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The Science of Well-Being: Happiness Hacks for a Fulfilling Life
The Science of Well-Being: Happiness Hacks for a Fulfilling Life
The Science of Well-Being: Happiness Hacks for a Fulfilling Life
Ebook58 pages34 minutes

The Science of Well-Being: Happiness Hacks for a Fulfilling Life

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In "The Science of Well-Being: Happiness Hacks for a Fulfilling Life," author Gideon Rayburn delves into the groundbreaking research of Positive Psychology to offer practical and evidence-based strategies for enhancing happiness and well-being. Drawing inspiration from Laurie Santos' renowned 12-week happiness course at Yale University, Rayburn

Release dateMay 20, 2024

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    Book preview

    The Science of Well-Being - Gideon Rayburn


    Understanding Happiness

    To avoid these problems, Lykken and Tellegen made use of the principle of hedonism. That is, they conducted research with approximately 4,000 twins from Minnesota, asking about their general life satisfaction, whether they consider themselves happier today than they were five years ago or ten years ago. They proposed that what we want when we seek to increase our happiness or the life satisfaction of other people is to increase our general well-being—our pleasant feelings about life on the one hand and our dissatisfaction on the other hand.

    People wonder many things about happiness. What is it? What causes it to increase or decrease? Can we really increase our own happiness, or the happiness of others? One of the main conclusions in psychology in recent decades is that if we search for the answer to any of these questions, we first find psychology has a definition issue. For many, the word connotes hedonism—simply a focus on pleasure—while others associate it with broader feelings of life satisfaction and meaning. It is difficult for us to measure the extent of moral and pro-social behavior of people who were not alive 200 years ago. Therefore, the independent variables that truly influence the well-being of our species are lacking. Furthermore, there are difficulties in knowing which variables may have a great generality across the species or in studying the causal changes over time.


    Factors Influencing Well-Being

    Think of transformative decisions as '4-D' (they involve four unique elements: duration-dependent dynamics underdetermined by available data), and of day-to-day decisions as resembling more tractable 3-D choices. Research on affective forecasting has established that people are not particularly talented at predicting their future feelings (specifically, emotional states) after transformative decisions, and this is what makes them risky. A simple-minded adaptation to avoid trade-offs would be to avoid risk and all transformative decisions altogether, and just focus on making the daily choices that, according to the painful decision-making process described above, should be less risky. But it’s not that simple because transformative decisions, especially those that involve happiness (or the lack thereof) trigger longer-lasting and wider-ranging effects. If day-to-day decisions are nearsighted, transformative decisions have long-ranging implications, particularly related to well-being over time. Given our human nature, our lives are replete with choices and events that entail value transformations of the type that generate long-ranging effects on well-being. These can involve major transformations, such as the birth of a child, but also more quotidian matters, such as changes to whether we make day-to-day choices ourselves or from substantive (values-based), choices implemented by the self or

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