the world instead of obedience to God? Can you envision Jesus or His apostles keeping silent on the corruption of the gospel or even on the corruption of their country to ensure their tax exempt status remained in place?

    I have found over the years that people who are not serious church goers but still have a belief in God are more accepting of these ideas I have put forth to them. These types of people are not shackled to a preconditioned belief system and usually possess an open mind when it comes to different ideas about Christianity. But the Christian who has spent his life in either one church or one type of denomination of Christianity will find the words in this book unsettling to their long held belief system.

    The path of this type of Christian usually starts with him searching for God, Jesus, or the truth, or a combination of the three. He usually will have some sort of mentor or encouragement from family or friends to help guide him on his way. Eventually this Christian reaches a point in their lives where something just clicks and then they feel they have gotten their sought after answer and it is usually in the comfort and security of a Church. It is at this point in his life the Christian feels he has accomplished his goal and is now in his mind – saved. Armed with this understanding he now becomes a defender of his chosen type of faith, be it Baptist, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, or whichever Church it is. But defenders need walls and it is those walls that the Christian has built around himself over the years that keeps him entrenched in a belief system that hinders spiritual development in certain ways. This Christian will argue that he is developing his spirituality within his church but what he usually is doing is defending and developing his previously acquired testimony. You will hear this type of Christian say things like, we believe this or my God is that. Our Church looks at it this way or my pastor doesn’t look at it that way. So what I am saying is when this Christian reaches his aha moment in life, the next logical task for him to do is to build a wall around this moment as he begins his new life as

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