Stormy Glenn's Blog

June 18, 2021



3 Box Sets containing 30 sizzling short stories from some of your favorite contemporary and paranormal romance/urban fantasy authors…

All proceeds will be donated to the Campbell family to help support them after a terrible accident devastated their family in December, 2020.

Make sure you enter the RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY for your chance to win big!


Suddenly Forever

From bad boys to the lone rancher, it’s never a dull moment living the single life. That is until you find yourself suddenly married. From love at first sight, friends to lovers, or perfect strangers making a deal, they all end the same with two little words, “I Do.”

Never underestimate the power of love and passion as they explode off the pages and leave everyone longing for more. Join ten amazing authors as they take you on an adventure where just for now becomes suddenly forever. 

Featuring stories from: Ava Campbell, Hazel Gower, Debra St James, E.H. Demeter, Gemma Arlington, Jenna Lynn, Katherine Moore, Kenna Shaw Reed, Marina Hanna and Taylor Green!




Fate’s Call

When fate calls, will you answer?

Fate’s Call brings you fourteen brand new short stories of paranormal romance and urban fantasy in this collection of spell-bounding books featuring Shifters, Vampires, Mermaids, Witches and magical objects.

Answer fate’s call and delve into this amazing collection of short stories featuring tormented heroes, badass heroines and troublesome clothing, written by some of your favorite bestselling authors.

FEATURING STORIES BY: Ava Campbell, April Zyon, Alyson Burr, Aria Peyton, Britt DeLaney, Chasity Nicole, Flora McGowan, Layla Piper, Maia Dylan, Rose Wulf, Sarah Marsh, Stephanie Barr, and Zelda Knight.




Fate’s Call: Manlove Edition

When fate calls, will you answer?

Fate’s Call brings you six brand new short stories of paranormal romance and urban fantasy in this collection of spell-bounding books featuring Shifters, Vampires, Demons and Witches.

Answer fate’s call and delve into this amazing collection of short stories featuring tormented heroes, badass mates and troublesome family members, written by some of your favorite bestselling authors. 

FEATURING STORIES BY: Aja Foxx, Ciena Foxx, Dani Gray, Jess Buffett, Meg Bawden, and Misha Paige.






1st Prize

$30 Amazon Gift Card

1 month Gift Membership for

Signed Paperback by Sarah Marsh

Ebook copy of New Hope Valley series by Jess Buffett

Ebook copy of Till My Last Breath by Ava Campbell

Ebook copy of Dirty Secret by Ki Brightly and M.D. Gregory

Reader’s choice of ebook by Aja Foxx, Ciena Foxx, and Gemma Arlington



2nd Prize

$20 Amazon Gift Card

1 month Gift Membership for

Signed Paperback by Sarah Marsh

Ebook copy of The Bete series by Stephanie Barr

Ebook copy of The Island Seduction set by Layla Piper

Reader’s choice of ebook by Debra St James and Ki Brightly


3rd Prize

$10 Amazon Gift Card

Signed Paperback by Sarah Marsh

Ebook copy of Foxy Heist by Zelda Knight

Reader’s choice by ebook by Debra St James and MD Gregory


4th Prize

$5 Amazon Gift Card

Signed Paperback by Britt DeLaney

Reader’s choice of ebook by Debra St James and Meg Bawden


5th Prize

$5 Amazon Gift Card

Name a character with Flora McGowan

Reader’s choice of ebook by Chasity Nicole and Aria Peyton


6th Prize

Connemara Candle Package by Alyson Burr

Reader’s choice of ebook by Elena Kincaid


7th Prize

Romantic Necklace from Etsy by Katherine Moore

Reader’s choice ebook by Rose Wulf


8th Prize

Reader’s choice of ebook by Taylor Green, and Dani Gray





The theme of the anthology is based on your inspirational love story. Can you tell us how you meet your husband?  What was your meet-cute?

My husband was stationed at Quantico Virginia at the time (He was in the Marine Corp), and my dad was stationed at DC (Coast Guard), I was working at the bank during the day but volunteered at the fire department at night and weekends as an EMT while working on getting my paramedic certification.  And he was only a Lance Corporal. 

Anyway, I was beyond tired and didn’t feel like going home to cook, so I decided to just stop into Burger King and grab something.  I hated eating in my car, so I went in with my book to eat and just enjoy my quiet time.  It was only about ten minutes after I sat down, and he walked in.  Sure, I noticed him… but didn’t say anything.  It wasn’t until he got his food that he walked over and asked if he could sit down and eat with me.  From there we talked, and something just clicked. 

It was as if I had known him my whole life, that I didn’t feel awkward or weird around him.  Plus, he made me laugh.  We exchanged phone numbers and the rest is history.  Oh, and we met and married in 11 days!  Crazy as it sounds, we’ve been together almost 19 years now. 


•Writing romance, how much is inspired by your own love story?

What’s funny is that I didn’t get into writing love stories from my story, but from a friend who dared me to write a better story than the one she and I had read.  So, I did. And shockingly it was accepted by a publishing house and I grew to love it. I had found my passion and calling. 


•Last Christmas, can you take us through those first days?

No one ever expects to get a phone call- but I did.  I was home with the boys as I planned on just relaxing while the boys watched a movie.  However, I got a call from an odd number who asked me if I was Jordan’s mom.  He then informed me there was a car accident and my husband was being airlifted and they were trying to get my daughter out of the car.  My heart stopped and I remember not being able to breathe.  What does one do when that happens?  They both went out to finish Christmas shopping… for me.  My husband took our daughter so they could spend time together, but to make sure he didn’t, in his words, mess up. 

The bystander stated that they were really bad, and I needed to get to the hospital immediately.  However, it is an hour away.  Doing my best, I told the older boys to watch the little ones and a small amount of what is going on.  I wasn’t able to give any information because I just didn’t have any. 

When I got to the hospital, my daughter was getting ready to be moved to another hospital as she was a pediatric trauma, and the hospital they were taken to only did adults.  Meanwhile, the doctors came in to tell me, from what they could see, that she had several breaks and would need surgery; however, my husband had internal bleeding and broken bones as well. 

When I finally got to see him, he wasn’t completely with it and kept asking about Jordan. I remember trying to explain quickly what was going on and asked what I should do.  At this point he was bad, but so was she, and I felt pulled in two. Needing to be with him, but also needing to go to another hospital for her.  When the time came, I recall kissing him and telling him to stay strong and make it through, though parts of me knew there was a big chance it would be the last time I would see him alive.  It was always a packed we had… follow the kids, no matter what, they come first.  So, I left him, my heartbreaking in a way I never knew it could, but staying strong for Jordan as she was already fading in and out. 

We arrived at the hospital and things happen so fast, and an hour later I found myself running with the team of doctors and nurses to the OR so they could try and save her leg. 

FIVE hours later they were done and we got the full extent of what she was dealing with.  Broken Femur, compound fracture of the ankle (right leg). Dislocated toes (left leg). Broken ulna (left arm) broken pelvic ring with broken tail bone and a brain bleed in her frontal lobe.  Not to mention the facial burns and cuts and bruises.  There really wasn’t a place on her tiny body that want affected. 

I received a call midway from my husband’s doctors stating he had made it through surgery.  He had a lacerated spleen, broken tail bone, shattered hip joint socket, broken right knee, broken left side clavicle, cracked ribs, and his whole right arm was shattered and that they had to put more hardware in him to get it to look like an arm again.  He had a small brain bleed, but more swelling due to impact. 

With all those things, I am beyond blessed they are alive.  The car was a mess, and I was fielding phone calls, prayers, and doctors telling me what was happening.  To be honest, most of it is blurry.  John had two massive surgeries before he went to rehab to learn to be able to stand and move to his wheelchair.  Jordan had six surgeries herself before her time to rehab, before luck took a turn and they realized the compound fractured bone was dying. The foot had to be removed, so she became a below-the-knee amputee at the age of 15. 


•And I understand you have other children?  How did you all support each other?

It’s funny how many people say tragedy can either make or break a family.  In my case, my kids have always been close, but I could never have expected them to stick together and become men. 

I have four other boys- 17, 14, 9, and 5 years old.  When the accident happened my eldest was kind of a mess, and the younger ones didn’t know what had happened.  They didn’t understand why I was gone.  Since it was only 3 days before Christmas Day, my parents took them to their house but found it just wasn’t something everyone could be comfortable with.  So, my oldest called me and told me he was taking the boys home.  So, for over two months, he cooked, cleaned, and made sure they got to school and had homework done- all the while doing his high school classes and boy scouts once a week. 

The four of them stuck together and bonded, though they knew they were missing me, their dad, and their sister- they found the strength to stay together and make me proud of them.  I cannot say how much I am blown away by how they grew up. 


•It seems the romance author community has really banded together to support you.  How did the anthology happen?

Two of my best friends- sisters really, knew what happened when I messaged them the night it all happened.  I knew they felt as helpless as I felt.  It wasn’t until a few days later when we finally had an outline of the damages of what happened to my family.  It was not just a few weeks, but long-term recovery and possibly a lifetime (and at that time she still had her foot).  They reached out with an idea on how the author world could help us.  Just a post by two people and it blew up and soon over fifty authors, editors, cover artists, and PR’s were wanting to help in some way.  It all happened so fast.  Jess Buffett and April Zyon started with just an idea, and with the help of our dear friend Tracie Runge, it bloomed to be something so beyond that.  Each author who took the time to write and work on this is truly inspiring, and it is the most amazing gift.  One that I will be forever grateful for! 


•There are a lot of anthologies out there.  What makes this one special?

This is a hard one.  All stories are special and should be admired by the work that went into them.  From editing to formatting, and the exquisite covers, and the time authors take to write the story.  However, to answer the question this is special to me as it was started by two women who are my heart sisters, my very best friends.  We have known each other for years and love and cry together.  When this accident happened, they were there with me, keeping me calm when I felt like I was falling apart.  This is a work of heart and love, and I hope others feel that when they read it! 


•What difference would raising $10,000 or even $100 do for you, your family and medical expenses?

Honestly, I can’t even begin to properly explain.  Prosthetics are not always covered completely with insurance.  Plus, my daughter can use this to make her life a little easier.  My husband is also a 7th grade math teacher, and currently, he is unable to walk more than a few steps. His right arm has severe nerve damage and will need surgery again to repair it so he may be able to use it once more.  Along with that, the expense of driving to physical theory an hour one way, twice a week for one person, and once a week in the opposite direction, then doctors’ checkups which are an hour and a half away. Gas money is always needed. It’s not just the huge initial medical costs that hit, it’s the little things.

Even something as simple as being able to spoil Jordan once in a while with her favorite Starbucks drink (Green tea peach lemonade with sweetener) would make an impact on her mental health. Something just as tenuous as the physical injuries. 

From the bottom of my heart, I’d just like to thank everyone involved. Through my darkest time, I have been reminded of the goodness in the world. So thank you!


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Published on June 18, 2021 01:13

April 11, 2021

FINISHED & SUBMITTED - Hot Shot and His Doc


Hot Mess: Friends & Family 4

coming May 2021


I was a member of the city's elite SWAT Team One. I ran into danger without hesitation. I faced bad guys, busted drug dealers, and rescued hostages. I was good at my job. I was not good at relationships. I'd been burned before, both as a man and as a police officer. The last thing I wanted to do was get involved with someone. So, why couldn't I stop thinking about the sexy doctor?


I'd always been drawn to Officer David Wu, but the man wouldn't give me the time of day, until one night he did, but his offer came with conditions. No strings attached. I agreed because I couldn't deny my need to experience one night of passion in his arms. When I woke alone the next morning, I realized he had meant every word. So, why can't I stop thinking about the handsome SWAT officer?

Keeping our distance from each other seems futile when someone comes after us. Between threats, car explosions, and a growing list of people out to get us, sticking together might be the only thing keeping us alive.



"So, what seems to be the problem today?"

"Hey, Doc."

Dr. Seamore Jones glanced up from his clipboard. "David? What are you doing in here?"

I held up my arm so Skip could see the knife slash in my side. "Druggie bombed out of his skull took a swipe at me. I didn't jump out of the way fast enough."

Skip set the clipboard down on the counter and then went to the sink to wash his hands. He dried them really well and then pulled out a pair of plastic gloves before walking over to the side of the exam table.

"Can you lift your arm over your head?"

I did as the doctor suggested then sucked in a breath when Skip started probing the wound.

Skip glanced up. "My hands too cold?"


Let's go with that.

It had nothing to do with the fact that the man I'd been mooning over for the last couple of years was touching me. There was no way in hell I'd ever admit it. I didn't really do relationships, and Skip had commitment written all over him.

"Sorry about that. I'd blow on them, but then I'd have to wash them again and change my gloves."

I chuckled. "Yeah."

I tried not to react when Skip started touching my side again.

"Well," Skip said after a few moments, "I think we can get away with just a couple of stitches."

I let out a relieved breath when Skip stepped back. "Just a couple? Felt like that knife went a lot deeper."

"It's the location I suspect. You use those muscles pretty much every time you inhale. With them moving constantly, it's going to cause it to hurt every time you breathe. My suggestion is not to—"


Skip snorted. "Not to get stabbed."

"Yeah, I'll get right on that."

Skip chuckled as he shook his head. "Okay, I'm going to go get a tray ready. A nurse will be in a few minutes to numb you up."

I tilted my head. "Isn't that kind of like being stabbed?"

"It is, but if you piss Jean off, he'll make sure you need surgery and not just stitches."

That sounded lovely.


"Got it."

Skip chuckled again. "I'll be back soon."

"I'm not going anywhere." Specifically because my commander on the SWAT unit I served on, Lieutenant Salvador Delvecchio, threatened to suspend me if I didn't come in and get stitches.

He was right. I did need stitches. I had just been hoping that either Skip wouldn't be on duty or one of the other doctors would get my case.

That hadn't worked.

I did my very best to avoid Skip as much as possible, which wasn't that easy. My commander's husband was a mess and was always getting into one scrape of another. Lany had Skip on speed dial. Everyone who knew him did. It was safer that way.

He was a good guy from everything I learned about him over the last couple of years, and it was a lot. I was always listening to any tidbit I could get about the handsome doctor, which was really kind of stupid on my part since I never planned to do anything about my crush on him.

Getting romantically involved with someone just wasn't something I was willing to do. I'd been horribly burned once before and I refused to be betrayed like that again. That meant a lot of backroom hookups, but it was better than having my heart broken again.

I glanced up when the door opened and then smiled at the nurse coming in. "You must be Jean."

The nurse gave me a confused look. "I am."

"Skip told me you were coming in to numb me up."


"Oh, Dr. Jones."

"You know the doctor well?"

"I've known him a couple of years. My boss's husband has him on speed dial."

The guy squinted at me. "You mean Lany Delvecchio?"

I laughed. "I see you've heard of him."

"Everyone in the emergency room has heard of him."

I was not surprised.

"His husband must have nerves of steel."

"Yeah, pretty much," I replied. "It's why he makes such a good SWAT commander." Going to work every day was child's play compared to all the messes Lany got into. It was like going on vacation every day from nine to five.

"Dr. Jones said you're going to need a couple of stitches."

"Yeah." I lifted my arm and showed the nurse the gash in my side. "I forgot to duck when a druggie took a swipe at me."

Jean walked over and washed his hands, dried them, and then pulled on a new set of gloves. "Well, the doctor will have you stitched up and out of here in no time."

"That would be great. I still have a report to file on the stabbing."

I hated paperwork.

Jean took the syringe he'd brought in with him and leaned toward me. I winced and stiffened when he stuck the needle in my side. I didn't care who you were. That shit hurt.

"A druggie with a knife you said?"

"Yep. Fucker was stoned out of his gourd." It had taken three of us in full tactical gear to take him down, but I wasn't going to share that bit of information. That was job intel, and not for public knowledge.

"Well, Dr. Jones should be able to get you all fixed up and you can go get your paperwork done, and then I'd suggest you take it easy for the rest of the night."

That was the plan.

I wouldn't say the longer I was around Skip, the more I wanted him because I wanted him all the time. But the more time I was around him, the more my inner wanton lust seemed to make more sense and my resistance to the handsome doctor weakened.

I did not need the headache that came with getting involved with someone like Skip. I had enough things on my plate right now. Anything happening between the two of us would only lead to heartache, for me and for him.

Best just to avoid it.


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Published on April 11, 2021 00:28

April 1, 2021



Rules of the Contest:

You may enter once per day, but only once per day. Each day the contest runs from 12:01am (PST) to 11:59pm (PST). Once that day has ended, no further entries may be added for that day. You must wait for the next day to enter again.

To enter every day, you MUST comment every day, on that given day. Any entries added after the 11:59pm (PST) cutoff time will not be entered.

You MUST leave your email address in your comment or we will have no way to contact you if you win. Any comments left without an email will not be considered. Only comments left on the ManLove Fantasies BLOG will be counted. Do not leave your comment here.

Winners will be chosen on April 30th and announced on the blog.

GRAND PRIZE: Kindle Fire HD7 loaded with MM stories from all of our authors.

Just to give you something to look forward to, our grand prize is a brand new Kindle Fire HD7. Every author in our contest is contributing an eBook, which will be loaded on the Kindle before it gets shipped to the winner.

Check in with us every day to discover which new book is being added and leave a comment (and your email addy) for a chance to win our grand prize. That's MM Romances from authors you know already and some you will want to know. So, don't forget to enter each day.

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Published on April 01, 2021 04:41

RELEASE DAY: Millionaire Voir Dire


Millionaire Voir Dire 

(Silver Spoons Inc. 4)


Over the last few months, I had watched each of my bosses fall and love and start families of their own, something I wanted more than I wanted air. With one bad marriage behind me, I was terrified to try again until Dalton texted the wrong number and gave me the courage to reach for what I wanted. Now, if I could save him from a madman, I might have the chance at the happy ever after I'd been dreaming about.


One wrong number and my life was changed forever. Andrew came into my life and opened my eyes to the possibility that there was more out there than dancing on a stage. I wasn't ashamed of the fact that I was an exotic dancer. I worked hard, I wasn't breaking any laws, and I made decent money. It was just too bad someone else wanted to make money off of me and didn't ask me first. If I can't escape, the life I'd started to dream about was going to disappear, just like me.


Story Excerpt

"Damn it, Madeline, I said no." I thrust my hand through my sandy blond hair, ruffling the ends until they stood on end. "I already sent you your alimony check for this month. I am not sending another one."

I shouldn't have had to send a check in the first place. Madeline has been the one to betray our marriage vows, not me. But one sympathetic judge who bought her crocodile tears and I was stuck sending my ex-wife a fifteen-thousand dollar check every thirty days for the next eighteen months.

"I don't need much, Andrew. Twenty-thousand should do it. I know you have it."

Of course, I fucking had it. I worked for three billionaires who paid their employees very well. That didn't mean I was going to send my ex-wife one more red cent than I had to.

"I've already sent you your alimony check this month, Madeline," I explained again. The woman seriously needed to learn to live within her means. "If you've spent that—"

"Oh, it's not that at all, darling. A bunch of us are headed down to Aruba for the weekend and I need a few things for the trip."

"Maybe you should ask Darren. You remember him, don't you? The guy you were fucking in our bed while we were married? If you don't, I'd be happy to send you the pictures my private investigator took of the two of you. They are very...enlightening."

Too bad I hadn't gotten those pictures until after the divorce decree had been signed and filed with the courts. I doubted we'd be having this conversation if I had. They were very graphic—and extremely kinky—pictures. I never would have pictured my ex-wife being into bondage.

"Really, Andrew." Madeline huffed. "It's just twenty-thousand dollars. It's not like you need the money. You make that up in just a few hours working for your bosses."

"That's not the point, Madeline."

"How about fifteen thousand then?"


"I need to get my hair done, Andrew, and I need to pick up a few things for my trip. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

I shook my head in disbelief. What I and Madeline considered important were two vastly different things. I wished I'd seen the money-grubbing side of my ex-wife before I married her. Maybe I wouldn't be in this mess.

"Madeline, I am not sending you any additional money. If you can't live off of what I send you every month, I suggest you get a job." She hadn't had one the entire time we'd been married unless shopping and sleeping around were considered a business, and then she'd be the CEO.

"Andrew, I need that money!"

"Not my problem, Madeline." It hadn't been my problem since the moment the ink was dry on our divorce papers. "I think from now on, all communication between us should go through our lawyers."

I chuckled as heard Madeline's loud shriek as I hung up on her. "Damn, that felt good."

Of course, the phone immediately started ringing. I glanced at the screen and then blocked Madeline's number. She could keep calling all day long. That did not mean I had to accept the call.

I picked up the phone again and dialed my divorce attorney. I was an attorney himself, but it was never a good idea for someone to represent themselves. Besides, I had an exclusive contract with Silver Spoons Inc., and taking care of personal cases wasn't part of my job description.

I also didn't do divorce cases. I hated them. I hated being divorced, but I hated being married to Madeline even more. The novelty of being married to such a beautiful woman had worn off in the first six months of our five-year marriage.

Hell, we hadn't even been sleeping together the last three years of our marriage, and we hadn't lived together the last year.

Truthfully, I was just thankful it was over, divorce nor not. This would be a lesson I would never forget learning. Someone once said that money corrupted even the most innocent of souls, and I believed it. It destroyed marriages.

"Arnold, this is Andrew Lancaster," I said once my attorney picked up his direct line. For what I was paying him, he'd better pick up. "I just got off the phone with Madeline. She was trying to get me to send her twenty-thousand dollars. She said she needed to pick up a few things for her trip to Aruba she's taking with her friends."

"Did you get it on tape?"

I rolled my eyes. I might not be a divorce attorney, but I wasn't stupid. "Of course I did." I sat down in front of my laptop and opened up my email. "I'm sending you the audio file right now."

"I'll add them to the others."

There were a lot of them.

"I told her that any further communication between us needed to go through you and then I blocked her number."

"That's probably a good idea," Arnold replied. "You know this is going to get nasty before it's over, don't you?"

My shoulders slumped as the weight of the months since my divorce was final pushed down on me. "Yes, I know. If I thought she'd go away if I just gave her a payout, I'd do it, but she won't. She's going to keep coming back until she bleeds me dry."

That seemed to be all Madeline cared about. Money. She certainly hadn't cared about me.

"Which is why we need these recordings. Between the pictures the private investigator you hired took, the audiotapes of her demanding more money, and her documented spending habits, we're going to be able to go before the judge pretty soon and get her off your back."

I certainly hoped so. I was so ready for this to be over.

"If you need any more from the Zhukov brothers, let me know. They said they'd help me any way they could."

"We're good right now, but if that changes, I'll let you know."

"Thank you, Arnold."

"Call me if Madeline tries to contact you again."

"I will." I wanted everything documented. The next time I went before a judge over my divorce, I wasn't going to let them be hoodwinked by some crocodile tears and a pretty smile. I'd have evidence to back up my insistence that Madeline was an unfaithful, money grubby bitch.

I hung up the phone and then pushed my hand through my hair again. At this rate, I'd be bald by the end of the week. The stress was unbelievable.

I had way too much to do to deal with this right now. All three of my bosses had gotten married over the last year and one of them now had a kid. Between changing wills and creating trust funds, I'd been up to my ears in paperwork and court filings for months.

I just wanted a break for a little while.

A couple of hours.

Was that too much to ask?

I frowned when the messaging app on my phone beeped. I expected to see Madeline's number when I looked down at the screen.

I didn't recognize this number.

"Hello, gorgeous lady. How have you been? When did you move to New York?"

What the hell?


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Published on April 01, 2021 04:33

March 1, 2021

FINISHED & SUBMITTED: Millionaire Voir Dire

Millionaire Voir Dire 

(Silver Spoons Inc. 4)

coming soon!


Over the last few months, I had watched each of my bosses fall and love and start families of their own, something I wanted more than I wanted air. With one bad marriage behind me, I was terrified to try again until Dalton texted the wrong number and gave me the courage to reach for what I wanted. Now, if I could save him from a madman, I might have the chance at the happy ever after I'd been dreaming about.


One wrong number and my life was changed forever. Andrew came into my life and opened my eyes to the possibility that there was more out there than dancing on a stage. I wasn't ashamed of the fact that I was an exotic dancer. I worked hard, I wasn't breaking any laws, and I made decent money. It was just too bad someone else wanted to make money off of me and didn't ask me first. If I can't escape, the life I'd started to dream about was going to disappear, just like me.


Story Excerpt

"Damn it, Madeline, I said no." I thrust my hand through my sandy blond hair, ruffling the ends until they stood on end. "I already sent you your alimony check for this month. I am not sending another one."

I shouldn't have had to send a check in the first place. Madeline has been the one to betray our marriage vows, not me. But one sympathetic judge who bought her crocodile tears and I was stuck sending my ex-wife a fifteen-thousand dollar check every thirty days for the next eighteen months.

"I don't need much, Andrew. Twenty-thousand should do it. I know you have it."

Of course, I fucking had it. I worked for three billionaires who paid their employees very well. That didn't mean I was going to send my ex-wife one more red cent than I had to.

"I've already sent you your alimony check this month, Madeline," I explained again. The woman seriously needed to learn to live within her means. "If you've spent that—"

"Oh, it's not that at all, darling. A bunch of us are headed down to Aruba for the weekend and I need a few things for the trip."

"Maybe you should ask Darren. You remember him, don't you? The guy you were fucking in our bed while we were married? If you don't, I'd be happy to send you the pictures my private investigator took of the two of you. They are very...enlightening."

Too bad I hadn't gotten those pictures until after the divorce decree had been signed and filed with the courts. I doubted we'd be having this conversation if I had. They were very graphic—and extremely kinky—pictures. I never would have pictured my ex-wife being into bondage.

"Really, Andrew." Madeline huffed. "It's just twenty-thousand dollars. It's not like you need the money. You make that up in just a few hours working for your bosses."

"That's not the point, Madeline."

"How about fifteen thousand then?"


"I need to get my hair done, Andrew, and I need to pick up a few things for my trip. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

I shook my head in disbelief. What I and Madeline considered important were two vastly different things. I wished I'd seen the money-grubbing side of my ex-wife before I married her. Maybe I wouldn't be in this mess.

"Madeline, I am not sending you any additional money. If you can't live off of what I send you every month, I suggest you get a job." She hadn't had one the entire time we'd been married unless shopping and sleeping around were considered a business, and then she'd be the CEO.

"Andrew, I need that money!"

"Not my problem, Madeline." It hadn't been my problem since the moment the ink was dry on our divorce papers. "I think from now on, all communication between us should go through our lawyers."

I chuckled as heard Madeline's loud shriek as I hung up on her. "Damn, that felt good."

Of course, the phone immediately started ringing. I glanced at the screen and then blocked Madeline's number. She could keep calling all day long. That did not mean I had to accept the call.

I picked up the phone again and dialed my divorce attorney. I was an attorney himself, but it was never a good idea for someone to represent themselves. Besides, I had an exclusive contract with Silver Spoons Inc., and taking care of personal cases wasn't part of my job description.

I also didn't do divorce cases. I hated them. I hated being divorced, but I hated being married to Madeline even more. The novelty of being married to such a beautiful woman had worn off in the first six months of our five-year marriage.

Hell, we hadn't even been sleeping together the last three years of our marriage, and we hadn't lived together the last year.

Truthfully, I was just thankful it was over, divorce nor not. This would be a lesson I would never forget learning. Someone once said that money corrupted even the most innocent of souls, and I believed it. It destroyed marriages.

"Arnold, this is Andrew Lancaster," I said once my attorney picked up his direct line. For what I was paying him, he'd better pick up. "I just got off the phone with Madeline. She was trying to get me to send her twenty-thousand dollars. She said she needed to pick up a few things for her trip to Aruba she's taking with her friends."

"Did you get it on tape?"

I rolled my eyes. I might not be a divorce attorney, but I wasn't stupid. "Of course I did." I sat down in front of my laptop and opened up my email. "I'm sending you the audio file right now."

"I'll add them to the others."

There were a lot of them.

"I told her that any further communication between us needed to go through you and then I blocked her number."

"That's probably a good idea," Arnold replied. "You know this is going to get nasty before it's over, don't you?"

My shoulders slumped as the weight of the months since my divorce was final pushed down on me. "Yes, I know. If I thought she'd go away if I just gave her a payout, I'd do it, but she won't. She's going to keep coming back until she bleeds me dry."

That seemed to be all Madeline cared about. Money. She certainly hadn't cared about me.

"Which is why we need these recordings. Between the pictures the private investigator you hired took, the audiotapes of her demanding more money, and her documented spending habits, we're going to be able to go before the judge pretty soon and get her off your back."

I certainly hoped so. I was so ready for this to be over.

"If you need any more from the Zhukov brothers, let me know. They said they'd help me any way they could."

"We're good right now, but if that changes, I'll let you know."

"Thank you, Arnold."

"Call me if Madeline tries to contact you again."

"I will." I wanted everything documented. The next time I went before a judge over my divorce, I wasn't going to let them be hoodwinked by some crocodile tears and a pretty smile. I'd have evidence to back up my insistence that Madeline was an unfaithful, money grubby bitch.

I hung up the phone and then pushed my hand through my hair again. At this rate, I'd be bald by the end of the week. The stress was unbelievable.

I had way too much to do to deal with this right now. All three of my bosses had gotten married over the last year and one of them now had a kid. Between changing wills and creating trust funds, I'd been up to my ears in paperwork and court filings for months.

I just wanted a break for a little while.

A couple of hours.

Was that too much to ask?

I frowned when the messaging app on my phone beeped. I expected to see Madeline's number when I looked down at the screen.

I didn't recognize this number.

"Hello, gorgeous lady. How have you been? When did you move to New York?"

What the hell?


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Published on March 01, 2021 04:43

February 12, 2021

RELEASE DAY: Beauty and His Guardian

The bad guys are behind bars so why does psychic Jynx K'Vada feel like his life is one big whirlwind? He's found his mate. He should be happy. He just can't seem the shake the feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. When trouble comes looking, Jynx will have to dig deep and find a strength he never knew he had if he wants to survive.

All Bay wants to do is protect his mate and protect his king. That's not so easy when people seem to be coming out of the woodwork to kill them. Bombings, assassination attempts, kidnappings. Bay doesn't know who he can trust.

When a ghost from the past comes for them, Bay and Jynx will have to work together to keep their king, and themselves, alive long enough to solve a mystery decades in the making. And if they are lucky, they might fall in love somewhere along the way.

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Published on February 12, 2021 00:10


Southern Heat (King's Command 3) is on sale for $.99 as a Time Machine discount at BookStrand!

Diego de la Vega is quite pleased with the king’s command to mate the dragon leader, Xavier Rodriquez. The man’s strength and bravery in battle were legendary, as were the scars that marred his massive body. But there is a vast distance between admiration and love, and despite Diego’s efforts, he’s not sure the two of them can find a middle ground.
Xavier Rodriquez is a man used to the rigors of battle and being alone to lick his wounds. Experience has taught him that the scars littering his body would disgust even the most indiscriminant of lovers. When Diego says he sees them as symbols of valor, Xavier is skeptical, growing even moreso when Diego’s gorgeous ex-lover appears, claiming to want Diego back.
Trust is not an easy thing and neither is accepting a mate with all their faults. Stubbornness and the need to protect their hearts might be more dangerous to their mating than the mysterious foe bent on stealing their territory, and maybe even their lives. 


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Warned away from Robby six months ago, Wren tried to let things take their natural course. When Robby arrives home after being missing for hours, Wren loses the tight grip he had on his control. What follows is a wild ride that neither of them have any desire to stop.

When the dust settles, Wren is overjoyed that Robby is finally his. But someone else thinks that Robby belongs to them and they will do anything, including threaten Robby’s family, to keep Wren and Robby apart. The marine motto is "When everyone runs from danger, marines run towards it," and Wren has every intention of facing the danger head-on. He just has to keep Robby alive long enough to discover who is after him and why.

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Published on February 12, 2021 00:09

February 6, 2021


Farmer in the Dell (Cade Creek 2) is on sale for $.99 as a Time Machine discount at BookStrand!

Mitchell Walker never wanted anything other than the simple life of a farmer—until he met Elliot Foster, and then his dreams changed. Elliot seemed to want the same thing until the day he disappeared without a word. Two years later, Elliot is back and Mitch has to decide if he’s willing to put his heart on the line again for a man that is afraid to commit.
Elliot Foster found heaven in the arms of a farmer. Family obligations tore him away and put him in hell. When the devil himself seems to have it out for Elliot, he does the only thing he can to protect himself and his family—he runs into the arms of the one man that means more to him than his own happiness.
But the devil has a long reach. When Elliot’s stepfather comes for him, will the men of Cade Creek be able to stop a man who believes he’s above the law or will Elliot pay the ultimate price for loving the Farmer in the Dell?

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Published on February 06, 2021 02:12

February 4, 2021

NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER - Beauty and His Guardian

The bad guys are behind bars so why does psychic Jynx K'Vada feel like his life is one big whirlwind? He's found his mate. He should be happy. He just can't seem the shake the feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. When trouble comes looking, Jynx will have to dig deep and find a strength he never knew he had if he wants to survive.

All Bay wants to do is protect his mate and protect his king. That's not so easy when people seem to be coming out of the woodwork to kill them. Bombings, assassination attempts, kidnappings. Bay doesn't know who he can trust.

When a ghost from the past comes for them, Bay and Jynx will have to work together to keep their king, and themselves, alive long enough to solve a mystery decades in the making. And if they are lucky, they might fall in love somewhere along the way.

Beauty and His Guardian (Saturian Trilogy 2) now available for pre-order!

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Published on February 04, 2021 17:00


 Just A Vampire (Tribal Bonds 1) is on sale for $.99 as a Time Machine discount at BookStrand!

Electus Luca Ucathya has waited hundreds of years to find his anamchara, his soul mate. Rowan Connelly is not what he expected. For one, the man doesn't have a submissive bone in his body. Even worse, Rowan is a wolf, one of the most dangerous and hated enemies of a vampire. But giving Rowan up isn't an option.

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Published on February 04, 2021 16:50