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How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Last Updated: 08 Jul, 2024


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Have you ever found yourself staring at a column of dates in Excel, only to realize they’re formatted as text? It’s a common problem that can hinder your data analysis and reporting tasks. Fortunately, converting text to date in Excel is straightforward. If you’re looking to use the Text to Columns feature or need to convert a number to date in Excel, this article will walk you through the process step-by-step.

Learn how to seamlessly convert text to dates, ensuring your spreadsheets are accurate and functional. Discover the best methods for Excel convert number to date and Excel convert text to number, making your data work for you. Let’s dive in and transform those text entries into usable date formats!


How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

What does it mean to convert text to date in Excel

Converting text to date in Excel means transforming date information stored as text strings into a format that Excel recognizes as a date. This transformation is crucial for enabling date-specific calculations, formatting, and sorting. Text dates, which are treated as plain text, cannot be used directly in date functions or operations. By converting these text strings into Excel’s date format using functions like DATEVALUE, TEXT, or DATE, or tools like Text to Columns, you ensure that your data can be accurately processed. This conversion is essential for tasks such as performing date arithmetic, applying consistent date formats, and sorting dates chronologically, thereby enhancing data integrity, facilitating automation, and improving data analysis and reporting.

How to convert number to date in Excel

Step 1: Open MS Excel

Step 2: Select your Data and Perform a Right-click

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Select your Data and Perform a Right-click

Step 3: Select Format Cells

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Select Format Cells

Step 4: Choose Date Format

Select “Date” from the Category list and choose the desired date format from the Type list.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Choose Date Format

Step 5: Preview Results


Preview Results

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Step 1: Open Excel and Select the Cells

Open the spreadsheet in Excel and select the cells which have the date in text format then go to home tab at top of the ribbon and then select replace from the find & select dropdown.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Step 2: Format Replace

Enter “-” in find what and “/” in replace with and press replace all.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Format Replace

Step 3: Change the Date Format

Finally, our spreadsheet has changed the date text in the Date format.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Change the Date Format

How to convert text to columns in Excel

Step 1: Open MS Excel and Select the Cells

Open the spreadsheet with excel and select all data cells of one column and select the data tab in the top of the ribbon and then choose Texts to Columns from data tools. Then Convert Text to column wizard dialog box will appear and here you can see it is in Step 1 of 3 that is written in the dialog box.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Select all the Cells

Step 2: Select the Data from Column data

Just click NEXT in step 1 and step 2 as it is and in step 3 select the Date from the column data format and press finish.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel

Click “Next”

Step 3: Select all the cells of another column

Similarly, select all data cells of another column and apply the above step to get the final result in date format.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel


Now you will understand how we change the date text in Date format.


Converting text to date in Excel is a straightforward yet powerful technique that can significantly enhance your data management and analysis capabilities. By using functions like DATEVALUE, TEXT, and custom formatting options, you can efficiently convert text to dates. Mastering these techniques ensures that your data is accurate and ready for any analysis. Whether you need to Excel convert number to date, or convert a number to date in Excel, these methods will transform your raw data into a more usable and insightful format. Additionally, if you need to Excel convert text to number, these steps will help streamline your data processing, ensuring it is in the correct format for analysis.

How to Convert Text to Date in Excel – FAQs

How do I convert text to date format in Excel?

Follow the steps given below:

  • Select the cells containing the text you want to convert.
  • Go to the “Data” tab and choose “Text to Columns.”
  • In the wizard, select “Delimited” and click “Next.”
  • Choose the delimiter that matches your data, click “Next,” and then select “Date” under “Column Data Format.”
  • Finish the wizard to convert the text to date format.

How to change date format in Excel using text formula?

Use the TEXT function to change the date format. For example, =TEXT(A1, “mm/dd/yyyy”) converts the date in cell A1 to the “mm/dd/yyyy” format.

To apply this to multiple cells, drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to other cells.

How to convert date to text in Excel without losing format?

  • Use the TEXT function to convert the date to text while preserving the format. For example, =TEXT(A1, “dd/mm/yyyy”) will convert the date in cell A1 to text in the “dd/mm/yyyy” format.
  • This ensures the date is displayed as text but retains the desired format.

How to convert date format from mm dd yyyy to dd mm yyyy in Excel?

Here are the steps to be followed:

  • Select the cells with the dates you want to reformat.
  • Press Ctrl+1 to open the “Format Cells” dialog box.
  • In the “Number” tab, select “Custom” and enter dd/mm/yyyy in the “Type” field.
  • Click “OK” to apply

What is convert text to date in Excel Formula?

If cell A1 contains a date as text like “01/12/2023”, you can convert it to a date format using =DATEVALUE(A1)


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How To Convert Date To Number String Or Text Format In Excel?

Excel's built-in date system by default supports dates between January 1, 1900, and December 31, 9999. In this range, the numbers start at 1 and increase by 1 each time. In addition to text and numeric data types, Excel also allows dates that are internally stored as serial numbers. In Excel, the date format is typically recognized by default. However, Excel also allows you to input date format by choosing the cell and pressing (Ctrl+;). Methods to Convert Date to Number StringDATEVALUE Function Syntax: =DATEVALUE (date_text) Where date_text is the only argument DATEVALUE FunctionCell FormattingStep 1: Once the cell with the value has been chosen, click the home tab and choose the NUMBER or TEXT option. Step 2: The cell format then changes into the original serial number internally stored by Excel. Note: The first serial number stored by excel is of date 01/01/1900. Methods to Convert Date to TextTEXT Function It is used to convert a date into a specified text format. Syntax: =TEXT(value, format_text) For today’s date: =TEXT(TODAY(), format_text) Where value: The value that needs to be converted. This could be a numeric cell reference or value, or a numeric value returned by
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How to Calculate End Date from Start Date and Duration in Excel?

Excel is a powerful data visualization and analysis software, which uses spreadsheets for managing, storing, and visualizing a large amount of data. A cell, a rectangular block is used to store each unit of data. This tool can be used to visualize trends or compare data by creating graphs, or get insights from the data using functions and formulas. It is primarily used for accounting purposes but can be used by anyone for many different tasks as per the requirements. Let's see how to calculate the end date from the start date and duration. Calculate the end date from the start date and duration (weeks) To calculate the end date from the start date and the number of weeks(duration), use the below formula: =IF(start_date, start_date+(duration_in_weeks*7),"") This formula will add (week * 7) days to the start date, as a week has 7 days. For purpose of demonstration use the below data to calculate the end date: Step 1: Apply the formula, Step 2: Drag the fill handle over to the data range. Step 3: To change the value into date format, click the Home tab, and choose Short Date from the General drop-down list. Output Calculate the end date from the start date and duration (mont
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How to Combine Text with Date or Time in Excel?

Microsoft Excel allows its users to store and manage different varieties of data in the form of rows and columns and store it inside an Excel workbook. Since Microsoft Excel allows its users to not only store data but also manipulate that data later on as per their needs. Combine Text with Date or Time in Excel Let's assume a scenario where a user is having data in two different columns. In the first column, the user has some text and in the second column, the user has either date or time values and the user wants to manipulate this data in such a way that he/she can combine the data of both of these columns in a third column. Text Date Final Form MS Dhoni was born on07/07/1981MS Dhoni was born on 07/07/1981Virat Kohli was born on 05/11/1988Virat Kohli was born on 05/11/1988 Now, we can observe that our goal is to append data of one column with data of another column. Microsoft Excel provides us with two useful ways using which we can combine these two elements. The first one is the Ampersand (&) symbol/operator and the second one is the CONCAT() function. Method 1: Combining text with date/time using Ampersand (&) operator We can use the & operator to combine two elem
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How to Convert Scientific Notation to Text or Number in Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a universal software tool that is used by companies throughout the world to store data/numbers in the form of a spreadsheet. Excel not only helps users to store the data into spreadsheets, but it also gives us the freedom to use multiple smart features to manipulate, organize and analyze the raw data. Some of these helpful smart features also create an issue in a few cases. In this article, we are going to read about one such issue and how we can resolve that issue. But, before we go on to identify the issue and resolve it let's understand how Excel generally treats data and stores it inside the cells. Convert Scientific Notation To Text Or Number In Excel Suppose, we want to store the salary of five people in an Excel spreadsheet. It can be done as: Salary record of five employees in a company If we carefully observe the picture shown above, we can notice, all the cell constituents like "Employee Name", "Ram", "Rajni", "Sameer", etc. are identified by Excel as text and are generally stored with left alignment inside the cell whereas if we notice constituents like 50000, 75000, 45000, etc. Excel automatically understands and treats them as numbers and all of the
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How to Sort by Date in Excel?

Excel provides various types of sorting formats e.g. “sort A to Z”, “Sort Z to A”, “Sort by color” and “Sort by date” etc. Sorting in Excel is nothing but arranging data into some meaningful order to make it easier to understand, analyze, or visualize. Here, we will be discussing how to sort by Date in Excel whether it may be Years, Months, Days, or weeks. How to Sort by Date in Excel? How to Sort by Date in Excel?Chronological or reverse chronological order is the easiest way to sort data by date. This sorts the data in ascending or descending order. In Excel, you must have the dates in one single format to sort the data by date otherwise they do not always work. To sort the dates in chronological order follow the below steps: Step 1:  Select the dates which you want to sort in ascending or descending order. Step 2: Click Home tab -> Click on the arrow under Sort & Filter, and then click Sort Oldest to Newest. As a result, data is sorted from oldest to newest. Step 3:  If you want to sort dates from Newest to Oldest, then Click Home tab -> Click on the arrow under Sort & Filter, and then click Sort Newest to Oldest. As a result, data is sorted by newest to oldest. Ho
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VBA Date and Time Functions in Excel

Date and Time Functions are the inbuilt functions that give us the opportunity to see the date or time according to the user's need. Suppose a user needs to see the month or the day or the year then it can be easily seen by different date functions. Similarly, for the time function, also we can manipulate it according to the need of the user. Date and Time functions are used to interconvert date and time in different formats. In this article, we will learn about the most commonly used date and time functions. VBA Date Functions There are fifteen-plus different date functions in VBA, but here we will talk about some of the most commonly used date functions. VBA Date Function The Date() function returns the current date. The Date() function does not require any arguments. For example, declare a variable name date_1 of Date data type, call the Date() function, and store the return value in date_1, then print the date_1 in the console. Syntax of the function: Date() VBA DateAdd Function The DateAdd() function is used to add an interval of date/time to the respective date or time. The function will return the resulting date or time. The function takes three arguments, Interval, Nu
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How to Round Date to Previous or Next Specific Weekday in Excel?

The WEEKDAY function produces a number between 1 and 7 that corresponds to specific days of the week. WEEKDAY, by default, assumes a Sunday-based week and allocates 1 to Monday, 2 to Tuesday, etc., with 7 given to Sunday. In order to retrieve the prior weekday occurring before a given date in Excel, we must utilize the WEEKDAY function. In order to get the next specified weekday occurring on a certain date in Excel, we must utilize the MOD function. In this article we will learn how to round a date to the previous or next specific weekday. Round Date To Previous Weekday For finding the previous Monday, we are using simple if-else logic with a weekday function i.e., if weekday(date, 2) which returns the first day of the week. So, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, ..., Sunday = 7, if that returned value is greater than one then return true. So, we will subtract the given date from the value of Weekday(date, 2) and add 1 to it. If the condition returns false or returned value is not greater than one, we will subtract the given date from the value of Weekday(date, 2) and subtract 6 from it. Follow the further steps to find the previous Monday Step 1: Choose a cell in which to enter the follo
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How to Change Date Format in Excel

You know that Excel is one of the best spreadsheets you can work on. Excel is the first preference of many users to create an impressive data set. Have you tried filling in the Date on the sheet? Date with the data is a common practice done by users in Excel to get information timeline. To help organize data in an Excel worksheet, we will discuss four easy yet effective ways to change the date format in Excel. How to Change Date Format in Excel? What is the Date Format in Excel?In Excel, a date is displayed depending on the user's chosen format. You may choose from the different formats available in your Excel worksheet, or you can even create a customized date format per your requirements. The default date format is usually shown in your system's 'Control Panel.' However, you can even change these default settings if necessary. Change Date Format in ExcelWhen you input a date in Microsoft Excel, the program will format it according to the default date settings. For example, if you want to enter the date April 14, 2024, the date could appear in either long date format, or short date format, as 14-Apr, April 14, 2024, 14 April, or 04/14/2024, all depending on your settings. You may
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Excel Date Functions with Formula Examples

There are many functions in Microsoft Excel that may be used to work with dates and timings in Excel. Each function completes a straightforward task, but by combining numerous functions into a single formula, you may handle trickier and more complicated problems. The purpose of discussing DATE functions in Excel is to help different people perform more complex and challenging tasks by combining several functions within one formula. The DATE function is used to calculate dates in Excel. To work with these formulas you first need to insert the dates in Excel. Excel provides different functions to work with dates & times such as TODAY, NOW, WEEKDAY, EOMONTH, etc. which we will discuss here with examples. Excel DATE function ListDATE Function Get the Current date and TimeTODAY- It returns today's date.NOW- It returns the current date and time.Converts Dates to / From textDATEVALUE- Helps to Convert date in the text format to date format TEXT- It helps to convert a date to a text value.Retrieve dates in ExcelDAY- It returns the day of the monthMONTH- It is used to return the month of a specified dateYEAR- It is used to return the year of a specified dateEOMONTH- It returns the last
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How to Remove Time from Date/Timestamp in Excel?

Timestamp stores a combined Date and Time value. In this article, we will look at how we can create Timestamp and remove Time from Date in Excel. To do so follow the steps below: Step 1: Formatting data to create a timestamp. Select the cell, right-click on it choose Format Cells... Step 2: Then in the Formal Cells box select Custom in Category and in the type select dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm, and then click Ok. Then, we will enter our date with time in the cell. To remove Time from Date with Format Cells Step 1: Highlight the cells to remove time from date. Step 2: Then right-click on it and choose Format Cells... Step 3:-Then in the Format Cells box select Date in Category and select *14-03-2012 in Type, and then click Ok. After that time is removed from the date. To remove Time from Date with Find And Replace Function Step 1: Highlight the cells to remove time from date. Step 2: Then, click to Home on the Ribbon. In the Editing group, click Find & Select. Step 3: In the resulting menu click Replace... Step 4: Then in Find and Replace box enter the space bar and * in Find what box and leave a blank in Replace with box, then click Replace All. After that time is removed from the date.
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