
Birth Flowers

January: Carnation

Known as the “flower of love” or “flower of the gods,” the carnation is one of the oldest cultivated flowers in history. If you think they’re common, then that’s only because you haven’t grown them in your garden or eaten them in your salad! Curious? Read more…

Dianthus gratianopolitanus ‘Grandiflora’
Photo/Illustration: Jennifer Benner


February: Iris

Essential oils from the Iris plant are used in aromatherapy and in making perfume. But it’s even more interesting to note that some species of Iris are used making a popular alcholic beverage. Which one? If you really want to know, you’ll have to read more…


March: Daffodil

Daffodils are your garden’s narcissists… just like people born during the month of February. If you happen to disagree, you’ll have to take it up with us in the comments of this article. Read more…


April: Daisy

Daisies open with the sun and close at dark, which is how they get their common name: “Day’s eye.” Read more…



May: Lily of the valley

These sweet-smelling, dainty, shade-loving plants are a true harbinger of spring, and are sold on the streets of France on May Day. Read more…


June: Rose

Roses have a long history and have been the subject of art and literary works for hundreds–if not thousands–of years. Read more…


July: Delphinium

Delphiniums are extremely toxic (like, if you eat one, you could die), so site them with care and admire them from afar. Read more…


August: Gladiolus

Claude Monet liked gladiolas enough to paint them. Even better, you can breed your own Gladiolus hybrids. A cool birth plant to have, indeed. Read more…


September: Aster

The word Aster has its roots in the ancient Greek language, where astron meant star–other star-related words are asteroid, astronaut, asterisk. Probably not the best birth flower for stuffy September-born people! Read more…


October: Pot Marigold

Pot marigolds are a great plant to have in ornamental, veggie, and herb gardens alike. They attract good bugs and repel the bad ones. You can use their petals in cooking or to make your own beauty products. Read more…


November: Chrysanthemum

Fall just wouldn’t be the same without this perennial flowering herb. Yup, that’s right. We said herb. Read more…


December: Paperwhite

Paperwhite daffodils are the perfect December flower. They are surprisingly easy to grow indoors. Read more…

View 6 comments


  1. sallyjinx 05/08/2009

    In today's post of 'birth flowers', you listed the carnation as the flower for Jan. Yet, this wasn't the picture is showing the dianthis.

  2. ecojen 05/08/2009

    Dianthus are carnations; carnations are Dianthus.

  3. ktsword 05/09/2009

    Dianthus is the genus name for carnations in the pink family (Caryophyllaceae). The picture shows the wild form also known as clove pink. The kind you find at the florist is the cultivated form. Hope this helps.

  4. myadorablehouse 05/10/2009

    I was born in September. I love asters, just for the reasons you mentioned - they're lovely standouts in the fall. However, I've been called alot of things, but "stuffy" isn't one of them!

  5. hopflower 05/13/2009

    Traditionally, sweet peas are the birth flower for April. I had never heard of daisies being so. February's was violets. My best friend loves violets as this is her birth flower; or was anyway. I guess they have updated the list!

  6. AanaP 11/11/2009

    Wow that was a really good post... thanks a lot for sharing...

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