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Shahenshah Hafeez Khan Shahenshah Hafeez Khan > Quotes


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Showing 421-450 of 455
“I waited for my opportunities, rather than reaching out to them, I avoided battles to avoid failures. I avoided making extra efforts to avoid unforeseen consequences, not knowing that unseen can be favorable too. I was content; I didn’t struggle, and so I didn’t Grow.
Growth is all creating opportunities.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The luck, along with a favored result, also gives an indication that it will be someone else’s turn next time, so, if you ever need to enjoy the success again, better start working towards it.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Taking personal responsibility to make things better isn’t an extra or time-consuming work; it takes similar effort and time, the difference is undertaking the routine work with better planning, thinking and with a little mix of intensity, aggression & dedication.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Most of the sales proposals never materialize due to three reasons. 1. Our lack of confidence in proposing the product. 2. Our inability to select the target clientele. 3. Presumptions about the clients' ability to buy.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The choice should be to prepare yourself mentally towards convincing the customer, before deciding to offer the product, most sales is lost in half backed efforts, indecisiveness and lack of self-conviction.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The Bad is floating the Good waves or vice versa - the ocean gives a damn.
Good is opposite of bad? I thought so! But not anymore. Bad is bad when it’s done by someone we believe to be bad. But if it’s done by someone we believe to be above the bad than it should be considered as good. Bad is a feeling, actions or process — controlled by our conscience; most of us are trapped between good or bad, but what bad is to us is good to others. So, It just takes a little longer for us to take the bad in our stride, and just when we think we've come to terms with bad, the shock of bad transforming into a new good at such a mass level is shocking even to a shock. The world is no more interested in reading the stories about good winning over bad at the end, the world these days likes the stories where the bad wins despite being bad.
The definition of good and bad has changed over the years, what wins become the new good and what loses become the bad, although It's not the end we would have liked but let the time decide what is good & what is bad. We should still define the good as it should be, because when the tides will turn, the waves would need the watchdogs to inform the bad surfers that no matter how many waves you can cross but you cannot conquer the entire ocean. Someday, Some determined & stubborn waves will through you out.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“A Genius is someone who can remember to not remember something which may not be worth remembering at that point of time.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Reminders are for things we forget intentionally.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“When we chose to give-up, we give-up our chance of finding success which remains hidden behind the wall of failure.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“People who hide behind the wall of excuses for a long time, are considered to have lost interest in the game; come out of your comfort zone, contribute to the game, let your efforts be seen and applauded, rather than making yourself unwanted & the spectators unconcerned about the game.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Motivation is nothing but just a feeling of being excited and happy towards whatever you are doing.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“When a task is brought to our notice, our understanding accepts it as an order to perform that task; we use all our strength towards completion, but fails to read the logic; we try to appear brave by accepting it as a challenge but fail to use our intelligence for understanding the wisdom behind the task.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“A determined effort is often blind to other people’s efforts, it’s all about believing that no matter what others are / aren’t doing, we alone can make the required change and that will change the life of others for good.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Just playing for the team & coming to the ground isn't enough, the fun is to be known as the member who have made a difference to the team’s fortune. Think different, perform in a way that the game is identified by your name.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“In sales, the truth is always more powerful than a well-polished lie, the best salespersons are storytellers with an understanding of consumer needs, they provide directions to the client's vision, and not lead them to a dark abyss after promising the stars.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Never be content with your work, even if you are good at what you do, look at tightrope walkers – they don't stay in one place for a long time, they keep moving because no matter how confident they are about the efforts and skill set, a strong wind factor can hinder all the efforts. Improve & improvise because this time it was the wind, next time it could be rain, hailstones or sand storms.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The problem with fingering is that it makes our finger dirty too.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“When we get comfortable doing nothing, the value of doing something is lost forever. The desire to perform anything & everything to make things better lose its charm, we, instead of changing our circumstances start trying to adapt to circumstances, and that's how the downfall starts.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Being mad at failure and being analytical about the reason for failure are 2 different things, first reason slow us down the second will give us an extra boost to try better next time, being mad at things, people or situation is easy, the difficult part is giving your madness a method to succeed.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The ability hides behind confusion, comparison & cowardice, we have never searched that because of our inability to realize that it exists, how can we find something which we don’t believe to be our own and happens to be lost.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Hope is patient & thoughtful, but it’s extremely sensitive too, The minute it realizes we had given it up. It will barge out of our thought process, leaving the door open for fear, failure & loss.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“We remain undiscovered because we wait for others to discover us. The brilliance is often lost in covering the sparks of our genius, which we are too uncertain to let the world take notice.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Discipline is not something which can be forced, we can make people realize its importance, that’s it; In the long run its the responsibility, commitment & an self-improvement attitude - which runs it.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“We don’t miss or overlook the information; we see the outcome invented by our mind, and gets deceived by our version of the vision which sees only short term comfort & false hopes, a good vision is nothing but knowledge to look at all the possible outcomes.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Your approach is to attempt everything & believe in nothing; the world/Market situations are changing so rapidly that if you want to succeed you cannot afford to align yourself with a default approach or point of view.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Motivation loses its spark, the minute we start implementing rules on why, when or where it should be used. It’s a spark which must always be kept ignited.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Achieving nothing is extremely easy – anyone can achieve that. It takes nothing to achieve nothing, but to achieve something, it takes, focus, determination, self-respect, confidence & smart efforts.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“The art of selling is all about being able to know what your client needs, and how to make them think that they are getting the same thing.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Perfection arrives with the departure of a tendency to do the work only for pleasing people. In the process, we might earn a justification for our failures, but lose the advantage to achieve something great.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“Denial is denying the existence of a problem. It’s a standard tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning.
Denial is a liar, which compounds the problem by blocking our creative vision towards the possible solution.
Denial is a deceiver too. It makes us do things that pleases us & not the things which can resolve the problem.

Accept the truth, accept failure/defeat, accept pain.

It’s the acceptance that brings the positive change.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan