Corrupted SufFusion is now available!

The 6th book in the Magical Fusion series, Corrupted SufFusion, is now available on eBook, paperback, and hardcover!

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The 7th book in the series, Corps InterFusion, will be out by the end of the year on December 27th!

The elimination of a Calamity isn’tas beneficial as one might think…

After the frightening experience involved in closing thenorthwestern Calamity and rescuing his friend, Larek and his companionsdiscover that not everyone is happy about what they accomplished.  Forces behind the scenes have made lifedifficult for the “conquering heroes”, so much so that they are forced toquickly flee the area while they continue their search for Norde. 

Unfortunately, once they arrive near the southeasternCalamity where Nedira’s younger brother is supposed to be, they encounter asituation that could lead to the downfall of the region, the Kingdom, andperhaps even the entire world.  Larek’sunique skills are able to solve some the more immediate problems, though thisis only a temporary fix.  A morewidespread solution is needed to save as many people as possible; a solutionwhich the Factions and the SIC have failed to provide, but Larek believes mightbe achievable with the help of his Fusions.

At the same time, the powerful Fusionist also discoverssomething about Corrupted Aetheric Force that could be the key to success.  In other words, the gradual suffusion ofCorruption throughout the world might not be the disaster he once thought, butinstead a boon upon which could lead to the survival of everyone….

This weak-to-strong MC story contains LitRPG elementssuch as character progression and statistics, as well as a heavy craftingemphasis. No explicit sexual content or harems.

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Published on September 25, 2024 06:00
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