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Cutting-Edge Ideas
Cutting-Edge Ideas
Cutting-Edge Ideas
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Cutting-Edge Ideas

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  1. Futures-Based Education System Transformation;
  2. Strategies for Revitalising Ideologies & Practices That
Release dateJun 25, 2024
Cutting-Edge Ideas

Laura Fienor

Laura Fienor is an Australian author who writes about environmental and social justice issues; world philosophies; and mystical concepts. She is a passionate advocate for transforming legal and educational institutions in order to address systemic racism and generate more compassionate and aware societies. She has degrees in English and History, as well as a Master's degree in Education with a focus on Futures Studies and traditional Indigenous knowledges.

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    Cutting-Edge Ideas - Laura Fienor





    First Edition

    Published in Boorloo [Perth, Australia] by Laura Fienor Fields, 2024

    [email protected]

    Copyright © Laura Fienor Fields, 2024

    All rights reserved

    A catalogue record for this work is available from the National Library of Australia

    Cover Photography:

    Front: ‘Connectedness’ by JMMN (Instagram: jose_viajero_)

    Back: ‘Exmouth’ by JMMN (Instagram: jose_viajero_)


    [email protected]

    Everything you do has an impact -

    in the moment; across a lifetime; and into Infinity.


    The aim of this book is to provide motivated citizens with a range of innovative ideas that will help empower them to become agents of positive world change. Please note that the text contains information drawn from a wide range of theoretical perspectives. Documenting ideas from many different fields of inquiry (including Futures Studies; Education; Law; Environmental Science; Psychology; Neuroscience; Philosophy; Spirituality; Quantum Physics; Indigenous Knowledges; and New Age, Metaphysical, Mystical, and Esoteric Studies) means that there may be some ideologies which are contradictory in nature. Given that the concern of this publication is to present a large number of different (and perhaps quite divergent) ‘cutting-edge ideas’, it will not seek to resolve any apparent inconsistencies in the approaches being presented (especially since some of the material is still being developed, and written or theorised about, in quite ‘new’ ways for Western minds). Even if readers are sceptical about some of the ideas, there may still be key concepts that prove to be useful in the personal empowerment process, and which will ultimately assist individuals in working to create a better world. When evaluating the various strategies, it is important to keep an open mind and find commonalities and unity in diverse beliefs (especially if they are able to bring great benefit to the world). It is also worth noting that many scientists are increasingly relying on explanations for phenomena that they cannot prove in standardised ways, and ‘subjective truth’, ‘uncertainty’, and ‘unpredictability’ are now dominant notions in many academic disciplines.

    If some approaches do not fit within one’s personal ‘comfort zone’, then it is nonetheless important to maintain a level of respect and not promote division between humans working collectively towards the greater goal of creating a better world. Intelligent conversations and direct debates should always be favoured over simplistic and negative social media commentaries (which often feature unresearched assumptions and claims of a demonstrably false nature). Sources that contain detailed bibliographies can usually be regarded as favouring more reliable and trustworthy information - or at least material which is worth additional consideration and deeper investigation. As with all areas of study, the individual should delve further into those ideas which most resonate with them.



    INTRODUCTION: An Overview of Contemporary World Problems + The Dominant Ideologies and Education System Practices That Fostered Their Generation

    PART 1: Cutting-Edge Ideas Relating to Education System Transformation

    Chapter 1: Futures-Based Transformations for More Relevant, Engaging, and Ethical Education

    Chapter 2: A Transitionary Education Model That Aims To Generate a Preferable Future for Humanity and the Environment

    Chapter 3: Indigenous Education Model

    Chapter 4: Proposed Legal Action for Education System Transformation

    PART 2: Empowering Agents of Positive World Change Through Key Processes, Concepts, Guidance, and Insights

    Chapter 5: Empowering Agents of Positive World Change Through Life Purpose Establishment / Clarification Processes

    Chapter 6: Empowering Agents of Positive World Change Through Multidisciplinary Conceptions of ‘Infinity’ and ‘Unity’

    Chapter 7: Empowering Agents of Positive World Change Through Various Forms of Guidance

    Chapter 8: Empowering Agents of Positive World Change Through Various Forms of Insight

    PART 3: Empowering Agents of Positive World Change Through Practical Well-Being Activities

    Chapter 9: Physical Well-Being Activities

    Chapter 10: Mental Well-Being Activities

    Chapter 11: Emotional Well-Being Activities


    Appendix A: Insight Into The Spiritual Relationship Between Native Americans and Nature

    Appendix B: Infinity as a Universal and Unifying Concept

    Appendix C: Dietary Guidelines

    Appendix D: The Physical, Psychological, and Social Effects of Substance Use and Abuse

    Appendix E: Strategies for Clearing Negative Energies




    This book was written on Turrbal, Kaurna, and Whadjuk Noongar lands. The author wishes to acknowledge that no Aboriginal peoples of the land currently known as Australia have ever been provided with the opportunity to sign a Treaty, either with the original British invaders of the land, or with the non-Indigenous peoples who are continuing to occupy Country. The author recognises that her daily practices have continuing and far-reaching cultural consequences of a problematic nature for all Indigenous peoples, as well as serious environmental impacts that have detrimental implications at both local and global levels. She hopes that there will increasingly be a global revitalisation of traditional Indigenous ideologies, knowledges, and practices as humanity evolves to greater spiritual awareness, cultural integrity, and environmental sustainability.






    An Overview of Contemporary World Problems

    How Dominant Schooling Curricula Generate Global Problems

    The Trend of Environmental Devastation

    The Ideologies and Education System Practices Generating Environmental Devastation

    The Trends of Social Inequity and Injustice

    The Ideologies and Education System Practices Generating Social Inequities and Injustice

    The Trends of Violence and War

    The Ideologies and Education System Practices Generating Violence and War

    The Trends of Psychological, Physical, and Spiritual Dysfunction

    The Ideologies and Education System Practices Generating Personal Dysfunction

    Other Underlying Issues

    *Readers who already have a high level of awareness of the key existential, moral, and well-being issues facing humanity (and the dominant ideologies and education system practices that have given rise to them), may prefer to go straight to the more optimistic and action-oriented parts of this book. While it is important to be realistic and deeply aware of the scale of global concerns currently facing humanity, it is also essential to stay motivated; focus on meaningful action; and maintain a sense of hope while being committed to generating positive world change.

    An Overview of Contemporary World Problems

    As a result of the harm to the environment and wider humanity currently being caused by inequitable and unjust social systems that are becoming increasingly dominant on a global scale, unprecedented existential threats and forms of suffering are being generated for all landscapes, animals, and peoples. While International legal systems continue to fail in their duty to develop and enforce laws that protect entire ecological systems and animal species from annihilation and extinction, high-polluting world citizens must immediately take it upon themselves to transform how they survive (and how they learn to survive) on a grossly over-populated and resource-scarce planet. Since violence and ecocide are system-wide problems, and because peoples in money-based countries are still using schools to teach their children how to massively exploit resources and over-consume to ‘survive’, blaming the planet’s woes solely on politicians (who the masses voted into power) and corporations (who the masses buy from) is having minimal impact on healing and saving the world. The damaging actions of all individuals affiliated with harm-creating institutions and systems must, then, be transformed if ecologically destructive, socially unjust, and inherently violent ideologies and practices are to be eliminated.

    How Dominant Schooling Curricula Generate Global Problems

    In its current form, the Western education system works powerfully to perpetuate inequity, conflict, and environmental degradation – that is, to create, rather than resolve, a myriad of global problems. Schools dominated by industrial-military knowledge are increasingly imposed on the globalised masses in an attempt to perpetuate a serious problem-creating status quo. As such, for the dominant education system to play a transformative role, it cannot take the traditional forms of academic rationalism or social adaptation. The former approach divides knowledge into discrete disciplines and often focuses on abstract academic concepts that both cause, and are divorced from realistic solutions to, global problems. Such knowledge has been used to maintain positions of dominance and subjugation within social, political, and economic structures, as well as large-scale ecological abuse in the name of Industrial Era ‘development’.

    The Trend of Environmental Devastation

    Countries with large money-based economies are responsible for the post-1945 levels of consumption and associated carbon emissions that are causing climate change. High-polluting peoples are also generating unprecedented levels of environmental devastation – harm to nature so extreme that the most common future prediction being made by knowledgeable climatologists, ecologists, and geologists is that all species (including humans) are facing imminent mass extinction. In Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet, Lierre Keith says that we are already living in a period of mass extinction (the first one caused by humans alone). Of additional concern is that resources and labour in economically disadvantaged countries are being increasingly exploited to feed the rampant consumerism of wealthier nations.

    While previous centuries were characterised by the overt imperial expansion of European powers and their exploitation (and alteration) of each colony’s natural resources, the cultural imperialism occurring now is far more insidious, as the globalising of Western ideologies (like capitalism and materialism) and practices (such as the use of technology to dominate and destroy nature for profit) is resulting in the environment being devastated more rapidly and in a larger number of locations throughout the world. Evidence for the trend of significant and widespread ecological degradation is voluminous. According to the Global Stewards website, humanity must immediately find solutions to a very wide range of environmental problems, including air and water pollution from toxic chemicals; forest and habitat destruction (leading to more endangered species and biodiversity loss); climate change; desertification; and shrinking wetlands. Such threats to nature have already resulted in a range of negative outcomes for the planet and its peoples (especially those from Indigenous backgrounds). Various Native American peoples have repeatedly emphasised the fact that while they live in harmony with the Earth and its rhythms, Westerners have persistently engaged in acts of exploitation – utilising commercial and industrial practices to generate profit whilst poisoning land, water, and air (as well as the creatures dependent on them), and thereby threatening the oneness of the planet.

    By employing foresight (such as through trend extrapolation), it is possible to project that a range of additional survival-threatening consequences will emerge if such trends are to continue. Climate destabilisation has already resulted in rising sea levels and increasing global temperatures; deforestation has caused the planet to lose the majority of its forest cover, with topsoil being eroded faster than it can be recreated as a result of the spread of intensive agricultural practices; oceans are acidifying, coral reefs dying, and phytoplankton populations collapsing because of the dumping of multiple toxins into the sea and waterways by various corporations; and mass extinctions are occurring on an unprecedented scale due to widespread industrial activity (with more than half of all species currently threatened). Clearly then, unless currently-observable trends like resource over-use and ecological abuse are halted, a more dystopian future will be in store for humankind.

    The Ideologies and Education System Practices Generating Environmental Devastation

    In engaging in detailed critiques of the ideologies that underpin ecologically harmful practices, many environmentalists and futurists are highly critical of the belief systems that have characterised industrialised and consumerist societies – nature as an unlimited resource that can be polluted and used to generate wealth; excessive materialism and greed as being highly desirable qualities; and individualistic and competitive behaviours being the favourable methods for attaining increased power and salaries in corporations that disregard the environmental consequences of their business activities. Essentially, the most serious problems in the contemporary world have arisen because of the success of the Industrial society paradigm. Worldwide environmental destruction, resource depletion, and the increasing collapse of life-supporting ecological systems are the consequences of money-based ideologies and practices that are creating problems faster than they can solve them – they are also all interconnected parts of a single world problem at the macrocosmic level. Another dimension of the issue is that many financially advantaged peoples do not actually want to adopt a sustainable way of life – they actively want to maintain a functionally unsustainable civilisation. Refusals to sacrifice financial wealth, personal status, and narcissistic practices can undoubtedly be blamed for widespread ecocide and the pending omnicide (that is, total extinction of the human species as a result of human action).

    It is also clear that formal educational institutions feature organisational structures, curricula, and pedagogical practices that work to reinforce nature-threatening ideologies. For instance, the dominance of rationalism in academic curricula has frequently led to the development of knowledge that is free from ethical concerns, and to justify extensive ecological abuse in the name of Industrial Era ‘growth’ and ‘progress’. As well, the dominant curricula delivered in contemporary schools across the world causes significant long-term ideological harm to young people, as it teaches them how to engage in extreme acts of environmental destruction, heavy technology dependency, and grossly inequitable forms of hierarchy-based status achievement. Indeed, students of all cultural and racial backgrounds now learn deeply problematic forms of knowledge via subjects like Business (with an emphasis on maximising monetary profit – even at the expense of nature); Technology (focused on using human-made products to defy the natural world); Science (which is increasingly moving away from mere observation and towards active interference with nature in artificial and environmentally dangerous ways); Physical Education (via the teaching of competitive forms of physical activity, including all types of sport, which are at philosophical odds with the cooperative practices of many traditional Eastern and Indigenous peoples); and Economics (through studying industrial-society monetary systems rather than ecologically-friendly forms of survival like gathering and hunting or permaculture). Units delivered in various Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities subjects are also excessively Anglo- or Euro-centric in nature. For instance, the study of mass-produced and mass-circulated Shakespearean plays is now foregrounded over local storytelling practices in many countries across the world. This means that Indigenous Elders are no longer provided with the right to sit, daily, with the young to ensure that they are cared for in an holistic way and are able to hear the myths and legends which will motivate them to look after country in an appropriate manner. Instead, pupils are exposed to a highly homogenised form of education in line with mass-produced government documents like syllabuses. As such, the world now produces millions of individuals who go on to destroy vastly wiser and more valuable Indigenous cultures whilst actively exploiting the environment (this, in turn, generates growing physical harm for all humans through pollution and extreme weather events). Thus, educational curricula as they are currently constituted actually support the industrial and technological way of life that is creating the world’s most serious problems. By critiquing the dominant ideologies of those societies that continue to foreground money-based materialism, it would be possible to advocate for the adoption of less ecologically-hazardous educational and social practices.

    The Trends of Social Inequity and Injustice

    Humans across the globe are made unequal by the significant distinctions that exist in levels of wealth, status, political power, cultural autonomy, and / or military capacity, as well as access to land, material goods, or the basic resources necessary for survival. Western-educated peoples are especially responsible for extreme forms of social injustice generated by the perpetuation of inequitable hierarchies, as well as a constant emphasis on status, the hoarding of money, and the exploitation of other lands and peoples for maximum profit. In such a society, the ideologies and practices of individualism and competition are favoured over cooperation, collaboration, and connectedness. The negative implications of entrenched inequities are many and varied – from the eruption of wars and acts of genocide, to the emergence of poverty-stricken ghettos, in which drug and alcohol abuse are commonly resorted to in an effort to escape the realities of social disadvantage. The economic and political ideologies and practices of money-based countries thus create cycles of poverty, as well as wider feelings of pessimism and nihilism. Culturally biased legal systems then exacerbate social divisions by disproportionately targeting already-disadvantaged peoples for ‘low-level crimes’, while ‘white collar crimes’ are extensively ignored (including financial sector fraud, politicians’ travel rorts, and casino money laundering). Punitive approaches to key minority populations (for instance, juveniles from certain socioeconomic backgrounds) frequently result in recidivism rather than crime elimination.

    The globalisation of capitalist activities also means that extreme injustice is increasingly occurring across nations, as those in wealthy nations further maximise exploitation of labour and resources in economically disadvantaged regions of the world. Indeed, the planet’s rapid population growth since the 1800s and the more recent drought / desertification caused by climate change (generated by high-polluting rich peoples engaged in rampant consumerism), means that the total number of people facing malnutrition, famine, starvation and / or thirst (through inadequate access to fresh food and clean water) or other survival-threatening forms of squalor is indeed growing. At the time of the publication of this book, it is reported that the world’s richest 1% own more than 45% of the world’s wealth, while over 52% of the world’s population own little more than 1% of the world’s wealth. The rich are indeed getting richer while over 700 million people face extreme poverty and hunger. As such, the trend of growing inequality between people of different classes, cultures, and races is something which humanity must seek to halt in order to avoid a more dystopian future.

    The Ideologies and Education System Practices Generating Social Inequities and Injustice

    In most contemporary societies, divisions occur through a defined system of class structure, based on inequitable distributions of money, power, and resources. Such stratification is often determined in schools, where minorities are deliberately discriminated against through fundamentally biased processes of assessment, grading, and ranking. For instance, because the knowledge of middle-and upper-class people is valued, taught, and assessed, those peoples who possess different bodies of knowledge are consistently labelled as ‘low’ or ‘very low’ achievers. Long-standing beliefs in ‘genetic inequality’ still underpin educational systems and work to maintain the kind of (unofficial) class structures that foster discrimination against the poor and certain minorities. The dominant education system also works powerfully to perpetuate social injustices by treating students as potential forms of ‘human capital’ who will eventually serve to keep wider capitalist society functioning with all its inherent inequities. Educators thus invariably become agents of social reproduction – indoctrinating students in such a way as to perpetuate a status quo that rests on inequitable class structures. As such, teachers are actually a powerful force of intellectual and social control, pressuring students to be obedient and using standardised tests to hierarchically sort them for a society that primarily values monetary and material ‘success’. The hidden curriculum in schools

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