My memoir Almost American Girl came out on January 28th. I was...

My memoir Almost American Girl came out on January 28th. I was lucky enough to do several book signings before coronavirus blew up. Thank you so much everyone who has connected with me, letting me know that my book has resonated with you. It really means a lot to me. Here are my answers to three of the most asked questions from the audiences. This is a tough time for everyone but my heart really goes out to all the small businesses. My mom owned a hair salon throughout my childhood in Korea and I know how hard one must work to run a business of their own. I worry about their family and their employees. Please help them any way you can. Thank you for reading and stay safe!

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Published on March 25, 2020 12:40
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message 1: by Mikayla (new)

Mikayla I love your book!

message 2: by Mikayla (new)

Mikayla 안녕하세요!

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Robin Ha
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