20 Geert van der Veer, helping to start 1000 locally owned regenerative farms in Europe by Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and FoodUNLIMITED
10 min with Paul Chatterton, WWF's Finance Lab working on landscapes of 1M hectares
10 min with Paul Chatterton, WWF's Finance Lab working on landscapes of 1M hectares
11 minutes
Aug 13, 2019
Podcast episode
A summary of the interview with Paul Chatterton, co-founder of the Landscape Finance Lab an experimental unit inside the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). They incubate sustainable landscapes, structure, launch and fund deals at landscape scale. ----------------------------------------------------------Welcome to Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food.Join our Gumroad community, discover the tiers and benefits here: www.gumroad.com/investinginregenag. Other ways to support our work:- Share the podcast - Give a 5-star rating- Or buy us a coffee… or a meal! www.Ko-fi.com/regenerativeagriculture. ----------------------------------------------------------- Main take aways:The tools we have at the moment are not up to the get up to the challenge. We need to change the whole way that we're workingThe last year has been a really dramatic learning curve listening to bankers shadowing them understanding what they would invest in and wouldn'tNow running programs to save nature and promote green economy at the scale of a million hectares, one hundred million dollars investment dealing with one million tonnes of traded goods and a million peopleWe need to be able to operate at that scale as a nature conservation organizationAll the links and show notes:www.investinginregenerativeagriculture.com/2019/06/20/paul-chatterton. ----------------------------------------------------------- For feedback, ideas, suggestions please contact us through Twitter @KoenvanSeijen, or get in touch through the website www.investinginregenerativeagriculture.com. Join our newsletter on www.eepurl.com/cxU33P. The above references an opinion and is for information and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.Support the showFeedback, ideas, suggestions? - Twitter @KoenvanSeijen - Get in touch www.investinginregenerativeagriculture.comJoin our newsletter on www.eepurl.com/cxU33P! Support the showThanks for listening and sharing!
Aug 13, 2019
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 35 min listen